Who gets paid first.the subsidiary, in other words.BP keeps its mega bucks!! Oil and gas wells--potential polluters of the environment? 520 University Ave, Ste 305 Madison, WI 53703 (608) 260-9713 Approximately 1.84 million gallons of dispersant were applied, with more than 1 million gallons on the surface and 771,000 gallons pumped deep into the water column to dilute the oil. Are taxpayer money bailouts to big banks. . 1. Moreover, experiments by John Nyman of Louisiana State University indicate that the combination of Louisiana crude and the dispersant used on the current gusher is more toxic to marsh-dwelling invertebrates than oil alone would be. During the oil spill, BP released roughly 1.84 million gallons of dispersants into the Gulf, 1.07 million gallons to the surface and 771,000 subsea.3 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved these measures despite its admission that no one fully knew the environmental effects of the dispersants, Corexit, the optimistically-named dispersant most favored by BP, essentially turns a two-dimensional problem of oil floating on the ocean's surface into a three-dimensional problem where oil gets mixed with dispersants and, through the action of microbes, changes into yet other chemicals that "we know absolutely nothing about," says marine biologist and toxicologist Chris Pincetich, Ph.D., who specializes in pesticides. Disinfecting, sterilizing, vaccination processes are being done in every possible way but according to a recent report from WHO (World Health Organization), it has warned that the excessive use of disinfection is affecting the environment a lot, and the most surprising thing is that excess use of disinfectants is not effective for killing coronavirus. You can spend more time with your family and you can also acquire new skills, or you can build strong relationships in this free time. Business is now subsidized as if they are doing us a favor by selling their product. CA tried and failed to require electric cars and that failure was due to unwillingness of car companies and politics not lack of consumer demand. They are both emergency response situations that can have impacts lasting months or years. Disinfectants need time to work, it is not an instant process. Part of the work of planning the response to potential oil spills is the difficult task of evaluating these tradeoffs, which requires careful consideration of the resources and issues involved. Why is it we only want THESE jobs? We have to do it all together and NOW! Dispersants in the Gulf oil mess--another case of the cure being worse than the ailment. Fish Dispersants and dispersed oil have been shown to have significant negative impacts on marine life ranging from fish to corals to birds. To try to understand how badly marine organisms might be harmed by dispersant application operations, researchers conduct experiments with specialized laboratory equipment. Sad, very sad. Studies have so far indicated that the dispersant is toxic to marine life. As the disinfectants are usually inactive on dirty and muddy surfaces. For indoor disinfection, the best time for disinfection depends upon the individual. Medically certified PPE anddisinfectant fogging machinesavailable from inventory in the United States, for immediate delivery. Dispersants also make oil more accessible to wildlife because the droplets are smaller. Wet the cloth with disinfectant and wipe the surface. The study found a deadly impact from two dispersants approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), one of which was heavily used by British Petroleum (BP) in response to the 2010. If you have been or may have been impacted by the BP oil spill, the experienced Mississippi BP Oil Spill Attorneys at Barrett Law PLLC can help. "Whether that's good or bad depends on whether you . If we could find disinfectants that attack only viruses and harmful bacteria, and not the environmental entities such as humans, plants, and water resources, the situation can be beneficial. It's now or never folks! Moreover, for the first time ever, the EPA approved using dispersants not only at the surface but deep underwater at the source of the spill. Anonymous replied on July 13, 2010 - 7:27pm Permalink, Foro replied on July 13, 2010 - 8:01pm Permalink, Online Pharmacies replied on July 14, 2010 - 5:14am Permalink, IT Recruiter replied on July 14, 2010 - 9:53am Permalink, Infant Costumes replied on July 14, 2010 - 10:01pm Permalink, Anonymous replied on July 15, 2010 - 3:17am Permalink, Linda Richards replied on July 15, 2010 - 7:06am Permalink, Anonymous replied on July 15, 2010 - 8:21am Permalink, Anonymous replied on July 15, 2010 - 2:48pm Permalink, Anonymous replied on July 15, 2010 - 2:57pm Permalink, Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) The last one is - Training, yes, it is extremely important to train staff for 100 percent efficient disinfection and safety. While this does not remove the spilled material, smaller oil particles are more easily biodegraded and it provides a measure of protection for sensitive habitats threatened . Open the doors and windows and turn on exhaust fans if indoor disinfection is being employed. If you do so, then your money, energy, and time will be wasted, as no effects of disinfection are achieved. This helps to clear oil from the water's surface, making it less likely that the oil slick will reach the shoreline. In addition, dispersant is stopping oil from collecting on water surface, where it can be more easily controlled. As if the original faux pas wasn't bad enough, this strategy appears to be compounding the situation in an unprecedented manner. Heavy crude oils do not disperse as well as light to medium weight oils. And I don't accept that it's the fault of the American people and their gas guzzlers. Disinfectants may contain harmful chemicals. BP According to the EPA, Corexit was 54.7% effective in the dispersion of Louisiana crude oil. Yeah, you can use jimmy's drugs until I get lab work back and have tested it for 30 years of trials???? In any particular situation, the decision to use dispersants involves balancing the potential advantages of dispersant use--removing oil from the water surface and avoiding some shoreline impacts--with the potential disadvantages, such as impacts to plankton or other water column organisms. Our government is so broken and I suspect it will become more polarized so I don't really see any significant solution on the horizon. A formulation of one of the dispersants being used in the BP spill response, Corexit 9527, has been shown to prevent fertilization of mature eggs and hinder the development of young life stages of reef-building corals. You can see photos of the real impact of BP's oil blowout on the Gulf and its wildlife here. A May meeting at the University of New Hampshire's Coastal Response Research Center, planned by government scientists and oil industry representatives, yielded a consensus judgment that dispersant. In an oil spill, these droplets disperse into the water column where they are subjected to natural processes, such as waves and currents, that help to break them down further. May God go with us! Some countries rely almost exclusively on dispersants to combat oil spills because frequently rough or choppy conditions at sea make mechanical containment and cleanup difficult. Dispersants are themselves unpleasant chemical concoctions, although today's products are less damaging than the toxic solvents used in earlier spills such as the Torrey Canyon disaster. Facebook; LinkedIn; YouTube; CAGE CODE 3PT4Q; Member of: National Veterans Owners Business Association It just won't. We could have been all green with energy at least 10 years ago, look at China and what they did in only ONE year! Do not disinfect near plants, water resources, agricultural areas, grassy areas, gardens, and nurseries. And while there are no benefits of this terrible contagion, now that so many of us are in quarantine, it's become apparent how much our day-to-day life wreaks havoc on the planet. Bad Smell. BP refused in a clash with the federal government, but slowed the use of dispersants shortly thereafter. It can also cause gastrointestinal injuries. On May 20 the EPAissued a directive requiring BP to identify and use a less toxic andmore effective dispersant. 10. WHO has recently warned to reduce the excessive use of disinfectants as it is causing harm to the environmental entities - birds, animals, and humans. Who owns the dispersant company? In both cases, we see a situation where a bad thing has already occurred and the task at hand is to . In general, dispersants tend to work best with lighter, thinner oils, in more energetic conditions. To stop and restrict the environmental loss, we need to apply several strategies while disinfecting, such that the process of disinfection will be achieved with the desired results and minimal environmental losses. Dispersants are themselves unpleasant chemical concoctions, although today?s products are less damaging than the toxic solvents used in earlier spills such as Dispersants and dispersed oil have also been shown to have toxic effects on bird eggs that are similar or worse than from untreated oil. Three warehouses full of microbes that eat oil, folks posting to youtube on the use of grasses to soak up the oil, all of it, and the grasses roll to shore, collect them and have it contained, and where it lands, use the microbes, which would have left behind only fish food. What are dispersants and why are they used in oil-spill response? Researchers working in the BP spill zone discovered giant plumes of oil in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, estimated in size at 10 to 15 miles long and four to five miles wide. McIntosh H. Veterinary and Human Toxicology, 01 Jun 1989, 31(3): 263-264 PMID: 2741319 . More dispersant was used on the BP spill than in any other oil spill in U.S. history. It can also cause gastrointestinal injuries. These are areas far from the reefs, or located where currents would carry the dispersed oil away from the coral. To try to understand how badly marine organisms might be harmed by dispersant application operations, researchers conduct experiments with specialized laboratory equipment. BP The effect of the disinfectants on the environment varies upon the chemical composition. Can we all acknowledge now that BP poisoned the World intentionally? Vet Hum Toxicol. The agency issued a relatively benign assessment of the dispersants' effects, but private-sector toxicologists, biologists and other experts are warning about the unknown consequences of applying dispersants in such quantities. National health problem is permannent. They are awash in a lethal brew of oil and butoxyethanol. The effect of the disinfectants on the environment varies upon the chemical composition. Oil spill dispersants: good or bad for the environment? Birds exposed to dispersed oil that return to their nests risk the death of their eggs. For a better understanding of why toxic dispersants are being used by BP in such an excessive and unprecedented manner, visit: Her findings are the latest in a string of research looking at the impact of oil and dispersants following the BP disaster. Shared Lessons for Risk Communications. In the first 30 days of the spill, the EPA did not intervene in BP's decision to use the more toxic, less effective dispersants in the spill. BP's Web site gives the impression that dispersants "clean and control" ocean oil spills by putting the oil in a state where "it becomes a feast for the naturally-occurring microbes that inhabit the ocean." Sea turtles Testing effectiveness and toxicity Dispersants and dispersed oil have been shown to have significant negative impacts on marine life ranging from fish to corals to birds. There is insufficient understanding of the fate of dispersed oil in aquatic ecosystems. Two were found to be 100 percent effective compared to the 55 and 63 percent effectiveness of the Corexit products. True PPE not only supply face masks and respirators to hospitals, we supply good looking fashionable face masks for every day wear and protection. It's time the government steps in and makes this right. What are the environmental hazards of dispersants? Earle called for a halt on the subsurface use of dispersants, while limiting surface use to strategic sites where other methods cannot safeguard critically important coastal habitats. So, don't you think it is time to stand collectively for the sake of our safety? http://renergie.wordpress.com/2010/07/12/bps-strategy-to-limit-liability-in-regard-to-its-gulf-oil-gusher/. We dont know what the effect of dispersants applied a mile underwater is; theres been no laboratory testing of that at all, or the effect of what it does when it combines with oil a mile underwater. One problem with breaking down the oil is that it makes it easier for the many tiny underwater organisms to ingest this toxic soup. If Bush tax cuts are extended, I fear I won't be able afford to live here anymore as the tax burden on me - middle class - will be too great and the cost of health care as I get older beyond my capacity to pay. Dispersants can reduce the amount of surface oil, thereby reducing response personnel's potential exposure to hazardous compounds in oil and lessening the extent of surface oil encountered by marine species. But because concentrations of dispersed oil are quickly diluted in the ocean, organisms are likely to be exposed only for short time periods. Moreover, the effect of disinfectant reduces in the dirty and muddy area. So in general, it is best to apply dispersants earlier, if conditions are appropriate. Dispersants also decrease the ability to skim or absorb oil from the ocean surface. Studies have shown that most dispersants work best at salinities close to that of normal seawater. Because coral reefs can be harmed by dispersed oil, dispersant use in the vicinity of coral reefs is usually restricted to areas where dispersed oil is unlikely to contact coral. As mentioned in chapter one, the charging agent usually will form an inverse micelle structure, trapping all polar impurities or residues from non-aqueous oil . Even if the materials, called . Is it only a single person? When you don't pay attention to the packaging materials that come with your deodorant, you end up contributing to the excessive trash that pollutes the environment. The research team found that workers exposed to dispersants were more likely to experience certain symptoms cough, wheeze, tightness in the chest, and burning in the eyes, nose, throat, or lungs than those who were not exposed to dispersants. Major chemicals used in disinfectants are chlorine and chlorinated compounds, aldehydes, alcohols, oxidizing agents, peroxo and peroxy acid, phenolics, quaternary ammonium compounds, and phenols. Msnbc.com . But think once who is the government? It is striking how many parallels can be drawn between the Covid-19 health crisis and an oil spill response. According to Jackson, the government is "uncharted waters" with the use of dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico. Do NOT wait for testing! For indoor disinfection, spraying the disinfectant can be replaced by wiping the surfaces with disinfectants, so that the droplets will not remain in the environment. Once they are dispersed, the tiny droplets of oil are more likely to sink or remain suspended in deep water rather than floating to the surface and collecting in a continuous slick. Nalco has sold millions of dollars of dispersants for the BP spill. According to National Geographic, 135 animals and birds from 17 species of wildlife died in China due to the excessive spraying of disinfectants in the environment. But the dispersed oil can also collect on the seabed, where it becomes toxic food for microscopic organisms at the bottom of the food chain and eventually winds up in shellfish and other organisms. When it goes to trashcans or dumpsters, the dioxins which accumulated in a human's body could cause various illnesses. While dispersants can work in colder water, they work best in warm water. 2. Most of the disinfectants used in household chores are not harmful, but one used in hospitals or at public places is harmful to humans, animals, and even plants. For example, spraying chlorine and chlorinated disinfectant can irritate the eyes as well as the skin. .L Richards. Dispersants and dispersed oil harm the early stages of corals by increasing death rates, reducing settlement on reefs, and altering behavior. FIRST--DEMAND TODAY THAT DISPERSANTS STOP!!! It all depends on what chemicals they contain. Some of the above-mentioned chemicals are harmful to animals also. Dispersants are chemical agents (similar to soaps and detergents) that help break up an oil slick into very small droplets, which dilute throughout the water. It is important to understand that excess disinfection can be harmful to human life as well as plants and animals. Thanks for this info: http://renergie.wordpress.com/2010/07/12/bps-strategy-to-limit-liability-in-regard-to-its-gulf-oil-gusher/, Although it is clear the damage that the oil spill and dispersants are doing, we hear calls to resume drilling. Collins AG. Of course, these bio remedies are not being used. Six of seven safer dispersants were found to be more effective on southern Louisiana crude oil than the Corexit products. The major impact was that the dispersant used reduced the amount of floating oil, which reduced the risk for some organisms and environments, but increased the risk for others as the oil was dispersed into the water column. For example, spraying chlorine and chlorinated disinfectant can irritate the eyes as well as the skin. (Alberto Lindner, NOAA). What are the environmental hazards of dispersants? They also cause problems for fish, deep-sea coral and other marine life. Dispersants are most effective when applied immediately following a spill, before the lightest materials in the oil have evaporated. The EPA stated that it approves a list of dispersants, and oil companies are allowed to choose which dispersants to use. Microbes worked in the water too. Both the short-term and long-term impacts of dispersants on marine life have not been adequately tested. They are special fluid chemicals that bond to the oil molecules and separate them from water molecules, thus . We wouldn't buy it! The right way to dispose of a disposable diaper is by flushing the feces and urine to the toilet first. Dispersants release toxic break-down products from oil that, alone or in combination with oil droplets and dispersant chemicals, can make dispersed oil more harmful to marine life than untreated oil. These dispersants can't be good for our water. The chemical dispersants used by the tons on the Deepwater Horizon spill did little to stop the oil from spreading and likely did more harm than good, a new University of Miami study says . The best time to disinfect the outdoor area is at night when there is no crowd on streets and public places. Firstly, they increasethe dispersion of the oil in the water column, which means less oil will reach shorelines and fragile environments. BP used two dispersants called Corexit 9500A and Corexit 9527A. Did the use of dispersants have a long-term effect on the ecology and environment of the Gulf? But dispersants do not clean the water, nor do they remove oil at all, but rather re-arrange where it exists, and change where it goes. Nevertheless, BP continues to apply them in massive quantities on the Gulf, and the government seems powerless to stop the company from using them. Using dispersants has three main benefits as a contingency response tool for combating oil spills. The Seal of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. I have read that Environmental Protection Agency has ranked worst environmental health problem in the nation. EPA's short-term testing on dispersants may have showed little effect on fish, but chemicals that kill no fish within a deadline of 96 hours (EPA's deadline) can cause a 97% kill rate shortly beyond that deadline. Misconceptions Shouldnt Hold Up Key Climate Solution, Group Run by Trumps Judge Whisperer Leonard Leo Provides More Than a Third of RAGAs Revenue So Far in 2021, At Least 100 ALEC Lawmakers Signed Letter Opposing Worker Protections in PRO Act. While dispersants make the oil spill less visible, dispersants and dispersed oil under the ocean surface are hazardous for marine life. Contact the Emergency Response webmaster to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. Studies have found that dispersed oil, including oil dispersed by Corexit 9527, damages the insulating properties of seabird feathers more than untreated oil, making the birds more susceptible to hypothermia and death. But dispersants do not clean the water, nor do they remove oil at all, but rather re-arrange where it exists, and change where it goes. Or a group of people that include you as an individual too, right? Both dispersants and dispersed oil particles are toxic to some marine organisms. Disinfectants cannot be effective in areas with high pollution rates. Yet, this is not medically proven, many countries have started disinfecting streets, office buildings, schools, colleges, hospitals, and every public place. The main. These products are significantly more toxic and less effective than other available EPA-approved dispersants. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, Stop eyeglasses from fogging up while wearing a face mask, The difference between KN95 and N95 respirators, ULV Fogging Machines - A Simple Technical Guide. Changes to the water-intake process theoretically can make it less destructive. Dispersants used today are less toxic than those used in the past, but long term cumulative effects of dispersant use are still unknown. Since the start of the pandemic, it has been supposed that viruses can be present on open surfaces of the material, and when any human touches the surface, he or she can come in contact with the virus. And the biggest favor we can do to ourselves is following every guideline presented by the government to save ourselves and our loved ones. Disinfectants can also cause psychological effects alongside the physical effects on humans. Many disinfectants can inhibit the growth of plants and affect their fertilization process. The plumes raised concerns about the subsea use of dispersants, but researchers were unable to conclusively determine if they were related. Dispersants. Mechanical recovery can be limited by sea state and slick thickness. Dispersants may also reduce the fouling of shoreline habitats by reducing the amount of surface oil that is blown ashore. Chemical dispersants being used to break up oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill may come with a big tradeoff, because the effect on creatures of the open ocean is unknown, scientists say. However, not all types of spray deodorants are bad for the environment. Disinfectants can also cause psychological effects alongside the physical effects on humans. However, by mixing the oil below the water surface, dispersants increase the exposure of a wide array of marine life in the water and on the ocean floor to the spilled oil. For example, phenols are harmful to cats and dogs. Thus, short terms tests mean little, says Dr. Pincetich, who concludes that BP and, through its complicity, the government are essentially conducting a huge, environmental experiment on the Gulf "the likes of which we have never seen." So we build stadiums to keep teams, we build Walmarts so the next town doesn't get them and we pay the cost of doing business while the company gets subsidized, tax breaks, offshore accounts and gives its employees fewer benefits and less pay (except the guys at the top who live like royalty). According to a 2005 National Academy of Sciences report, the dispersants and the oil they leave behind can kill fish eggs. The government and BP both lack crucial scientific information about dispersants. Introduction to Coastal Habitats and Biological Resources for Spill Response: For more information about dispersant and oil toxicity, check Chapters 2 and 5 of this training manual. Dispersants may enter the food chain and can potentially harm wildlife. Few symptoms and side effects when you come in contact with disinfectants are asthma, headache, nausea, etc. Also, you can inhibit entry to a particular area for a day or two. Dispersants release toxic break-down products from oil that, alone or in combination with oil droplets and dispersant chemicals, can make dispersed oil more harmful to marine life than untreated oil. The research suggests the dispersal of the oil thats leaking in the Gulf could affect the seafood industry there. Sylvia Earle, the National Geographics explorer-in-residence and former chief scientist at NOAA, stated that the instructions for humans using Corexit warn that it is an eye and skin irritant, is harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed, and may cause injury to red blood cells, kidney or the liver. People are warned not to take Corexit internally, she said, but the fish, turtles, copepods and jellies have no choice. 1993-2022, There is a chemical toxicity to the dispersant compound that in many ways is worse than oil, said Richard Charter, a foremost expert on marine biology and oil spills who is a senior policy advisor for Marine Programs for Defenders of Wildlife and is chairman of the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council. Very intentional. One of the most difficult decisions that oil spill responders and natural resource managers face during a spill is evaluating the trade-offs associated with dispersant use, said the Academy report, titled Oil Spill Dispersants, Efficacy and Effects. What parent would do that? Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is impossible to completely stop disinfection, but we can apply some effective strategies. J Water Pollut Control Fed, 43(12):2383-2393, 01 Dec 1971 Politicians have failed to do anything to move us into more appropriate fuels; in the pockets of oil companies although they've made campaign pledges for decades. Share this article Share with . "The amount of dispersant being used at the surface is unprecedented," Jackson says. Revised: Nov 07, 2022 12:07pm | Site Map | Contact Us | Accessibility | Disclaimer Dispersed oil has been shown to be toxic to fish at all life stages, from eggs to larval fish to adults, according to numerous laboratory studies that have tested a variety of species. Where were all these people when jobs were being shipped to China, India and third-world countries? For any protective equipment in the medical and industrial fields or your home, True PPE USA is here for you. Dispersants should not be used on gasoline or diesel spills for example. If we do not, they will continue. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Many deodorants come in plastic, tin, or other non-recyclable or non-degradable materials. Even Hummers got a $5K subsidy. Chemicals, including lawn fertilizer, are causing too many problems in several aspects of our lives. What Are Some Environmental Impacts from Dispersant Use. What dispersants were used? A 3-D Environmental Problem In the absence of significant scientific data describing their environmental effects, EPA has scrambled to perform short-term testing on dispersants. The effectiveness of dispersants is being tested in laboratories and in actual spill situations, and the information collected may be used to help design more effective dispersants. New technologies that improve the application of dispersants are being designed. Largely untested when used in 2010, dispersants are increasingly. ; t make the do let us know your experiences are quickly in! 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