14. procs-verbal. Interesting Literature is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon.co.uk. Baloney (b-l-n) 8. Two people are responsible for a situation. Scripturient. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." 25. Names that mean science. Whimsical - playful and amusing. Below is a list of some of the most beautiful English phrases, sayings, and expressions. Tags: books, bookworm, English idoms, English phrases, reading. Soul catcher a hollowed bone tube used by a North American Indian medicine man to keep a sick persons soul safe while they are sick, Spaghettification the process by which (in some theories) an object would be stretched and ripped apart by gravitational forces on falling into a black hole, Spitchcock an eel, split and then grilled or fried, Splanchnic having to do with the the viscera or internal organs, especially those of the abdomen, Stercoraceous consisting of or resembling dung or faeces, Sternutator something that causes sneezing, Stiction the frictional force which hinders an object from being moved while in contact with another, Strappado a punishment or torture in which the victim was hoisted in the air on a rope and then allowed to fall almost to the ground before being stopped with an abrupt jerk, Strigil an instrument with a curved blade used by ancient Greeks and Romans to scrape sweat and dirt from the skin in a hot-air bath or after exercise, Struthious having to do with or resembling an ostrich, Studmuffin humorous a sexually attractive, muscular man, Stylite a early Christian ascetic who lived standing on top of a pillar, Subfusc the dark formal clothing worn for examinations and ceremonial or formal occasions at some universities, Submontane passing under or through mountains, or situated on the lower slopes of a mountain range, Succuss meaning to shake something vigorously, especially a homeopathic remedy, Sudd an area of floating vegetation that impedes navigation in a stretch of the White Nile, Suedehead a youth like a skinhead but with slightly longer hair and smarter clothes, Sun-grazing (of a comet) having an orbit which passes close to the sun, Superbious use this to describe someone proud and overbearing, Taniwha a mythical monster which, according to Maori legend, lives in very deep water, Tappen the plug by which the rectum of a bear is closed during hibernation, Tellurian of or inhabiting the earth, or an inhabitant of the earth, Testudo a device used in siege warfare in ancient Rome, consisting of a wheeled screen with an arched roof (literally a tortoise). For instance, those who believe that the man from Stratford didnt write the works of William Shakespeare. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with unique, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. 100 words comprise approximately 1/2 of all of the words found in publications. Build vocabulary, practice pronunciation, and more with Transparent Language Online. Create an Hashset with the array of words. Eunoia beautiful thinking. Beautiful Filipino Words That Ring. Dealing off the bottom - Means cheating in business. A phrase or sentence that is grammatically ambiguous, such asShe sees more of her children than her husband. I know some who are constantly drunk on books, as other men are drunk on whiskey or religion.". Howdy 4. A person who talks at great length without making much sense. It will help you to have some good alternatives to mainstream words. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn As you can see at the top, there are 6461 different words in this book. To frame someone - Not literally, but to plot against someone. We hope that this list of the weirdest, funniest, and most beautiful English words will turn you into a true logophile with an ineffable epeolatry. Synonyms for READING: examination, reading material, studying, recitation, telling, understanding, kenning, twigging, study, lesson, apprehending, accepting, learning; Antonyms for READING: writing. But you knew that. Positive words starting with the letter W. 231. You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. 13 Best reality shifting crystals to shift to your DR fast. If any of these are true for you, then youre going to love this post! The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with unique, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. This tool helps you find words that are related to a specific word or phrase. Here are some of the most unique words in the English language: If you want to educate yourself, you can find words in the dictionary. Like a discordant band or a noisy parade. A piece of waste paper produced by punching a hole. You can also ask family or friends for recommendations. Edacious having to do with eating or fond of eating. We love to look over in awe at the jaw-dropping scenery before us. Edacious having to do with eating or fond of eating, Emmetropia the normal condition of the eye: perfect vision, Empasm a perfumed powder sprinkled on the body to prevent sweating or for medicinal purposes, Ensorcell to enchant or fascinate someone, Entomophagy this literally means the eating of insects, especially by people, Ergometer an apparatus which measures energy expended during physical exercise, E-tailer a retailer who sells goods on the Internet, Etui a small ornamental case for holding needles, cosmetics, and other articles, Eucatastrophe a happy ending to a story, Eviternity eternal existence or everlasting duration, Extramundane outside or beyond the physical world, Famulus an assistant or attendant, especially one working for a magician or scholar, Fankle Scottish to tangle or entangle something, Fipple the mouthpiece of a recorder or similar wind instrument, Flews the thick pendulous lips of a bloodhound or similar dog, Floccinaucinihilipilification the action or habit of estimating something as worthless (a word generally only quoted as a curiosity), Flocculent having or resembling tufts of wool, Force-ripe West Indian old or mature in certain respects without having developed fully in others, Futhark the Scandinavian runic alphabet, Futz to waste time or busy oneself aimlessly, Gaita a kind of bagpipe played in northern Spain and Portugal, Galligaskins a type of loose breeches worn in the 16th and 17th centuries, Glabrous (of skin) hairless or (of a leaf) having no down, Gobemouche a gullible or credulous listener, Goodfella a gangster, especially a member of a Mafia family, Guddle Scottish to fish with ones hands by groping under the stones or banks of a stream, Haruspex a religious official in ancient Rome who inspected the entrails of sacrificial animals in order to foretell the future, Higgler a person who travels from place to place selling small items, Hinky US informal dishonest, suspect, or unreliable, Hoggin a mixture of sand and gravel, used especially in road-building, Hongi a traditional Maori greeting or salutation made by pressing or touching noses, Howff a favourite meeting place or haunt, especially a pub, Hunt-and-peck using only one or two fingers on a computer keyboard, Hwyl a stirring feeling of emotional motivation and energy which is associated with the Welsh people, Illywhacker informal a small-time confidence trickster, Incrassate thickened in form or consistency, Ingurgitate to swallow something greedily, Inunct to apply ointment to someone or something, Kenspeckle conspicuous or easily recognizable, Kinnikinnick a substance consisting of dried sumac leaves and willow or dogwood bark, smoked by North American Indians, Minibeast informal a small invertebrate animal such as an insect or spider, Mistigris a joker or other extra card played as a wild card in some versions of poker, Mixologist informal a person who is skilled at mixing cocktails and other drinks, Momism excessive attachment to or domination by ones mother, Monkeys wedding simultaneous rain and sunshine, Moonraker a native of the county of Wiltshire, Mouse potato a person who spends large amounts of their leisure or working time on a computer, Mudlark a person who scavenges in riverside mud at low tide for anything of value, Muktuk the skin and blubber of a whale, eaten by the Inuit people, Mumpsimus a traditional custom or notion that is adhered to although it has been shown to be unreasonable, Nagware computer software which is free for a trial period and thereafter frequently reminds the user to pay for it, Nainsook a fine, soft cotton fabric, originally made in the Indian subcontinent, Netizen a habitual or keen user of the Internet, Noyade an execution carried out by drowning, Nympholepsy passion or rapture aroused in men by beautiful young girls, Obnubilate to darken, dim, or obscure something, Omophagy the eating of raw food, especially meat, Omphalos the centre or hub of something, Onolatry the worship of donkeys or asses, Operose involving or displaying a lot of effort, Opsimath a person who begins to learn or study late in life, Orectic having to do with desire or appetite, Orrery a clockwork model of the solar system, or the sun, earth, and moon, Ortanique a cross between an orange and a tangerine, Paludal living or occurring in a marshy habitat, Parapente an aerofoil parachute, used for gliding, Patulous (of the boughs of a tree, for example) spreading, Pavonine to do with or resembling a peacock, Sangoma a traditional healer or witch doctor in southern Africa, Saudade a feeling of longing or melancholy that is supposedly characteristic of the Portuguese or Brazilian temperament, Screenager a person in their teens or twenties who has an aptitude for using computers and the Internet, Scrippage ones baggage and personal belongings, Selkie a mythical sea creature like a seal in water but human on land, Serac a pinnacle or ridge of ice on the surface of a glacier, Sesquipedalian (of a word) having many syllables or (of a piece of writing) using many long words, Shallop a light sailing boat used chiefly for coastal fishing, Shamal a hot, dry north-westerly wind that blows across the Persian Gulf in summer and causes sandstorms, Shavetail US military slang a newly commissioned officer, or any inexperienced person, Shofar a rams-horn trumpet used in Jewish religious ceremonies and, in ancient times, to sound a battle signal, Skimmington a kind of procession once undertaken to make an example of a nagging wife or an unfaithful husband, Snakebitten informal unlucky or doomed to misfortune, Snollygoster a shrewd or unprincipled person, Solander a protective box made in the form of a book, for holding items such as botanical specimens, maps, and colour plates, Soucouyant a kind of witch, in eastern Caribbean folklore, who is believed to shed her skin by night and suck the blood of her victims. Definition: Arbejdsglde (n.) The feeling of happiness at work; employee satisfaction. 235. , That's about all the unique related words we've got! cavil: quibble. It is first recorded in the literary remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. While some vocabulary may seem like some sort of a Gen Z code to you, its actually quite fun to play around with once you understand it. Orenda is an Iroquois name for this spiritual power inherent in all people (ornd ). logorrhea: excessive use of words lexicographer: someone who compiles dictionaries. This is done using regex or regular expression. To be very transparent with your emotions and feelings. Unique and meaningful readings definitely add more life to a wedding ceremony. Accent. Matches were fixed - Money was paid to win and lose. Adagio. The fourth stomach of a ruminant, such as a cow or sheep. In life, one needs variety to avoid boredom and monotony. Someone who is omnilegent has read everything, or is familiar with a great amount of literature. Complement your reading with our 27 favourite word facts and our list of unusual but useful words. Passages from the Bible, poems, children's stories, novels, song lyrics, and even a family story, can all be excellent resources. A period of unusual calm that usually means something bad is coming. For example, 3 is pronounced "three" in English, "trois" in French, "drei" in German, and so on. BIBLIOBIBULI. A person who buys and sells books, especially rare ones. A person who believes that it is possible, through meditation, to reach a level of consciousness where one can exist on air alone. Accidentals in music refer to notes that are not within a specific key signature and therefore exist outside of the key. Serein fine rain falling after sunset from a sky where no clouds are visible. Start. A chorizont is the name for someone who disputes the authorship of a particular writers work, and attributes the work to someone else. Love a bit of gibberish?You might enjoy being flabbergasted when you discover the longest words in English here! Definition: Nunchi (n.) The subtle art and ability to listen and gauge other peoples moods. Dowdy (dau-d) 3. The writer HL Mencken coined this word in 1957, writing, "There are people who read too much: bibliobibuli. Word origin: Vowlenu Heliophilia Definition: Heliophilia (n.) - The desire to be in sunlight. Here are just a few of my favourites: 8. The casting off of a limb or other part of the body by an animal under threat, such as a lizard. Thurifer a person carrying a censer, or thurible, of burning incense during religious ceremonies, Tiffin chiefly Indian a light meal, especially lunch, Tigon the hybrid off spring of a male tiger and a lioness (the offspring of a male lion and a tigress being a liger), Tokoloshe in African folklore, a mischievous and lascivious hairy water sprite, Triskaidekaphobia extreme superstition about the number thirteen, Triskelion a Celtic symbol consisting of three radiating legs or curved lines, such as the emblem of the Isle of Man, Tsantsa a human head shrunk as a war trophy by the Jivaro people of Ecuador, Turbary the legal right to cut turf or peat for fuel on common ground or on another persons ground, Ulu a short-handled knife with a broad crescent-shaped blade, used by Inuit women, Uncinate (of a part of the body) having a hooked shape, Uniped a person or animal with only one foot or leg, Uroboros a circular symbol depicting a snake (or a dragon) swallowing its tail, intended as an emblem of wholeness or infinity, Ustad Indian an expert or highly skilled person, especially a musician, Vagarious erratic and unpredictable in behavior or direction, Velleity a wish or inclination which is not strong enough to lead one to take action, Verjuice a sour juice obtained from crab apples or unripe grapes, Vidiot informal a habitual, undiscriminating watcher of television or videotapes, Wabbit Scottish exhausted or slightly unwell, Wakeboarding the sport of riding on a short, wide board while being towed behind a motor boat, Wayzgoose an annual summer party and outing that used to be held by a printing house for all its employees, Wittol a man who knows of and tolerates his wifes infidelity, Woopie an affluent retired person able to pursue an active lifestyle (from the initials of well-off older person), Wowser chiefly Austral./NZ a puritanical, prudish person or a killjoy, Xenology the scientific study of extraterrestrial phenomena, Ylem (in big bang theory) the primordial matter of the universe, Zetetic proceeding by inquiry or investigation, Zopissa a medicinal preparation made from wax and pitch scraped from the sides of ships, Zyrian a former term for Komi, a language spoken in an area of Russia west of the Urals; at present the last entry in the Oxford English Dictionary. 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