And the note he left when he realized he was wrong, and found he could not stop what he had started. Immediately Danny says to his brother, "That's pronounced 'Woosta' Jamie." The end justifies the means is a phrase of Sergey Nechayev, the 19th century Russian revolutionary. Cynically speaking, the Traditions could be said to be the same. Some are able to inspire incredible devotion in their followers precisely because their vision and conviction includes that they know they won't live to see the paradise they plan to bring about, or don't deserve to. Of course, Danny Reagan who's played by. increasing Earth's gravitational pull, filling the atmosphere with toxic particulates, there will be no place for him in the better world, he only uses the promise of peace and stability as a way to control people with an iron first. He's got two ways of doing this. Which includes most of his. Kyubey actively encourages vulnerable girls to make stupid wishes they'll regret later, and once they're magical girls he continues to manipulate them into making choices that pull them further and further into despair, until their Soul Gems corrupt under the weight of all the grief and the magical girl becomes a, is to kill everyone who might oppose him preemptively. ends justify the means tv tropes. The Reagans band together to prevent Joe Hill from being killed in the line of duty like his father when they fear Joe's cover has been blown within the gunrunning outfit he's helping the ATF bring down. Even Mark admits that, based on the results, it's hard to argue that Robot has made a positive effect on the planet since his seizing control, Ozymandias averts a world-ending nuclear war by, Ozymandias is celebrating the beginning of the Utopia, slaughter at least 90% of humanity and subjugate the rest, forcing them to worship him at sword point, Armor (appropriately) gets in the one successful, TCB!Celestia doesn't really believe in her goals, and has been brainwashed into carrying out these heinous acts by the, calculate the precise genetic signatures of all the Elements and commit genocide on any living thing that doesn't have that capacity, thus making sure no chaotic being can ever disrupt harmony again, a much more nefarious force controls the Master of Worlds since the beginning, cut down Earth's population to leave more resources for themselves and build a paradise from what's left, For the most part of the story, Obito is fully onboard with Madara Uchiha's plan to bring "peace" to the shinobi world. Amon believes that bending is a source of pain and misery in the world, and is abused to no end. Another possible origin is that of Heroides, by the Latin writer Ovid, who lived from 43 B.C. The Creators' plan to have the Proxies clean up Earth's atmosphere, kill the "humans" left on Earth, and destroy the domes, while they die in Earth's cleaned up atmosphere so The Creators can have a healthy Earth all to themselves. by | Mar 24, 2022 . In "The Grid", the computer tells Scott Bowman that it intends to take over the world in order to bring order to chaos and eliminate the problems in human society. Machiavelli is primarily known for the phrase "the end justifies the means" which has been continuously a subject of contention with regards to discussions and discourses today (Robertson, 2012). to 17 A.D. His poem does contain a line that can be translated as the result justifies the deed or the ends justify the means. Whatever it takes, from each of you bring him back alive. is the place." There's an obvious shout out to Ras Al Ghul/Apocalypse in that he believes that only the strongest and smartest will be able to survive the virus (possibly through his intervention) with those he deems unworthy being eradicated. The leader of village is a fanatic Luddite who is convinced that they can create paradise on this world, and she enforces it by giving out torturous punishments for everything from stealing a candle to trying to figure out how to thwart the dampening field (which "wastes time" that could have been used for serving the community). And some villains just want to take over. Elan isn't comfortable with the deception involved, but Tarquin justifies it to himself by reasoning that he can end the wars which plague the area, killing tens of thousands each year. Sylar, DL, and Nikki, and Nathan himself, proved more unpredictable than Linderman thought. On one hand, we can easily think of examples where the end certainly does not justify just any means. They were simply applying Asimov's Zeroth Law of Robotics. When it comes to different kinds of extremists, a Totalitarian Utilitarian is far more likely to think this way, while a Principles Zealot is more likely to believe that Utopia justifies nothing. Metaphorically True /. Say, selling forsaken little girls to alien slavers in exchange for technological advancements for mankind as a whole, or the daily ritual slaughter of criminals to appease the gods and ensure prosperity, or the ever popular The Singularity Lotus-Eater Machine Assimilation Plot where suffering does not exist. As the Great Link has no. For consequentialists, the ends always do justify the means. Adam Monroe wants to "fix" the world by releasing a virus that will kill over 90% of the population. Will they put their vision where their mouths are and kill themselves if need be, or is there a line even they will never cross? The origins of the phrase go back to consequentialism. I've sometimes heard Christians say, "The end doesn't justify the means.". What Does the End Justifies the Means Mean? Besides, the ends justify the means. The third, final, and most despicable trope in the unholy trinity of villainous objectives, Dystopia Justifies The Means is where the goal of the Big Bad is nothing less than the deliberate creation of a Crapsack World, a land, planet, universe or multiverse of perpetual misery and suffering, or some other form of evil. join their empire, become their ally or get blown to smithereens if they believe you aren't compatible with the Greater Good. With Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, Will Estes, Len Cariou. The Shadows and Vorlons from the same series believe that their views of society create "perfection" and are well worth. Definition of the end justifies the means used to say that a desired result is so good or important that any method, even a morally bad one, may be used to achieve it They believe that the end justifies the means and will do anything to get their candidate elected. Not such a bad idea, except that his plans of firebombing arenas full of thousands of people and taking away bending against the will of the benders are more than a little sick. When the means justify the ends, ethical consideration focuses on what you do, not the consequences of what you've done. Often utilizes some form of Aesoptinum, generally with the message "Peace and harmony isn't worth getting rid of The Evils of Free Will". After this, most countries would be too scared to start a war. We are Top leading registration & filing service provider in India & Hyderabad. Phoron I like TV Tropes. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post. The Allied forces supported the most powerful warlord Chiang Kai-shekagainst the Japanese, and he relied heavily on drugs to finance his war effort, and to enrich himself. blackmail the other gods into doing what it wants. Using logic that would make Machiavelli blush, they reason that every sacrifice and atrocity is worth The Greater Good, putting the Well Intentioned in Well-Intentioned Extremist. Yeah, I agree its not totally fair to force them to go, but in the end theyll have warm food and a place to sleep, and we wont have to see them anymore. Jennie: I saw so many homeless people on my way home. However, when he learns that Madara engineered the events that resulted in Rin's death (and him witnessing it), he finally realizes that how easy is to think of "sacrificing a few for the good of many", until you or your loved ones are the ones chosen to be sacrificed. When Donna, arguably the least evil of this group of, over the gate and the snarl, ruling the world and. Will they even admit that some of the things they do are Dirty Business? One of the first applications shown. Ra's al Ghul and the Order of St. Dumas in the various. Later in the story, a shocking twist is revealed, however; Ajimu Najimi, the impartial non-human who concieved the Flask Plan to begin with, did so expecting its goal to be impossible. The idea is ancient, but it was not meant to justify unnecessary cruelty. When they invaded this Earth through a parallel universe, they declared that they will take over and change society by removing fear, hatred, and classism by converting the human race into them. from tyrants and nuclear annihilation while working with Schneizel to bring about world peace at the same time. The Project also modified the entire human race to be more peaceful with the temporary side effect of the Guayaquil Plague, which killed 1.3 billion people. Evan's intention is not to rule the world as Zach Bennett suspects but to create a better world where humanity will live in harmony and peace and eventually merge with computers. It means that if a goal is morally important enough, any method of getting it is acceptable. The second excerpt is about why politicians lie. Plus they had support of the real, In facts, he speaks of it frequently enough to make the audience suspicious; in the end, it turns out that Haido is a power hungry, the Human Instrumentality Project, which will destroy the distinction between individual humans, but leave humanity around, so no one will ever be hurt and alone again, collecting the thermodynamic energy-defying power of emotions from humans. Metatron, also an angel, has a claim to this status as well, with his goal of making the world into the perfect example of what makes stories so great. Some villains commit horrific atrocities to bring about a better world, usually with the architect taking over to ensure paradise is brought about smoothly. planned to trigger a worldwide nuclear holocaust unless the nations agreed to yield power to them. Henry Reagan: I can't take another funeral. I felt like I was watching The Sopranos instead of Blue Bloods. Wellbeing or Well-Being Which is Correct? Heroes and the audience will be faced with the philosophical conundrum that maybe The Extremist Was Right and the world is in truth a Crapsack World that needs a total renovation like what the villain says, but is the renovation worth sacrificing billions? But is it morally correct to sacrifice the said morals for reaching a goal? The Reagans band together to prevent Joe Hill from being killed in the line of duty like his father when they fear Joe's cover has been blown within the gunrunning outfit he's helping the ATF bring down. Chieftain Beluga: Here we go again. Bobby: No, its totally different. Instead, all he did was deprive himself of a useful weapon against daemons and set off his religious son Lorgar down the path that would lead to the Heresy and his being worshipped as the, The only race that isn't fighting for survival or isn't in it, Redcloak, the Goblin cleric has the goal of creating a world where goblins and goblinoids are not simply farms for XP. This is supported by the fact that he wrote several other satires. Also, consider the concept of genetic augmentation. Even scenes set mid-day (sun visible through the blinds) and bathed in shadows. In the end, you get the contraband, but is there a better, more humane way to do it? , Similarly, Jennifer Mercieca, a Texas A&M professor of communications who studies political rhetoric and teaches fact-checking, said politicians such as the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy, R-Wis., convince themselves that the ends justify the means and the reasons they are doing it are more important. . After the Third World War, he organised the forced sterilisation and euthanasia of all those suffering radiation damage, in order to prevent them from passing on their mutations, deformities and health problems to the next generation. Mongul thinks that a good ruler must govern with an iron hand to keep peace and prosperity, even if he is called a tyrant by short-sighted fools. The first and least despicable trope in the unholy trinity of villainous objectives, Utopia Justifies the Means is where the goal of the Big Bad is the creation of a Utopia in the long run, a better world for everyone as a whole (or at least "better" for them in the villain's eyes), no matter what the cost. The Gideon 4000 series intends to restore order and social cohesion. The third, final, and most despicable trope in the unholy trinity of villainous objectives, Dystopia Justifies The Means is where the goal of the Big Bad is nothing less than the deliberate creation of a Crapsack World, a land, planet, universe or multiverse of perpetual misery and suffering, or some other form of evil. The villains out to achieve this are usually Complete Monsters of the . If his ideals guarantee the happiness, survival, civilization, and/or progress of the human race, isn't it worth it? Most people attribute this quote to Niccolo Machiavelli. Ridding the world of it would bring equality to the world and the human race. Contents [ hide] 1 The Ends Justify the Means Meaning. The comics after the show reveal Zuko seeking to avert this; but he's put into too many violent confrontations with those who would've preferred Ozai's rule, even if Zuko's being a better Fire Lord than him. We are all familiar with this saying. People will sometimes say this phrase in a question, Do the ends justify the means? Curiously, the first example of a Utopia in recorded literature Plato's The Republic is an example of this trope (possibly) played absolutely straight and not as means for the opposite Aesop. Are the Reagans a mob family now? This example dialogue involves a husband and wife who are discussing the problem of homelessness. Right in the middle and egging them on is Goldilocks. 4. Saiou was a psychic who was visited by an alien entity called the Light of Ruin (Light of Destruction in the dub), that caused his personality to. For example, He's campaigning with illegal funds on the theory that if he wins the election the end will justify the means , or The officer tricked her into admitting her guilt-the end sometimes justifies the means. I can't bury another one of us. one of the highest-ranking members of the state police stops taking his drugs and becomes disillusioned. end justifies the means, the A good outcome excuses any wrongs committed to attain it. To do so he took many unsavory actions, especially, The city of Ba Sing Se, when at last it is reached, is a stronghold that has withstood the Fire Nation for one hundred years, a haven for thousands of refugees. People will also have different opinions on which value is more important than the other and what the best way is to achieve the goal. They have transport ships, which have enough firepower to take out a legendary Peacekeeper command carrier which was thought to be indestructible. Aaron: I think the ends justify the means since it means children wont go hungry. attempted to develop a drug to dampen people's violent impulses. This question usually arises when we consider using undesirable actions or approaches to work toward noble or legitimate ends. If a war was started with one side lacking ninja, they would turn to Akatsuki, who would wipe out the entire opposing nation. murdering his 'girlfriend' in horrible ways possible (Shiori in the live-action movies, Takeda in the manga and anime) to toying with the idea of killing people for being, (at least until Goku Black and Zamasu fused and their fusion was erased along with the future multiverse by Future Zeno). In the end, Colvin's superiors find out about it, and he's demoted and forced to retire in disgrace, lying that no one else was alive beyond the city, to prevent a religious fanatic from killing off, it has a 75% chance of killing the fanatic, a group of mystics called the Order of the Dragon plan to overthrow the world's governments in a "bloodless coup" by murdering the Aleph, the personification of the very first written language, thus destroying the concept of the written word itself. A moment later, the token used to start the whole business pops out of the bottom of the tombstone like a prize coin. He expounds on it in, Magneto is bent on creating a society in which mutankind can live without fear of persecution or annihilation as they will be the ones in charge, and in many storylines where he achieves this it is shown that his world is actually quite advanced and peaceful, albeit usually with him as the unquestioned ruler and sometimes delegating tasks to other Supervillians as well, and with humans occasionally treated as second-class citizens. They are strongly implied to be a. the Greek gods to once again inhabit earth. Summary. The modern Traditions are much tamer though. According to, The Borg are an extremely delusional example of this trope. This work, however, never directly uses this expression, in English translations or the original Italian. (Actual thermodynamics theory makes this goal seem very poorly thought out, but then again, this is a show about, fools girls into making a contract and becoming magical girls, ripping their souls out to place them into a Soul Gem for easy keeping. In truth, the point of the Flask Plan was to fail all along. "When an infection is too deep amputation is the only solution. It is possible to summarize several paragraphs in the book to hold this meaning, so we cant completely rule out this as the original source. They even took out the Ravnos, On the flip side, it should be noted the Technocracy are the, Among the five Praetors, Elesh Norn and Jin-Gitaxias are those who endorse this concept most, but taking two different paths: Elesh Norn sees Utopia realized in, The Emperor himself used to promote state atheism, as he misunderstood the way Chaos works and thought destroying all religion would end it. You can even make the argument that the Traditions are far worse than the Technocracy. For example. While he succeeds in, They seek to seize Earth for themselves and turn it into an Eden. The fact that he actually loves and protects subjects loyal to him, Case in point: at one point, Raoh comes across his men massacring helpless villagers. Colonel Green strongly believed this. The Knight Templar often claims this to himself before succumbing to the decidedly less benevolent Despotism Justifies the Means. First and foremost: the lying, backstabbing, mass murdering, You could make a drinking game out of how many times Lucemon from, Raoh is a special case though, as he is actually kinda liked by the people for the fact that he conquers, but doesn't destroy. he succeeds, and everyone else more or less goes along with him after he wins since fighting him would just cause even more senseless death and destruction. wishes to go off into space with the lifestream itself to rule over a restarted world. Later, Good Guy Batman sarcastically says that they would love living here, and prompts a, just as delicious with none of the calories, they won't live to see the paradise they plan to bring about, returning Japan to its natural -- green and unpolluted -- state, crushes them all beneath the hooves of his monster horse, that could lead to new and creative ways to make dishes, Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel, he then reveals an even more cynical expectation, think that their plan is the only way it can happen, a massive battleship called Pluton with the power to wipe out an island, Although King Vega started to conquer planets, The Transformers: More than Meets the Eye, caused them to kill themselves and each other, staging an "invasion from another dimension", 'solving' the Gordian Knot by destroying it with a spade, into being happy whether they like it or not, The Conversion Bureau: The Other Side of the Spectrum, who he will most likely all have killed at some point, blackmailing, manipulating and otherwise coercing, pitting his own forces against each other, there is no place in the new world for him, magically turning ponies into foals in both body and mind, much loftier ideals of the perfect society. In the backstory of "The Return of the Archons" and "The Apple", mind control/brainwashing was used to make the population docile and happy. A great deal of drama can be derived from this are they willing to kill a friend for it? used magic to suck up lands made up of innocent people from an alternate universe and turn them into crystallized magic. Andrew: But is it worth all the damage to the planet? Sometimes, it really was just to get you into power. HYDRA is still operating and plans to establish peace and order by eliminating potential threats. It's a place built out of dreams and starlight; the name "Utopia" is a somewhat poignant pun by its author, blending the Greek words for "Good Place" (eutopia) and "No Place" (outopia), and despite (or perhaps because of) its unattainable nature, it has endured in myth and dreams since. It's more or less spelled out that he intended Nathan to become a leader of men, to unite people and guide a world horrified by the destruction (with Linderman as the power behind the throne). The first is that he and Xykon establish control. The king, Faust, takes it a step further by being willing to sacrifice even his own subordinates just to achieve his goal.
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