C. High level instruction. Each 20,000 digit module of memory took just under one second to clear. Lower runtime performance since a clients request or a response to client must go through potentially several layers. One of these was developed by Bob Richardson,[28][29] a programmer at Rice University, the FLAG (FORTRAN Load-and-Go) compiler. (B) Access time. Also the verbs "begintransaction" and "endtransaction" were included, solving the deadlock situation when multiple processes accessed and updated the same structures. (D) Cache memory Answer: C, 35. (C) Address bus In computer science, control flow (or flow of control) is the order in which individual statements, instructions or function calls of an imperative program are executed or evaluated. After a database is defined using the Data Access and Structure Definition Language (DASDL), the schema is translated by the preprocessor into tailored DMALGOL access routines and then compiled. Answer: A, 71 The instructions which copy information from one location to another either in the processors internal register set or in the external main memory are called (3) f ragments of memory words used in a page c. symbolic microprogram d. binary microprogram The computer could now punch cards. Computer Architecture, Data, Communication and Applications. C. more than one memory in the system This "mainframe" chip (named SCAMP for Single-Chip A-series Mainframe Processor) sat on an Intel-based plug-in PC board. The control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs the operation of the processor. This meant transmit field immediate (the 16: two-digit op-codes) to address 00010 the immediate constant field having the value 00000 (five-digit operand fields, the second being from address 11 back to 7), decrementing source and destination addresses until such time as a digit with a "flag" was copied. (D) integers If we had invoked the procedure p as a coroutine, or a process instruction, the D[3] environment would have become a separate D[3]-based stack. EVENTs also allow for mutual exclusion synchronization through the PROCURE and LIBERATE functions. B. a 16-bit register in the microprocessor Cache memory works on the principle of_____. A. too slow B. unreliable Answer: B, 85 The memory unit that communicates directly with the CPU is called the All instructions occupied 12 consecutive digits of memory, and were required to start at an even address so that the two-digit opcode could be read in one 12-bit physical word. A common (perhaps apocryphal) story within Burroughs at the time suggested it came from "No Executive Washroom Privileges." (1) has greater capacity than RAM C. the branch address is obtained from a register in the processor so it is very rare to find a procedure nested more than five levels deep, and it could be argued that such programs would be poorly structured. (A) on the property of locality of reference The lower layer provides more specific functionality such as I/O services, transaction, scheduling, security services, etc. (A) Locality of data In virtual machine architecture, the master uses the same subservice from the slave and performs functions such as split work, call slaves, and combine results. This perceived slowness, along with an antique floating-point model with 16 registers only, has encouraged the proliferation of many other calling conventions. (C) Occurs when a program accesses a page not currently in main memory. The ALGOL dialect chosen for the B5000 was Elliott ALGOL, first designed and implemented by C. A. R. Hoare on an Elliott 503. (C) register mode. In the end they didn't bother. (B) has higher speed (A) I/O devices. A 1980 study by Henry Shapiro cited by Roberts found that using only the Pascal-provided control structures, the correct solution was given by only 20% of the subjects, while no subject wrote incorrect code for this problem if allowed to write a return from the middle of a loop.[2]. This runs a procedure as an independent task which can continue on after the originating process terminates. Based on the instruction, the engine updates the virtual machines internal state and the above process is repeated. Answer: C, 82 Which of the following are not a machine instructions The machine operates on an infinite memory tape divided into discrete cells, each of which can hold a single symbol drawn In computers, subtraction is generally carried out by ______. A stack hardware optimization is the provision of D (or "display") registers. For instance, given a large array A(100,100) of mostly-zero values, a sparse array representation that was declared as SA(100,0) could have each row resized to have exactly enough elements to hold only the non-zero values of A along that row. "I always thought it was one of the most innovative examples of combined hardware/software design I've seen, and far ahead of its time. The response may go back to the layer i +1 if the task is completed; otherwise layer i continually invokes services from layer i -1 below. (A) the branch address is assigned to a fixed location in memory. Srpskohrvatski / , Loop Exits and Structured Programming: Reopening the Debate, "What is a loop and how we can use them? Answer: A, 151. Around 1990, these systems migrated to MIPS RISC architecture but continued to support execution of stack machine binaries by object code translation or direct emulation. It also stopped automatically when memory was cleared, instead of requiring the operator to stop it. Then each word of cache memory shall be c. Read only memory d. Random access memory C. Half mode D. Simplex mode (C) Counters to keep track of last accessed instruction. (C) Turn around time Non-Process Runout This rocker with the punch hopper empty, "ranout" remaining cards from the punch mechanism. (D) data flow diagram. At the level of machine language or assembly language, control flow instructions usually work by altering the program counter. The same computer was also used to simulate the orbits of the Gemini flights, producing printer-art charts of each orbit. Answer: C, 30 A-Flip Flop can be converted into T-Flip Flop by using additional logic circuit Users can throw exceptions of their own; in fact C++ allows users to throw and catch almost any type, including basic types like int, whereas other languages like Java aren't as permissive. d) program status word Early computers did not have enough memory to store the source code, so compilers (and even assemblers) usually needed to read the source code more than once. The average time required to reach a storage location in memory and obtain its contents is called the _____. D. Memory instruction. Thus in two dimensions, a ragged array would have rows that were of different sizes. Answer: C, 142. Cache memory works on the principle of PL/I has some 22 standard conditions (e.g., ZERODIVIDE SUBSCRIPTRANGE ENDFILE) which can be raised and which can be intercepted by: ON condition action; Programmers can also define and use their own named conditions. However, such subroutines do not need to return that value to r14they merely need to load that value into r15, the program counter, to return. (C) indirect. (Even "privileged users", who normally have essentially root privilege, may be unable to do this depending on the configuration chosen by the site.) Write Address button/light This (Master only) key controls writing sector addresses. Hauck, E.A., Dent, Ben A. (C) END. The most important improvement is that eight registers are now available for argument passing; It also increases the number of floating-point registers to 32. This (spoof) linguistic innovation lives up to all expectations. C. has lower cell density D. needs refreshing circuitry (D) DMA. The third and largest line, the B8500,[1][2] had no commercial success. In computers, subtraction is carried out generally by Modified versions of the 1620 were used as the CPU of the IBM 1710 and IBM 1720 Industrial Process Control Systems (making it the first digital computer considered reliable enough for real-time process control of factory equipment).[1]. Answer: B, 48. B) memory Answer: A, 105. Logic X-OR operation of (4ACO)H& (B53F)H results _____. Applications that have clear divisions between core services, critical services, and user interface services, etc. dgesv_ from a C or C++ program, but I did not explain what the dgesv meant as well as its arguments. Here is an example of how programs map to the stack structure. In computers, subtraction is generally carried out by A. SISD B. SIMD For example, in C: The language ALGOL 60 allowed both whole numbers and identifiers as labels (both linked by colons to the following statement), but few if any other ALGOL variants allowed whole numbers. c. program counter d. stack (B) the time it takes for the read-write head to move into position over the appropriate track Module light This light shows the drive number. (A) cache memory. The Hewlett-Packard designers of the HP 3000 business system had used a B5500 and were greatly impressed by its hardware and software; they aimed to build a 16-bit minicomputer with similar software. exitwhen is used to specify the events which may occur within xxx, COMEFROM was implemented in one esoteric programming language named INTERCAL. There are three parts that make up a grain - the bran, the germ and the endosperm. Ans c, 167. The terminology for subroutines varies; they may alternatively be known as routines, procedures, functions (especially if they return results) or methods (especially if they belong to classes or type classes). The most defining aspect of the B5000 is that it is a stack machine as treated above. In other words, they were composable. There was no need to do SYSGENs on Burroughs systems as with competing systems in order to preconfigure memory partitions in which to run tasks. ACM (1961). Logic gates with a set of input and outputs is arrangement of (4) a type of memory used in super computers A. Boolean values B. whole numbers C. two input are low D. all input are high A stack is "Flow diagrams, turing machines and languages with only two formation rules", Kosaraju, S. Rao. CPU does not perform the operation This is automatically set with the use of the JAL (jump and link) or JALR (jump and link register) instructions. In computers, subtraction is carried out generally by____. Ans C, 178. Translation from symbolic program into Binary is done in_____. C. MIMD D. MISD Answer: C, 29. (1) Cache (2) Registers One of the developers says that this stood for "Computer with ADvanced Economic Technology", however others recall it as simply being one half of "SPACE - CADET", where SPACE was the internal code name of the IBM 1401 machine, also then under development. "1963: On May 6, the IBM 1443 printer, for use with the IBM 1620 data processing system, makes its debut. This made the "trick" somewhat less than useful for any practical application. (B) 850. (B) the interrupting source supplies the branch information to the processor through an interrupt vector. Administrators never need to write DMALGOL themselves. The normal invocation invokes a procedure in the normal way any language invokes a routine, by suspending the calling routine until the invoked procedure returns. (C) Important number Call LAPACK directly from C using the LAPACKE C Interface. A. [6], For 64-bit, the N64 ABI (not related to Nintendo 64) by Silicon Graphics is most commonly used. Normal user-level programs obtain database access by using code written in application languages, mainly ALGOL and COBOL, extended with database instructions and transaction processing directives. v0 to v7: Argument values passed to and results returned from a subroutine. (B) Logic circuit (D) Memory address Register 90% This enables tailoring far beyond what can be done by preprocessing facilities which lack loops. Subroutine calls, jumps, and branches. (C) Bit-operation These are registers that point to the start of each called stack frame. SIMD represents an organization that ______________. C. unconditional transfer appropriate track The machine had the following "gates" in its basic configuration: There were two different types of core memory used in the 1620: The address decoding logic of the Main memory also used two planes of 100 pulse transformer cores per module to generate the X-Y Line half-current pulses. When using a count-controlled loop to search through a table, it might be desirable to stop searching as soon as the required item is found. (B) serial register. Watt notes that in contrast to status flags testing, exceptions have the opposite default behavior, causing the program to terminate unless the programmer explicitly deals with the exception in some way, possibly by adding explicit code to ignore it. Conditional statements can be and often are nested inside other conditional statements. Answer: B, 12. Declaring a savearea statically in the called routine makes it, Registers 2 and 3 are used for parameter passing and return values, Registers 4 and 5 are also used for parameter passing, Register 6 is used for parameter passing, and must be saved and restored by the callee, Registers 7 through 13 are for use by the callee, and must be saved and restored by them, Register 14 is used for the return address, Floating-point registers 0 and 2 are used for parameter passing and return values, Floating-point registers 4 and 6 are for use by the callee, and must be saved and restored by them, In z/Architecture, floating-point registers 1, 3, 5, and 7 through 15 are for use by the callee, Access register 0 is reserved for system use, Access registers 1 through 15 are for use by the callee, a6 is the frame pointer, which can be disabled by a compiler option, Parameters are pushed onto the stack, from right to left, This page was last edited on 4 November 2022, at 22:53. (B) generates the control signals to execute a microinstruction. Executing a set of statements only if some condition is met (choice - i.e., Executing a set of statements zero or more times, until some condition is met (i.e., loop - the same as, Executing a set of distant statements, after which the flow of control usually returns (, Stopping the program, preventing any further execution (unconditional halt). Implemented by using component-based technology which makes the system much easier to allow for plug-and-play of new components. FORTRAN was not expected to support recursion and perhaps one stumbling block to people's understanding of how ALGOL was to be implemented was how to implement recursion. The balance of the Upper console was the same on both models: The Model I console typewriter was a modified Model B1, interfaced by a set of relays, and it typed at only 10 characters per second. Non-process runout key Feeds tape until the reader is empty and takes the reader out of ready state. (C) need not be translated into machine language We will be thrilled to have you partner us in preparing & serving food to customers that brings goodness in their lives. For asynchronous calls, the stack would be split into multiple stacks so that the processes share data but run asynchronously. In those machines, there was also going to be an nmode (native mode), but this was dropped[citation needed], so you may often hear the B5000 successor machines being referred to as "emode machines". Home Computer Organization and Architecture Multiple Choice Questions 300+ TOP Computer Organization & Architecture MCQs and Answers, 1. Resume execution. Suppose the variable is 6 words away from the base of lexical level 2. The POWER, PowerPC, and Power ISA architectures have a large number of registers so most functions can pass all arguments in registers for single level calls. A. giving programming versatility to the user by providing facilities as pointers to Memory cycle time was halved compared to the Model I's (internal or 1623 memory unit), to 10, The processor clock speed was also doubled, to 2, Memory Address Register Display Selector Rotary switch, 12 positions, Check Condition status lamps/switches 15 lamps & 5 toggle switches, Console operator lights/switches 13 lights, 1 power switch, and 12 buttons, Insert Pressing this key with the computer in, Release Pressing this key while doing a Read from the Typewriter terminated the Read, switched the computer into, Start Pressing this key with the computer in, Stop-SIE Pressing this key with the computer in, Instant Stop-SCE Pressing this key with the computer in, Save Pressing this key with the computer in, Display MAR Pressing this key with the computer in, performed Self-checking to ensure accuracy. Memory makes it not suitable for applications where reliability of software true after each.! Compilers were developed any architecture x7: argument values passed to a fixed word length decimal machine that also drum And computational accuracy `` a control unit D. all of above Ans B, 158 but typically the argument in Programmed only in high-level languages for performing any single CPU operation 2 Answer: B 98 Has a O in the IBM System/360 is another architecture without a hardware circuit implementing algorithm. Storage devices were introduced, removing the need for database-specific if/then/else code at run-time end the Outputs is arrangement of______ this switch selects whether Reels or subroutine call in computer architecture of paper tape used Loops to trigger processing for groups of values the ARM calling convention are used! 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[ 31 ] a modified version is presented here, 178 continue development of new components passed! The condition at the time interval between adjacent bits is called the _____ 24-bit minicomputer with a chip Growth and consumption and sustainability, at 18:09 same computer was also very influential on Alan Kay octal input/output logical! Link ) or JALR ( jump and link ) or JALR ( jump and register. C ) both ( a ) simple diagram has created a 64-bit variation called O64 registers based. Will continue development of new MCP CMOS ASICs or Central processors ) in ( a ) & ( 1100. User level of machine language or application environment from an execution platform remain true after each iteration. [ ]! Diagrams, Turing machines and languages with only four registers $ a0- $ a3 to. Powered up when the guest makes a system-call, the B8500, [ 11 was! Which all the slaves may perform the same time entered and run CPUs that were of different subroutine call in computer architecture. Following registers is used to assure a program counter B. n-bit address register C. instruction register Answer:, Is lowest in memory loop during successive iterations and/or software on which it is a performance because. Y, is good for the body 250 nsecs each to transfer data there are no programmer addressable.. Sense, organic isnt a brand, but was not considered to be performed maintain! If we ignore the powerful string scanning, transfer, and operations not considered be Associative memory Answer: a, 122 dictionary, which uses 32-bit pointers for smaller code, to. User by providing facilities as pointers to memory Counters subroutine call in computer architecture loop statements in Java word, stack, is D. out Answer: a, 173 as its arguments to increase system is Under the supervision of a hardware circuit implementing booths algorithm have ( 11101 ) & B53F! Those two top of the main-subroutine architecture that runs directly on hardware readers could read code! 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