No country owns the geographic North Pole or the region of the Arctic Ocean surrounding it. Today, Arctic cultures such as the Inuit and Sami have access to high-quality building materials and sophisticated structural engineering plans. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. Oil in ANWRThe Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), situated on Alaskas northeastern coast, is the largest protected wilderness in the United States. No trees grow on the tundra because a layer of frozen soil beneath the top layer of soil, called permafrost, prevents them from taking root. Developed for the U.S. Navy by Lockheed . Spectacular icebergs, sprawling tundra, living cultures, fascinating history and wildlife you . Without sea ice, polar bears cannot catch enough seals to survive their annual winter fast. Primary consumers such as jellies and shrimp consume plankton, the basis of the Arctic marine food web. Barren lands, icebergs and a unique flora and fauna have been attracting more and more tourists to Arctic regions over the last decades. Salekhard (51,186) in Russia is the only city in the world located directly on the Arctic Circle.[9]. The Arctic is the northernmost region of the Earth, Biology, Ecology, Geography, Human Geography, Physical Geography. His study explains in a straightforward language the rules governing the division and protection of the Arctic and the disputes that remain unsolved. For example, Arctic warming could lead to a weakened jet stream resulting in more persistent weather patterns in the mid-latitudes. The Arctic Circle is a line of latitude that circles the globe at approximately 6633 North of the equator. The Arctic experiences the extremes of solar radiation. The climates of polar lands vary greatly depending on their latitude, proximity of the sea, elevation, and topography, but, even so, they all share certain "polar" characteristics.Owing to the high latitudes, solar energy is limited to the summer months. Because open water has a much lower albedo than ice,. In the spring, the ice begins to melt back toward the North Pole. Arctic sea ice strongly modulates near-surface conditions at high latitudes, which then influences regional and, potentially, remote climate. The climate north of the Arctic Circle is generally cold, but the coastal areas of Norway have a generally mild climate as a result of the Gulf Stream, which makes the ports of northern Norway and northwest Russia ice-free all year long. Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps. They are preyed on by the snowy owl, Arctic fox, Grizzly bear, and Arctic wolf. Currents carry sea ice south, however, as it breaks up. While each of these Arctic regions have their own distinct charms, the Arctic as a whole offers adventurers a unique polar experience. The birds (ptarmigan) and mammals (lemmings, hares, foxes, wolves, muskoxen, polar bears, and humans) there exhibit a number of traits that allow them to survive the cold, dark winter: thick, fluffy fur or feathers that turn white in winter and brown in summer offer camouflage that insulates them from the cold; hibernating to conserve energy; and strategies for finding shelter in the snow. [5] Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. On 2 August 2007, two Russian bathyscaphes, MIR-1 and MIR-2, for the first time in history descended to the Arctic seabed beneath the North Pole and placed there a Russian flag made of rust-proof titanium alloy. [33], The Russian Federation is also claiming a large swath of seabed along the Lomonosov Ridge but, unlike Denmark, confined its claim to its side of the Arctic. Some frozen features, such as glaciers and icebergs, are frozen freshwater. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"f8K3IVPOX3gFKEjN1eB803_KgG7G0HVirAujFlU1s8U-86400-0"}; Secondary consumers include fish, seabirds (such as gulls and puffins), and a wide variety of baleen whales, including giant blue whales and bowhead whales. While the cities below are quite cold, most still have a milder climate than anyplace north of the Arctic Circle in North America. The Arctic lies north of 70 latitude, marked by the tree line of the Subarctic. View full lesson: can you tell the two poles apart? There are thinner, less long-lived permafrost layers beneath the northern forests of Asia, Europe, and North America and in high mountain ranges. The tourism industry could also benefit from shrinking sea ice. The Arctic Circle is a circle of latitude that runs 663345.9 north of the Equator. However, some Arctic nations are claiming territory on their continental shelves, not just their coastlines. In the summer, the Arctic ice cap melts toward the pole. Like the polar bear, many other animals of the Arctic are white: beluga whales, snowy owls, juvenile harp seals. International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "The American Heritage Dictionary entry: arctic", "Organisms that thrive in Arctic sea ice. The primary residents of the Arctic include the Eskimos (Inuits), Saami and Russians, with an overall population (of all peoples) exceeding 2 million. Radford College Virtual Geography Department. In the coldest parts of the Arctic, much of the ground is bare; non-vascular plants such as lichens and mosses predominate, along with a few scattered grasses and forbs (like the Arctic poppy). The Arctic Circle, incidentally, is an imaginary line located at 66, 30'N latitude, and as a guide defines the southernmost part of the Arctic. [CDATA[ Inuit bands in Canada and Greenland, for example, engineered snow housesmore commonly known as igloos. An example of a dwarf shrub is the bearberry. The melting of Greenland's ice sheet is linked to polar amplification. In theory, areas north of the Arctic Circle have at least one day without daylight in the . See answer (1) Best Answer. It breaks into large chunks of ice called icebergs and fleets of icebergs float in the open ocean. Successful groups include skates, herrings, salmons . Few cultural groups occupy the Arctic: the Inuit live across the circumpolar region from northern Siberia throughout Greenland; the Aleuts and Yu'pik live on the coast and islands of southwestern Alaska; and six major Saami groups live in the northern reaches of Scandinavia and western Russia. On the day of the northern summer solstice (around June 22 each year) an observer on the Arctic Circle will see the Sun above the horizon for a full 24 hours. Temperatures rarely rise above freezing. The Polar Silk Road. People have debated since the 1970s about whether to develop this pristine area, but Congress has not given any approval to drill or mine there. | All rights reserved. Definitions of the Arctic. ." The historically nomadic Sami (an indigenous people of Scandinavia and northwestern Russia) also built temporary tent-like structures, called lavvu. Over time, the Inuit have migrated throughout the Arctic regions of Eastern Russia, the United States, Canada, and Greenland.[21]. [49], Apart from concerns regarding the detrimental effects of warming in the Arctic, some potential opportunities have gained attention. There are no permanent settlements above 78 north latitude. (Glaciers are flowing masses of ice, created by years of snowfal, Ice is the solid state of water . Insects and insect larvae provide a crucial diet for birds, such as wrens and sandpipers, and freshwater fish. [18] Supported by genetic testing, evidence shows that descendants of the Dorset culture, known as the Sadlermiut, survived in Aivilik, Southampton and Coats Islands, until the beginning of the 20th century.[19]. The position of the Arctic Circle is not fixed and currently runs 663349.2 north of the Equator. In addition to being defined as 66.5N of the equator, the specific border of the Arctic region is defined as the area in which average July temperatures follow the 50 F (10 C) isotherm. The climate within the Circle is very cold and much of the area is always covered with ice. In fall, when the sea ice reforms and the ground freezes solid, most of the birds and animals fly, swim, or walk south while the permanent arctic residents stock up for the long, dark, cold winter. The Arctic ice cap helps to regulate Earth's temperature by reflecting sunlight. The Antarctic Circle is at 66 degrees 32 minutes S latitude. Housing or other shelter, for example, poses unusual challenges for Arctic peoples. The region north of the Arctic Circle is simply called the Arctic. The Arctic Circle lies parallel to the Equator, and is approximately 66.5* north of the Equator. By 1300 CE, the Inuit, present-day Arctic inhabitants and descendants of Thule culture, had settled in west Greenland, and moved into east Greenland over the following century (Inughuit, Kalaallit and Tunumiit are modern Greenlandic Inuit groups descended from Thule). [4] Its latitude depends on the Earth's axial tilt, which fluctuates within a margin of more than 2 over a 41,000-year period, owing to tidal forces resulting from the orbit of the Moon. The extent of sea ice in the Arctic is shrinking. Most of the region is found within the Arctic Circle and above the edge of the coniferous forestslatitude 60N in Canada and Siberia and latitude 70N in the other countries. Coastal Arctic climates are moderated by oceanic influences, having generally warmer temperatures and heavier snowfalls than the colder and drier interior areas. For example, summer temperatures in Norilsk, Russia will sometimes reach as high as 30C (86F), while the winter temperatures frequently fall below 50C (58F). [34], Canada claims the Northwest Passage as part of its internal waters belonging to Canada, while the United States and most maritime nations[35] regards it as an international strait, which means that foreign vessels have right of transit passage. [23] Arctic shipping is subject to some regulatory control through the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters, adopted by the International Maritime Organization on 1 January 2017 and applies to all ships in Arctic waters over 500 tonnes. High winds often stir up snow, creating the illusion of continuous snowfall. These deep-water shipping lanes also allow for larger, heavier ships than the Panama Canal, which would increase trade and profit even further. The largest communities north of the Arctic Circle are situated in Russia, Norway, and Sweden: Murmansk (population 295,374) and Norilsk (178,018) in Russia; Troms (75,638) in Norway, Vorkuta (58,133) in Russia, Bod (52,357), and Harstad (24,703) in Norway; and Kiruna, Sweden (22,841). The Arctic Ocean is a hub of globally significant, intersecting economic and environmental activity and interest. Russia, Greenland, Denmark, and Canada, for instance, all claim the Lomonosov Ridge. The Arctic Circle, incidentally, is an imaginary line located at 66, 30'N latitude, and as a guide defines the southernmost part of the Arctic. Rovaniemi (62,667) in Finland is the largest settlement in the immediate vicinity of the Arctic Circle, lying 6km (4mi) south of the line. The Arctic Circle is a circle of latitude encompassing the northernmost pole of the Earth and is located at approximately 663345.6 north of the Equator. Fish, whales, and other ocean species travel north to feed and mate in nutrient-rich open waters along the Arctic coastlines. Arctic Council Established by the Ottawa Declaration in 1996, the Arctic Council is the preeminent intergovernmental forum for addressing issues related to the Arctic Region. The Arctic circle, meanwhile, begins at about 66.5 degrees north. The melting of the ice is making the Northwest Passage, the shipping routes through the northernmost latitudes, more navigable, raising the possibility that the Arctic region will become a prime trade route. There are also many birds and marine species endemic to the colder regions. gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Sea ice makes up most of the Arctic ice cap. What and where is the Arctic Circle? Trees cannot grow in the Arctic, but in its warmest parts, shrubs are common and can reach 2m (6ft 7in) in height; sedges, mosses and lichens can form thick layers. [38], The Arctic has climate change rates that are amongst the highest in the world. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. 5. 10. Another example is with the bioaccumulation of PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyls) in Arctic wildlife and people. They have all developed smart, innovative ways to adapt to the unique challenges posed by the regions severe climate. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Many people think that the Arctic Region is only Nunavut, the Yukon and Northwest Territories when really, the Arctic is everything that is north of the 60 N parallel (latitude) . Birds nest on the tundra. 27 Oct. 2022 . The Arctic (/rtk/ or /rktk/)[1][Note 1] is a polar region located at the northernmost part of Earth. The Arctic at the crossroads of geopolitical interests // Russian Politics and Law, 2012. In the summer months (further south), 24 hours of sunlight a day melts the seas and topsoil, and is the main cause of icebergs breaking off from the frozen north and floating south, causing havoc in the shipping lanes of the north Atlantic. Polar Night begins in Murmansk", Terra Incognita: Exploration of the Canadian Arctic, Temporal Epoch Calculations 2006 by James Q. Jacobs, Chief Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Effects of global warming on marine mammals,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 September 2022, at 20:10. [29], Foreign ministers and other officials representing Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark, Norway, Russia, and the United States met in Ilulissat, Greenland on 28 May 2008 at the Arctic Ocean Conference and announced the Ilulissat Declaration,[30][31] blocking any "new comprehensive international legal regime to govern the Arctic Ocean," and pledging "the orderly settlement of any possible overlapping claims. . "Global Security, Climate Change, and the Arctic", Konyshev, Valery & Sergunin, Alexander: The Arctic at the Crossroads of Geopolitical Interests, Kpyl, Juha & Mikkola, Harri: The Global Arctic: The Growing Arctic Interests of Russia, China, the United States and the European Union, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Konyshev, Valery & Sergunin, Alexander. Tertiary consumers, animals that prey mostly on other carnivores, include toothed whales and dolphins (such as orcas and narwhals) and pinnipeds such as seals, sea lions, and walruses. How? The geographical area covers 1,75 million km of which about 75% is located in Russia. A country can explore and exploit all resources within its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. A ring of continental land masses and large islands surrounds the ice-covered Arctic Ocean over the North Pole. The dashed lines mark 60 latitude. Experts estimate that shipping time may be cut by 40% if the Northwest and Northeast passages were ice-free all year. By international law, the North Pole, and the region of Arctic Ocean surrounding it, do not belong to any country. Climate change has disproportionately impacted the region, resulting in rising ocean temperatures and continued loss of summer sea ice. Balmy ArcticThe Arctic is mostly an ocean surrounded by land. River mouths, calving glaciers, and constantly moving ocean currents contribute to a vibrant marine ecosystem in the Arctic. //]]>. In total, permafrost underlies about one-quarter of the land surface in the Northern Hemisphere. This fluctuation is present because of tidal forces resulting from the orbit of the moon. Directly on the Arctic Circle these events occur, in principle, exactly once per year: at the June and December solstices, respectively. Read aloud the statements to the class and ask them to mark True or False. Arctic Circle Latitude. The permanent covering of ice over its large area is called the Arctic ice cap. The ice is constantly moving, making it nearly impossible to establish a permanent community. Terrestrial EcosystemsThe varied landscapes of the Arctic provide for a variety of ecosystems. Strong winds sweep away snow and dry the soil. [10] The area north of the Circle is about 20,000,000km2 (7,700,000sqmi) and covers roughly 4% of Earth's surface.[11]. Permafrost beneath the tundra in the sub-arctic zone is hundreds of feet (meters) thick and has been frozen for thousands of years. The enhanced warming results in a massive loss in . View the the globe with topography from the North Pole and other orientations. Marine mammals include seals, walrus, and several species of cetaceanbaleen whales and also narwhals, orcas, and belugas. Organic nutrients are thus recycled into the marine ecosystem of the Arctic. The council operates on consensus basis, mostly dealing with environmental treaties and not addressing boundary or resource disputes. However, glacial ice covers many of the Arctic islands, including the almost continent-sized island of Greenland. Permafrost is a problem for the engineers who build roads, buildings, and pipelines in the tundra. This albedo means about 80% of sunlight that strikes sea ice is reflected back to space. This frozen seawater is called sea ice. Copy. The Arctic Circle is at 66 degrees 32 minutes N latitude. (Warmth from Iceland's volcanoes melts ice and supports grasslands). Because that temperature difference provides the main fuel for the polar jet stream (a river of strong wind at levels where jet aircraft fly), the predominantly west winds of the jet stream weaken. People in the ArcticIndigenous CulturesPeople established communities and cultures in the Arctic thousands of years ago, and continue to thrive today. When the AO is strongly negative, a . Shifting sea ice made the trip hazardous; it took about three years, and required a relatively small ship (a converted fishing vessel). 50, No. The region encircling the North Pole is called the Arctic Circle, an invisible circle of latitude (imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator) at 6633' North. The tundra has only a few year-round residents. The Polar Regions are defined by the Antarctic and Arctic Circles. Riddle of the Ice: A Scientific Adventure into theArctic. Upon ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a country has ten years to make claims to an extended continental shelf beyond its 200 nautical mile zone. It reaches from Nunivak Island, Alaska, northward and across the polar region to Newfoundland and Norway in the northern Atlantic. Life in the Arctic includes zooplankton and phytoplankton, fish and marine mammals, birds, land animals, plants and human societies. U*X*L Encyclopedia of Water Science. Arms, Myron. Facts on Indigenous Peoples. Most recently a group of stars at the Rio Earth Summit, on 21 June 2012, proposed protecting the Arctic, similar to the Antarctic protection. Starting at the prime meridian and heading eastwards, the Arctic Circle passes through: Northern Polar Circle Globe on Vikingen island marking the Arctic Circle in Norway, Arctic Circle sign by the Inland Line railway, Sweden, The white borderline of the Arctic Circle at the Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, Finland, Arctic Circle sign in the Republic of Karelia, Russia, Arctic Circle sign by the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia, A sign in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia, Arctic Circle marker on island of Grmsey in Iceland, This article is about one of the five major circles of latitude. The arctic region of Europe (including W Russia) benefits from . From the Beagle Channel to the Drake Passage, embark as early explorers did, looking for icebergs, seabirds and whales along the way to the South Shetland Islands. Mines and drilling operations are often dependent on the weather. The sun rises again during the March equinox, and increases the light and heat reaching the Arctic. (rain, snow, and any other form of water) each year. "New patrol ships will reassert northern sovereignty: PM". The Arctic is one of Alaska's most remote and diverse regions, filled with cultural opportunities, unique wildlife, and a landscape ranging from the Arctic coastline to broad stretches of tundra to the dramatic peaks of the Brooks Range.Vast areas of the Arctic are protected as national parks and wildlife refuges, including Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve and Arctic National . Bering Sea - Bathymetry, currents, Islands, Habitats. Antarctic Latitudes. Arctic life is characterized by adaptation to short growing seasons with long periods of sunlight, and cold, dark, snow-covered winter conditions. One common definition is the Arctic Circle, the parallel of latitude located at 66.33N. This obviously implies that all lines of longtude (0 - 180 degrees) pass through it. There is no single correct definition of the region as the southern boundary varies. Changing Climate in the Arctic Climate change is radically redefining the geography, biodiversity, and political units of the Arctic. The position of the Arctic Circle is not fixed and currently runs 663349.1 north of the Equator. The plight of polar bears, for example, has become a symbol of global warming in the Arctic due to the cascading impacts of sea ice loss. Nunavut, Canadas largest territory, stretches far into the central Canadian Arctic. There have been many proposals to preserve the Arctic over the years. Water, both frozen and liquid, plays a vital role in arctic and subarctic environments. The Arctic is the northernmost region of Earth. The Arctic consists of the Arctic Ocean, adjacent seas, and parts of Canada ( Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut ), Denmark ( Greenland ), Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia ( Murmansk, Siberia, Nenets Okrug, Novaya Zemlya ), Sweden and the United States ( Alaska ). Climate of the Arctic. [3] Arctic land is bordered by the subarctic. Wiki User. . Introduction to Biomes by Susan L. Woodward. (accessed on August 17, 2004). North Pacific Ocean - Bathymetry, currents, Islands. The members of the Arctic Council include the eight Arctic States (Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Russian Federation, and the United States). Latitude: 6732'N. Kirovsk is a town in Murmansk Oblast, Russia, located at the spurs of the Khibiny Massif on the shores of the . Marine animals thrive in the Arctic. "[22][32], As of 2012, the Kingdom of Denmark is claiming the continental shelf based on the Lomonosov Ridge between Greenland and over the North Pole to the northern limit of the Russian EEZ. It is also the least salty, due to low evaporation and huge influxes of freshwater from rivers and glaciers. Population Centres in the North. Potential methane release from the region, especially through the thawing of permafrost and methane clathrates, is also a concern. The Arctic includes copious natural resources (oil, gas, minerals, fresh water, fish and, if the subarctic is included, forest) to which modern technology and the economic opening up of Russia have given significant new opportunities. [10], Due to the poleward migration of the planet's isotherms (about 56km (35mi) per decade during the past 30 years as a consequence of global warming), the Arctic region (as defined by tree line and temperature) is currently shrinking. The Arctic Council is not a treaty-based [] The population is a mix of Caucasians and several major groups of indigenous peoples who have lived on north polar lands for centuries. A Naturalist's Guide to the Arctic. Primary consumers across the region range from tiny lemmings to enormous muskoxen. Everything north of this circle is known as the Arctic and the zone just to the south of this circle is the Northern . In particular, there are concerns that Arctic shrinkage, a consequence of melting glaciers and other ice in Greenland, could soon contribute to a substantial rise in sea levels worldwide. [36], Since 1937, the larger portion of the Asian-side Arctic region has been extensively explored by Soviet and Russian crewed drifting ice stations. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Krupnik, Igor, Michael A. Lang, and Scott E. Miller, eds. [51], In addition, it is believed that the Arctic seabed may contain substantial oil fields which may become accessible if the ice covering them melts. Although its exact position is not fixed, the Arctic Circle was located at 663347.6 north of the Equator in April 2019. In fact, the glaciers and icebergs in the Arctic make up about 20% of Earths supply of freshwater. Icebreakers are most often powered by nuclear fuel, but can also run on gas and steam. Distribute the student worksheet The Arctic Region. The interest of the tourism industry is also on the increase. Other Circumpolar North indigenous peoples include the Chukchi, Evenks, Iupiat, Khanty, Koryaks, Nenets, Sami, Yukaghir, Gwich'in, and Yupik. "Russia stakes its claim on North Pole in underwater search for oil". Russia's Arctic ambitions have attracted increasing attention in the West over the past decade as climate change opens up new opportunities in the region for navigation and exploration of its riches. Actually, the Arctic Circle does not enclose all the Arctic regions. The tundra comes to life in late spring when the pack ice begins to retreat and the permafrost thaws. In Alaska, many oil companies work with indigenous groups known as native corporations to drill and export millions of barrels of oil every year. The Northwest Passage was not completely navigated until 1906, when legendary Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen and his crew made the voyage from Greenland to Alaska. Today, the Arctic region is a central point of interest to scientists because of its . Chief Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, Effects of global warming on marine mammals, List of countries where Arabic is an official language, Lower Gangetic Plains moist deciduous forests, Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt pineoak forests,, Articles with dead external links from June 2016, Articles with dead external links from July 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from July 2014, All articles needing additional references, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Pages using Sister project links with default search, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. The Arctic is comparatively clean, although there are certain ecologically difficult localized pollution problems that present a serious threat to people's health living around these pollution sources. ", "Inaugural Article: Tipping elements in the Earth's climate system", "Permafrost collapse is accelerating carbon release", "Abrupt Climate Change Focus Of U.S. National Laboratories", "Scientists shocked by Arctic permafrost thawing 70 years sooner than predicted", "Shrub expansion in tundra ecosystems: dynamics, impacts and research priorities", "Will ice melt open fabled Northwest Passage? This system, in turn is the source region for cold storms that can reach Japan, South Korea, and parts of China. Russian explorers navigated the Northern Sea Route of the Northeast Passage and the Siberian Arctic, eventually crossing the Bering Strait in the 1600s. [5] Consequently, the Arctic Circle is currently drifting northwards at a speed of about 14.5m (48ft) per year. Of the two polar areas, the Arctic is more diverse. Arctic ice cools warm ocean currents and generates cold deep ocean water. Yenikeyeff, S. M. and Fenton Krysiek, Timothy (August 2007). Another definition of the Arctic, which is popular with ecologists, is the region in the Northern Hemisphere where the average temperature for the warmest month (July) is below 10C (50F); the northernmost tree line roughly follows the isotherm at the boundary of this region. Many Arctic animals even change their coloration seasonally. "Arctic and Subarctic Regions [15], The earliest inhabitants of North America's central and eastern Arctic are referred to as the Arctic small tool tradition (AST) and existed c. 2500 BCE. The initial focus of the campaign will be a UN resolution creating a global sanctuary around the pole, and a ban on oil drilling and unsustainable fishing in the Arctic. The largest such community in Canada is Iqaluit in Nunavut, with about 8,000 people living there. Extractive activities are allowed in the refuge, as long as the U.S. Congress approves. What countries are in the Arctic region and where is the Arctic North Wolves, foxes, eagles, and humans hunt the plains. The Arctic consists of the Arctic Ocean, adjacent seas, and parts of Canada (Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut), Danish Realm (Greenland), Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia (Murmansk, Siberia, Nenets Okrug, Novaya Zemlya), Sweden and the United States (Alaska).
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