25 March (Friday) THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD / LADY DAY Christian (Anglican / Roman Catholic). 13 June (Monday) PENTECOST Christian (OrthodoxChurches). A celebration of the holiness of Mary as the chosen bearer of Jesus. Matzah (unleavened bread) is eaten throughout the festival. Diwali Festival of Lights (November 12th, 2023) . Fao - Navrongo People and chiefs observe fao from the Navrongo in the upper eastern region of the country. 1 March (Tuesday)THE PROPHET'S NIGHT JOURNEY and ASCENT / LAILAT UL ISRA WA-L-MIRAJ Muslim. Ati-Atihan Festival - Aklan (Feast of Santo Nio) This is known as 'The Mother of All Philippine Festivals' since it's around 800 years old. The traditional greeting is Eid Mubarak a happy and blessedEid. A Japanese festival when the spirits of the departed are welcomed back home with feasting and dancing. Some fast during the daytime in preparation. Shabbat . It symbolises the spiritual victory of light over darkness and of knowledge over ignorance. No food or drink may be consumed during the hours of fasting, and those fasting must also abstain from smoking and from sexual relations. They witnessed him in conversation with Moses and Elijah, and heard a voice saying, This is my own dear Son with whom I am pleased listen to him. Jashn-e Tirgan is an ancient summer festival, celebrated some three months after the spring NoRuz. Honen (1133-1212 CE) is one of the outstanding figures in the history of Japanese Buddhism, and was the founder of Jodo Shinshu, one of the schools of Pure Land Buddhism. November 11: World Origami Day, Remembrance Day, Veterans Day, National Sundae Day November 12: Chicken Soup for the Soul Day, World Pneumonia Day November 13: Sadie Hawkins Day, World Kindness Day November 14: Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day, National American Teddy Bear Day, World Diabetes Day, National Spicy Guacamole Day, National Pickle Day Traditional New Years Day festival in Thailand. 23March (Wednesday) AVA MAH PARAB (ABAN JASHAN) Zoroastrian (Shahenshahi - Parsi). Preparation for Ramadan through intense prayer. There are also some great contemporary events throughout the year, including music festivals, sand sculptures, gay pride events, and more. 22September (Thursday) AUTUMN EQUINOX (MABON) Wiccan, Pagan Holiday survey data is powered by TOP Agency. On this day, Eastern Orthodox Christians commemorate the passing of Mary, Mother of Christ, in the presence of the Apostles. Celebration of the resurrection of Christ. It is marked by afflicting the soul expressed through a total fast 25 hours long. 29 September (Thursday) MICHAELMAS National, * Sept/Oct HARVEST FESTIVAL Christian (Western, Anglican and Free Churches)[Dates vary widely], 1 October (Saturday) JASHN-E MEHERGAN (or MIHR JASHAN) Zoroastrian (Iranian). In 1680 Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru, introduced this festival at Anandpur in Punjab, India, on the day after the Hindu Holi. 2 March(Wednesday) - 15 April (Friday) LENT Christian (Western Churches). This marks the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad through the heavens to the presence of God, when the command that Muslims should pray five times a day was given to the Prophet. 3 September (Saturday) FRAVARDIN MAH PARAB Zoroastrian (Shahenshahi; Parsi). 27 January (Thursday) HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY National. Some countries consider this day as Fathers Day. Sunni observance is a recognition of Moses fasting in gratitude to Allah/God for liberation from oppression. Culture/religion: Pagan/Wiccan Date: October 31-November 1. Religious commemorations enable families and loved ones to gather in celebration of a common ideal. Marks the autumn equinox. In the UK some temple congregations carry this out on a smaller scale. 16August (Tuesday) NAVROZE / NO RUZ Zoroastrian (Shenshai-Parsi), 18/19 August (Thursday/ Friday) JANMASHTAMI / KRISHNA JAYANTI Hindu. In the Anglican communion he is associated with missionary activity. This festival commemorates the occasion when Jesus went up a mountain with three of his disciples, Peter, James and John, who saw his face change and his clothes become dazzling white. A further three candles are lit on subsequent Sundays, culminating with the Christmas candle on the 25th December. Ava is the guardian/protector of the waters, and is associated with fertility. The patron saint of Ireland, who lived in Britain in the 4th century CE, became a priest and set out to evangelise the Irish. Girls and married women in families of a north Indian background tie a rakhi (amulet) on the right wrists of their brothers, wishing them protection from evil influences of various kinds. Interfaith celebration of the created earth. 29May (Sunday) ANNIVERSARY OF THE ASCENSION OF BAHAULLAH Bahai. 14 April (Thursday) MAUNDY THURSDAY Christian (Western Churches). The eight candle Menorah is lighted. For Hindus this is a New Year festival lasting from one to five days, during which fireworks are set off and lights are hung out. We celebrate all types of festivals throughout the year. 1 May (Sunday) BELTAINE/MAY DAYWiccan / Pagan. Christian celebration of the arrival of Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. 13April (Wednesday) VAISAKHI/BAISAKHI Sikh. 18 October (Tuesday) SIMCHAT TORAH Jewish. This is a feast in honor of the institution of the Eucharist during the Last Supper. 14 April (Thursday) MAHAVIRJAYANTI (599 BCE) Jain. Anniversary of the martyrdom of the Bab, the forerunner of Bahaullah, in 1850. Pentecost,named after the Jewish festival when the disciples of Jesus first proclaimed the Gospel after the gift of the Holy Spirit, is seen as the birthday of the Church. Permission to reproduce the information below should be sought from Shap. This period corresponds to around late November or late December in the Gregorian calendar. Novena to the Saints in Heaven for the Saints on Earth, Fourth Grade Catechism FREE Online Classes, Prayer to Saint Joseph for Success in Work, Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua, Performer of Miracles, Prayer to the Holy Spirit #2 - Prayer of St. Augustine, Prayer for Protection against Storms and Floods, 5 Simple Children's Prayers Your Kid Will Love To Learn. The Orthodox Christian commemoration of the death and burial of the Virgin Mary. Phone: 407.646.2000, Title IX Policies 10 July (Sunday) ANNIVERSARY OF THE MARTYRDOM OF THE BAB - 1850 - Bahai. The holiest day of the Jewish year is observed with strict fasting and ceremonial repentance. It is a prelude to All Saints Day. New clothes are worn and gifts and prayers offered at the Fire Temple to seek blessings from Ahura Mazda, and to participate in a jashan or thanksgiving ceremony, followed by dancing and making merry. 23May (Monday) ZARATOSHT NO DISO Zoroastrian (Shahenshahi; Parsi) [26 December (Tuesday) (Iranian)]. The reading moves from the last words of Deuteronomy to the first ones of Genesis. 8 November (Saturday) BIRTHDAY OF GURU NANAK (1469 CE) Sikh. 3 February (Thursday) SETSUBUN/BEAN SCATTERING Japanese. Observance and Dietary Restriction Festival of the . In the temples Krishna is welcomed with singing, dancing and sweets. 23 April (Saturday) ST GEORGES DAY National. Please indicate your consent to this sites use of cookies. It is a festival of light, coinciding with the darkest night of the lunar month. Hindu commemoration of the birth of Krishna the 8th incarnation of the god Vishnu who took the form of Krishna to destroy the evil king Kansa. Peru. Nag Panchami is a Hindu festival that features serpents worshiping. Lughnasadh, otherwise called Lammas, is the time of the corn harvest, when Pagans reap those things they have sown and when they celebrate the fruits of the mystery of Nature. 26 May (Thursday) ASCENSION DAY (40th day after Easter) Christian (Western Churches). January 9 - Roman Catholics will celebrate The Baptism of. Muslims all over the world sacrifice an animal if they can afford it. 17 March (Thursday) ST PATRICKS DAY Christian / National. A Christian day of recognition for the Cross on which Jesus was crucified as a central symbol of the Christian religion. Sacred readings, prayers, hymns, meals together. The festival takes place generally between the months of September and November and is widely celebrated in Eastern India. The annual reading of the Torah is completed on this day. 4 June (Saturday) CHOKOR (also CHO KOR DU CHEN) Buddhist. 5 January (Wednesday) BIRTHDAY OF GURU GOBIND SINGH (1666 CE) (Bakrami Lunar Calendar) Sikh. If you have already donated, we sincerely thank you. Considered a national holiday in most of the Muslim-majority countries of the world, if employees ask for time off, try to accommodate their wishes. The Festival of New American Music is a nine-day long event that spotlights new classical musi. As earthen diyas are lit and pujas are held to celebrate this homecoming of the Lord, the religious significance of the festival is not lost on anyone. Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! A Christian celebration of the birth of the Virgin Mary. Heathens celebrate Yule for twelve nights and days, starting the evening before the Winter Solstice (called Mothers night), when they think of their female ancestors and spiritual protectors. Every nation has its own festivals and celebrations based on its history or cultural identity but being part of the Muslim faith also gives other . Faith Communities Forum of the Inter Faith Network for the UK, Resources for youth inter faith engagement, Shap Working Party on World Religions in Education. December Each section of this Middle Ages website addresses all topics and provides interesting facts and information about these great people and events in bygone Medieval times including Religious . There are 12 months in the Hindu calendar, with the new year falling between mid-March and mid-April on the Western calendar. 8 November (Tuesday) SHICHI-GO-SAN (Seven-Five-Three) Japanese. Europe is extremely rich in festivals and holidays, be them Christian, pagan or non-religious. Christian remembrance of a person who, in the 4th century, was a martyr and became an ideal of martial valor and selflessness. 1,250 enlightened disciples came to the Bamboo Grove on the full moon of Magha. A celebration widely observed throughout the UK, and especially in Scotland, where bagpipes, haggis and first footing are widespread. This can be found here. Hymns of Guru Tegh Bahadur were later added to form the present Guru Granth Sahib. Paryushana means to stay in one place, which signifies a time of reflection and repentance. religious festivals in each of the most commonly followed religions in the UK - please . It is one of the most tourist-friendly and famous religious festivals in India. 2 November (Wednesday) ALL SOULS DAY Christian. This day celebrates the doctrine, held mainly by Roman Catholics, that Mary herself was born free from Original Sin, leaving her sinless for the conception and bearing of Jesus. Christian: 2 November: Anniversary of the Crowning of Haile Selassie: Rastafarianism Celebrates the visit of the magi/wise men to the infant Jesus, bearing symbolic gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. It is named after the Jewish festival day on which this event happened. Tel: +44 (0)20 7730 0410 Email: ifnet@interfaith.org.uk A day to honour Joseph, who, along with Mary, was responsible for Jesus upbringing. Daily CatholicAll Saints Day [holy day of obligation]Daily Reading for 11/01/2022Prayer of the Day: Litany of the SaintsSaint of the Day: St. Valentine Berrio-Ochoa, more Daily CatholicThe Commemoration of All Faithful Departed (All Souls)Daily Reading for 11/02/2022Prayer of the Day: Daily Prayer For The Holy SoulsSaint of the Day: St. Victorinus of Pettau, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/03/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer to St. Martin de PorresSaint of the Day: St. Martin de Porres, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/04/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer to St. Dymphna - PerseveranceSaint of the Day: St. Charles Borromeo, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/05/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer to Saint Michael for Powerful AidSaint of the Day: St. Elizabeth, more Daily CatholicHomilyDaily Reading for 11/06/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer for a Sick PersonSaint of the Day: St. Leonard, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/07/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer for Holy WeekSaint of the Day: St. Achillas, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/08/2022Prayer of the Day: Take me from the darkSaint of the Day: St. Castorius, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/09/2022Prayer of the Day: Evening PrayersSaint of the Day: St. Benignus, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/10/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer to Saint Joseph for Success in WorkSaint of the Day: St. Leo the Great, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/11/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer for Deceased VeteransSaint of the Day: St. Martin of Tours, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/12/2022Prayer of the Day: Wedding Anniversary PrayerSaint of the Day: St. Josaphat of Polotsk, more Daily CatholicHomilyDaily Reading for 11/13/2022Prayer of the Day: A Prayer for the Faithful DepartedSaint of the Day: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/14/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer for Our EnemiesSaint of the Day: St. Lawrence O'Toole, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/15/2022Prayer of the Day: To the Holy SpiritSaint of the Day: St. Albert the Great, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/16/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer for LifeSaint of the Day: St. Margaret of Scotland, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/17/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua, Performer of MiraclesSaint of the Day: St. Elizabeth of Hungary, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/18/2022Prayer of the Day: Bless Me, Heavenly Father.Saint of the Day: St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/19/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer to the Holy Spirit #2 - Prayer of St. AugustineSaint of the Day: St. Nerses the Great, more Daily CatholicHomilyDaily Reading for 11/20/2022Prayer of the Day: Act of AdorationSaint of the Day: St. Edmund Rich, more Daily CatholicFeast of Our Lord Jesus Chirst the KingDaily Reading for 11/21/2022Prayer of the Day: Act of Consecration to the Holy SpiritSaint of the Day: St. Gelasius, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/22/2022Prayer of the Day: St. Gertrude's Guardian Angel PrayerSaint of the Day: St. Cecilia, more Daily CatholicDaily Reading for 11/23/2022Prayer of the Day: Prayer of an Expectant MotherSaint of the Day: Bl. The last day of the Rains Retreat (the Vassa) is known as Pavarana Day or Leaving the Vassa. Registered in England. Celebrates the circumcision and naming of Jesus in accordance with Jewish custom. 3443823. Theravadins celebrate Buddhas birth, enlightenment and passing away later in the year, at the full moon in May. This is more popularly known as Mothers Day. Containers of water are thrown as a symbol of washing away all that is evil. Islamic commemoration of the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, founder of Islam, in about 570 c.e. Thisinformation has been compiled by theShap Working Party on World Religions in Education, and is used with permission.
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