However, they were intercepted by an Imperial Star Destroyer, which deployed TIE fighters. [47] [3] Tarre eventually became a Jedi Knight. The New Mandalorian government was highly opposed to the idea, wishing to maintain its neutral status instead of becoming a military target in the war, and Kryze journeyed to Coruscant aboard her private starship with Senator Merrik and a retinue of other sympathetic senatorsalong with an escort comprised of Kenobi, his former Padawan Anakin Skywalker, and a detail of clone troopersto plead the case before the Senate that the Death Watch was a rogue element, and did not speak for the whole of Mandalore's population. While Hera hugged the now-blinded Kanan, Sabine and the other rebels remained silent. The now-extinct jai'galaar had a significant influence on Mandalorian traditions,[4] inspiring the emblems of the Clan Vizsla and the Death Watch Mandalorian faction,[20] and the memory of mythosaur lived on in the mythosaur skull emblem,[4] one of the traditional symbols of Mandalorian iconography.[21]. Height As the rebels made their way back to the Ghost, Chava told them that she and her companion were searching for the legendary Lasat planet of Lira San, which was rumored to be a safe refuge for the Lasat species. Sabine and Kanan followed Maul and Ezra to Dathomir in the shuttle Phantom II. Wren, Orrelios, and Bridger provide food for the people of Tarkintown. After defeating Maul and killing his brother Savage Opress, Sidious takes him to a Separatist prison, where Count Dooku tortures him for information about the Shadow Collective. There, the leaders of the clans looked to Fett as Mand'alor, to determine whether or not the Mandalorians were going to get involved in the escalating war, and which side they would fight for if they did. Upon arriving in the Seelos system, Syndulla and Chopper stayed behind on the Ghost to repair the ship, while the others approached Tano's friend with the Phantom in the desert below. Days after a special session in the Galactic Senate, once he had seen a recording of Maul's training sessions, Darth Plagueis agreed to Sidious' proposition. When fighting multiple opponents, Maul extended the second blade of his lightsaber to form a saberstaff, displaying superb skill with the weapon. While Jarrus, Bridger, and Chopper departed on the Phantom for Lothal, Wren, Syndulla and Orrelios remained to help the fleet's command ship. In secret, he had been delving into a Sith holocron he had obtained on Malachor. As they got out of the sinking vessel, Syndulla picked them up and went to reunite with the fleet.[20]. [29], Maul was also capable of unleashing a powerful Force scream that he could control to a remarkable degree, as shown by how he just barely managed to keep himself from letting out a roar after accidentally cutting himself in the barracks at the Orsis Academy;[17] almost two decades later, he let out a roar across the canyons moments after his reconstruction, and he also used Force Scream against Ventress and Kenobi. Maul slaughtered all the Vigos in order: Whee Tillatch, Mother Dean, a Narees, Dardo, a Devaronian, Nep Chung, and a Twi'lek. [40], During the ensuing battle, Maul personally captured Boss Ganne[40] and used the Force to manipulate Ganne (by thought suggestion) into opening the Gates of Rellias, the only obstacle preventing Federation forces from accessing the Rellias channel. With the two Twi'leks incapacitated, Sabine and Zeb bound them with restraints. The rebels and Saw put aside their differences to repel a boarding party of Jumptroopers that had been dispatched by Captain Brunson's light cruiser. Prior to the sacking of the Jedi Temple[1] [60] Neither Talzin nor Maul believed Dooku would sincerely ally with them, and simply wanted to ensure he could be taken to Dathomir. After escaping from them, Maul makes Ezra one final offer to become his apprentice, and leaves him behind to try and rescue his friends after he refuses. Mandalore sector[1] Sensing truth in Monchar's words, Maul prepared to kill him. When no Gungan bodies rose to the surface after the resulting explosions, the droid commander dispatched drone submersibles to scout the lake, which confirmed that the Gungan capital city (with its high Rep Council led by the high ruler Boss Rugor Nass) had been virtually abandoned; clearly, word of the invasion and fall of Rellias had quickly spread to the underwater capital, and it was evacuated. [16], After Kenobi managed to infiltrate the palace and liberate Satine, the newly augmented Mandalorian super commandos under Maul chased the two of them all the way to their ailing ship Twilight, which Kenobi had borrowed from Anakin Skywalker. A sympathetic Kanan then told her that the Empire ruled through fear and that her family were in a prison of their own making. Under Mandalore the Vindicated, the Mandalorians would continue to be the well-paid, but cautious allies of the Sith.[29]. He was pursued by a huge spydr, but managed to yank it off the ceiling with its own sprayed web strand and dropped the creature into the abyss. Sidious then tossed Maul's lightsaber aside and told Maul that he had failed, and revealed that he had been secretly training another apprentice to replace Maul the entire time. As the pilot droid attempted to leave, Onyo saved Wren and helped her aboard the Caster. Kenobi assisted Bo-Katan in the battle, and then left in order to return to the Republic and inform the Galactic Senate of the situation on Mandalore. Sabine and her team later took part in a mission to Naraka to rescue the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka, whom they had previously encountered at Nixus Hub 218. Instead, she dedicated herself to helping Clan Wren to reunite the Mandalorians. While studying the sensor charts, Sabine discovered that they could not offload cargo from the Imperial cargo ship the normal way since it was sitting above a vortex. Instead, they would grow weaker and experience a slow decline that would span thousands of years until only their history, their code, and a single male Mandalorian remained. Finding a female pilot still in the main complex, the Mandalorians managed to subdue her and give her the information to pass on to her superiors. [11], Wren with her twin WESTAR-35 blaster pistols, While Wren was a skilled fighter, she was initially unable to match the Force powers and experience of Kanan Jarrus at the start of her training. Jarrus implored Wren not to kill Rau; she only told him to trust her, as she and Rau held steady in a standoff. He also revealed to Dooku that he knew the Sith Lord was not an ally, and that Sidious had ordered his apprentice to feign allegiance with Maul. [9][10] Gregg Berger, Clint Bajakian, Jess Harnell, Stephen Stanton, and Lee Tockar have also voiced him in other appearances in less prominent capacities. However, the mission proved to be a disaster, and Dala was captured by the Imperials. [51] After the Siege of Mandalore and the Imperial occupation that followed the end of the Clone Wars, Gar Saxon led the planet as Viceroy for the Empire until his death in 2 BBY. [50][23][34], Three examples of Mandalorian armor: Crusader, Neo-Crusaders, and Death Watch, The thing most often associated with the Mandalorians was their armor. Bo-Katan Kryze was a Mandalorian human female born into House Kryze. This brought them into conflict with the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano and the astromech droid R2-D2, with the latter managing to convince the Death Watch's droids to rebel against their masters. [70], Mand'alor Boba Fett, as of the year 40 ABY, Ten years after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Mandalore was still recovering from the damage dealt by the vengeful Vong. They began attacking both Republic and Sith worlds, demanding tribute from them as they continued to raid and loot as they pleased, but it wasn't until they were finally stopped by task forces from the Empire and the Republic when they assaulted the Allusis, besiging and fighting through Varad's clan warriors, Tech Commandos, Fire Commandos, Shield Commandos, and killing their champions such as Braxx the Bloodhound and his war-beasts, Battle Team Royal, and Gil. He first appeared in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (portrayed by Ray Park and voiced by Peter Serafinowicz) as a powerful Sith Lord and Darth Sidious' first apprentice. Obi-Wan said he would take the body and burn it in the Dune Sea; Owen told Kenobi that Luke would be safer if Kenobi never returned. Immigrated species Maul was hit in the first two strikes, but managed to evade the next two; then, Deenine spun and threw the staff at Maul, hitting him in the face. These Mandalorians attacked the doctor's laboratory moments later, during which the doctor's assistant was killed, and Jaing mortally wounded by a thermal detonator. Sabine's desire to atone for her past wrongs led her to lead a joint Mandalorian-rebel mission to destroy the weapon. [26][27], With the 2012 acquisition of Lucasfilm by The Walt Disney Company, most of the licensed Star Wars novels and comics produced since the original 1977 film Star Wars were rebranded as Star Wars Legends and declared non-canon to the franchise in April 2014.[28][29][30]. Luke recognizes the disruption that Maul's existence is causing in the Force, and shuts down the life-support systems keeping the brain alive. By the time Fett made his own return to the planet, drilling had already commenced under site foreman Herik Vorad, and samples were being taken. One day McCaig was trying to make "Sith Lord versions" of the art department crew, and drew David Dozoretz, head of the animations group, with a circuit board on his face. Once inside, they made it to the command center, where Wren ordered to restart a control panel, but the droid instead jump-started the whole stationunwittingly making their presence be detected by the nearby Relentless. Taun We informed Fett that Ko Sai had fallen victim to Kal Skirata and the Null ARCs during the Clone Wars, information that fit well with Mirta's tip that the clone she'd encountered bore the clan name "Skirata". [9][21], While contemplating why Sidious had acted rather calmly to the report of his failed mission, Maul suddenly understood that, despite his failure, the Jedi were to bring Queen Amidala here, back to Coruscant; she would try to persuade the Senate to help liberate her planet. us. He found Monchar under an alias, but found no debit transactions, which wasn't surprising to Maul. Dark Horse Comics produced Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir based on the scripts and storyboards of an unproduced four-episode story arc intended for the seventh season of The Clone Wars. [17][25] Neither Duro or Eres III would fare much better in the face of the continuing Mandalorian onslaught. [9][40] Using the Force, Kenobi leaped out of the shaft and summoned the lightsaber to his hand. He would have been considerably adept at Soresu and Shien, displaying the ability to skillfully defect and/or redirect incoming blasterfire with ease, whether with a saberstaff or a single lightsaber. After seeing Sabine in the presence of the Jedi rebels, Ursa was about to imprison her daughter. Sabine and the other rebels then fled Imperial forces into a network of underground caves with the help of a pack of loth-wolves. [11], Despite defeating the Imperial defenders, Sabine was dismayed to discover that her father Alrich had already been evacuated. Sabine and Kanan watch the rebels erecting the fence. In her vision, Kreia revealed that following their defeat in the Mandalorian Wars at the hands of Revan, the Mandalorians would never wage another crusading war of conquest. Male[1] Working the crowds with whispers of "Mandalore" that grew into thunderous cheers, and drugging his opponents into submission, the Empire ensured that their chosen warrior would win every bout until the title of Mand'alor was thrust upon him. In this role, he began to institute a cultural reform that many had been calling for since the Ithullan genocide nearly a century and a half earlier,[1] eventually laying out a new guideline for Mandalorian behavior known as the Supercommando Codex. Vizsla had a great disdain for the fallen Galactic Empire and anyone affiliated with it due to the Empire's role in the Great Purge of Mandalore Kallus then appeared and opened the blast door. However, the Defender was pursued by three TIE Interceptors. [61], As they spoke, a Jedi-led Republic assault team attacked the supply outpost. [83], Ezra and Maul managed to escape the cave. Murrtaggh offered a large amount of credits in order to enlist the Mandalorians' help in assaulting the camp of the mysterious Dark Lord of the Sith known as the Dark Underlord. Flora Pre Vizsla's Death Watch allied with Count Dooku and the Separatists. Then, Sidious revealed having felt a disturbance in the Force coming from an unknown planet in the Outer Rim. Gibad, a world that had been aligned with the Separatists prior to the Clone Wars' end, had refused to accept the new Empire. Unable to escape, Wren had Chopper overload the hauler's hyperdrive and then go to the Caster to prepare to disengage the docking tube on her signal. Maul answered that this lightsaber would give him more options in offense and defense. Sidious struck his lightsaber down on Maul, but without killing him since it had only been a training lightsaber. As Dooku predicted, Maul contacted Mother Talzin after leaving Zanbar, calling out to her through the Force for guidance. Tree of Te Ani'la[10] By the same token, Boba Fett and all the Mandalorian characters in Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novels' audio adaptations are given approximate New Zealand accents by reader Marc Thompson. On one supply run to deliver power generators, Sabine and Captain Syndulla were at the helm of the Ghost. He added that Sidious should hold the assassin back, so that he may feed on his anger and hate. [54] Wren promptly worked to repair their ship's damaged engines but only had it ready when All Terrain Armored Transports closed in on them, where they could shut the Phantom down, forcing them to stay a bit longer and to enter the oncoming sandstorm inside the AT-TE. Angered that he had been deceived, Maul cut down two of the Bartokksall the while disposing of their living severed limbsand trapped the one with the vocabulator in the pulley's chain, hanging him over the toxic pool. He ignites his new double-bladed lightsaber and engages Obi-Wan in a duel, but Obi-Wan again bests him in combat, cutting off his opponent's horns. Syndulla congratulates Wren and Onyo for their efforts in helping the rebellion. Six-legged apparatus[9] (c. 32 BBY20 BBY)[10]Two cybernetic legs (20 BBY) The Jedi answered the Mandalorians' challenge, striking back at the blockade, but the Mandalorian cruisers overwhelmingly crushed the Jedi forces and would continue to choke the Republic until a large undertaking of smugglers led by Hylo Visz managed to finally break the blockade and deliver goods to Coruscant. The Mandaloriansknown in Mando'a as the Mando'ade, or "Children of Mandalore"were a nomadic group of clan-based people consisting of members from multiple species, all bound by a common culture. [14], In the later years of the war Death Watch once again attempted to conquer Mandalore. Using the gliders, the Spectres managed to land at the Imperial Complex's south entrance garbage chute. After unleashing a series of fast strikes and acrobatic maneuvers, Starkiller ended the duel with a single strike through the droid's chest. After being crippled in the last Great Hunt, Tarro Blood would forsake any sense of honor to achieve victory in the Great Hunt during the Cold War, sabotaging his rivals at any chance he could. The idea was vetoed by Lucasfilm Ltd., however.[77]. With Caedus and Tahiri's escape, the Mandalorians finished their work and returned to Mandalore following a brief discussion between Admiral Daala and Fett on the nature of galactic politics and the involvement of Force-user therein. [9][21][44], At dawn the following day, after tending to his pirate-injured leg, Maul encountered a band of at least thirty gaderffi stick-bearing Tusken Raiders who managed to to lure him from the Scimitar with the tracks that their banthas left behind, disguising their numbers by single-file impressions. [65], In space, Sabine and her rebel comrades were reunited with Ezra, who revealed that he had managed to establish a bond with the Purrgil King. Maul demanded that Magneta give him the location of the Gungan cities affiliated with Veruna's plasma survey preparations. [100], Wren's colorful personalized Mandalorian armor, A free-spirited young woman with an artistic flair,[4] Sabine Wren was driven by a desire to express herself artistically, and a fundamental distaste for following instructions she disagreed with. Maul faces Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi on Naboo. Accompanied by Syndulla and Tano, they managed to locate Janard's transport on the aquatic planet of Quila. In order to ensure that Mandalore wouldn't share that same end, the Mandalorians of Clan Skirataalready holding Doctor Uthan for her assistance in reversing the rapid-aging of the clones who'd deserted to Mandalore and become a part of the clandeveloped an immunogen for the virus, communicable by airborne transmission, and which with the Mand'alor's permission, they spread throughout Keldabe and eventually across Mandalore.[9]. The Darksaber was an ancient and unique black-bladed lightsaber created by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order, prior to 1032 BBY. [34] Upon instituting these changes, any of the Mandalorians in their society who refused the reform and insisted upon carrying on their warrior ways, were banished to Mandalore's moon, Concordia. See this article's talk page for more information. Sabine was happy to test her speeder's engine. Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Fighter: 403: 3: LEGO Ebay: 75237: TIE Fighter Attack: 77: 2: [97], Sabine had to repair her relationship with her mother after her mistakes, Ursa Wren was Sabine's mother and the matriarch of Clan Wren. Though well trained in the ways of the Sith and a Sith assassin rather than a full apprentice, Maul was technically a violation of the Rule of Two because his own Master was at the time apprenticed to another, the Muun Sith Lord Darth Plagueis. As a result, Sabine realized that if the Daughter opened the "Gateway," the Son was the key to closing the portal. Darth Maul, also known simply as Maul, is a character in the Star Wars franchise. When the Ghost finally arrived, Sabine and her fellow rebels jumped onto the hull of the ship. [34] While many of the warrior clans scattered, out of the ashes rose the New Mandalorian faction. Sabine powered up the transmitter while Ezra fought and killed Seevor. Duran Gorr was a Mandalorian Commander of considerable reputation. [25], Grarkh had been supplying the Yinchorri with weapons that included cortosis shields from a secret Bal'demnic company through Sidious' machinations. Wearing distinctive armor that was often made from Beskar, they were feared throughout the galaxy, and had political influence over two thousand other star systems. Ezra gave Sabine his green lightsaber, which she used to save her mother from being killed by Saxon, who was wielding the Darksaber. Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy. [18] Her armor's breastplate had a starbird painted on it; the legendary creature, which represented her own free spirit and desire to liberate the galaxy from the Empire, had become her symbol[17] and trademark. Maul triggered the second blade of his lightsaber and ignited it through Manka's back, finishing the Jedi off. Originally a tribal leader on Dathomir, Opress was handpicked by the Despite her ideological differences with her family, Sabine still respected her parents and her brother Tristan. [74], Upon exiting the lift, Sabine and Ezra opened fire on several stormtroopers. After a lengthy discussion, Fett decided upon a compromise: while Mandalore took no official position in the war, individuals who wished to sell their services as private mercenaries were free to fight for whichever side they desired. Meanwhile, DT-F16 alerted the ship's commander, who jettisoned the escape pods to prevent the rebels and civilians from escaping. [44] As punishment for Sabine's actions, her father Alrich was made a hostage of Clan Saxon on Mandalore to ensure his family's compliance.[23]. Ray Park returned to physically portray Maul through motion-capture for the duel scene. In the third season, Maul takes the Ghost's crew hostage and threatens to kill them unless Kanan and Ezra bring both the Sith and Jedi holocrons to him. Sabine managed to reach the top and escape a krykna that was lurking at the bottom of the pit. Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded.
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