The cuisine, art, and architecture of Italy differ from that of America. So for those of you who want to travel to Europe, make sure to bring a bag with zippers, and make sure you are attentive to it, because there is a good chance that someone will try and pickpocket you. In the U.S., roads are wide, straight and endless, the speed limit gets up to 70 mph, highways usually have six lines and the most common cars are SUVs and vans. But the indescribable beautyI long for it! Teach English in Europe, I'll e-mail the link to my American friend Kristina. It is frowned upon to leave a restaurant and not tip for the service. Wedding Favors and Gifts. For example, the word what has an equivalent hand gesture of connecting all the fingers on one hand to form a beak shape then moving that hand back and forth. Before coming to Italy, I heard that Italians are often late. Although discrimination on the basis of caste is illegal in India, the ancient Hindu system continues to prosper in society. Do you know where in Italy your family originated? This essay has been submitted by a student. The men of Italy are very outspoken with their woman they compliment there women daily and show signs of affection on a regular basis. The majority language spoken in Italy is Italian, however, there are a few minor languages spoken in different regions of Italy such as German, or French (Commisceo Global, 2016). In other words, there really is no set time schedule, rather, things get done when one has time to do them. After spending a few weeks here admiring everyones great sense of fashion, I traveled to Venice and realized why it was so easy for Americans/American families to be picked out of a crowd. Six Reasons Why You Should Volunteer Virtually in Barcelona. 372 Words. Once youre back home, youll never be the same. Posted In: That means that after 8 p.m. everything is closed. I will be visiting Venice this year and am wondering if you have a favorite gelateria? You can revoke your consent any time using the Revoke consent button. She was attending college when she decided to take a break and move abroad to teach English in Lombardi, Italy. Our site uses cookies - some are essential to make the site work; others help us improve the user experience. . You cant just wake up, realize its a beautiful day to go hiking, grab some food, get in your car and go. Thats part of the experience! People in the Arab nations prefer collectivism while Americans opt individualism where virtue of self-reliance and personal independence is valued. What makes American history before the arrival of the first settlers different from Italian history of the same period is the paucity of direct historical sources, which abound on the other hand when it comes to the history of Italy. Stellar academics. Most young adults in the U.S. work toward moving out of their homes, starting a family, and becoming independent individuals. This isnt a lie! Italian Culture vs. American Culture. Just like the cars here, time has flown by and I cant wait to learn even more about the culture, people, and places Italy has to offer in my final weeks here. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Italians are more family-oriented and their food is very diverse, while Americans are often less close with their families and eat the same foods over and over. If you come to Italy let me know and I will tell you all about the best gelateria! This means that there are approximately 48,773,000 Hispanics and 40,375,000 African-Americans in the . Distances are huge. Just like the Italians, we are often known to be late everywhere we go. The trains are very useful because you can go almost anywhere with them, and if the train doesnt go to an exact place, a bus can take you! Lombardia. It's not part of Italian cultural practice to form a line. School buses have a STOP sign that appears from the left once stopped. Deception can alter the way we communicate by diminishing trust, loyalty, and respect from other individuals. One major difference between the Asian American culture is the mentality about who's going to be the bread-winner of the household. The goal of this paper is to increase communication between employees. Italian Culture in Italy vs. America Social Habits cont'd Works Cited In America, independence is forced upon people, especially if it means avoiding being "clingy" or "needy" in any relationships. I was completely wrong. What are the cultural differences between Italy and America? I still have tachycardia from my last trip. But the biggest change is that traffic laws are almost unreal. So yes, although Italy has a very strong nationality, nothing like the "melting-pot" in the U.S. its demographics have changed in the two decades I've been here, and I would guess will continue to change in the future. See ourprivacy policyfor more. Mother's father is Italian. 14. The caste system and status. Hope to share yours, too, soon.I am happy to say that I'm half Italian. In each country you go to, youll find a different culture; in each culture, youll find different habits. Enough said. Just ask American actor and dancer Kacie Burns - the woman moved form Canton, Michigan to Florence, Italy, and decided to document some of the biggest 'culture shocks' that she experienced in hilariously accurate . The American lifestyle is fast-paced and focused on work/career success. Jun 15th, 2018 Published. Iraqi men tie their honor to their women. Alison. Most women work outside the home. Americans are also much more individualistic than the French. In the American culture is normal for most high school students to have part time jobs. But when I'm in Italy I'm usually thinking "Viva la differenza!". Vietnam has a much higher percentage of Buddhists than America does. Some of the things unique to American culture are very strange in Italian culture, and vice versa. A teaching hospital is also generally attached to a medical school, in both Italy and America, to train medical students and nurses. We will occasionally send you account related emails. It was a grim introduction for a young woman who was used to spending her workweek in a high-rise Beverly Hills office and her weekends sitting by the pool. By clicking Continue, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Thank you! I found out that what we typically think of as Italian food is more similar to the food from the south. Regardless of their differences and similarities, Italian and French remain among the most beautiful languages in the world! 6. Hmong Culture Vs American Culture. The chronemics of Italian culture is very relaxed and laid-back. Buon Viaggio & Buon Appetito! In Italy, my school starts at 8:30 and ends at 1:10, while in the US, my school starts at 7:45 and ends at 3:00. A flair for mobster movies. Also like us on Facebook. Relationships in Italy versus America. When I first moved here there were small groups of North Africans immigrating, then with the war in the Balkans many Slavs and Albanians began arriving. This kind of listening shows they are mindfully listening and creating a good communication climate. America is an important nation with various nationalities and cultures inside it and this makes it difficult to discover a central culture and t. We've been in your shoes & we're here to help, Read hundreds of reviews from people just like you who took the plunge, ITA was named #1 TEFL Organization & #1 Online TEFL Course 4 years in a row. Mexico: In Mexico, family is usual placed ahead . To name a few, American culture usually includes being non-confrontational, lots of fast food, a high emphasis on sports, and a very competitive nature. In the chart below, review the differences between the views of "mainstream" American culture and Hispanic/Latino culture. For those of you who dont know, siesta is when store owners take a few hours break and close their store to do things that dont involve work- like nap or eat. Going off the dress code, you will probably never see an Italian in shorts under 70 degrees. At the moment I'm referring to families in the sense of all close relations. 7. They've given us some iconic films including "The Godfather," "The Departed," and "The Boondock Saints" to name . Communication Style: Italians are generally quite open, inquisitive and bold. Unlike Italy, the United States has different accents depending on the region of the United States we are from, but there is only one language that is spoken and understood . Its hard to change your routine from one day to another and I think I still need some time to get used to the new routine. Ciao for now. The American culture is a Western and a diverse culture; whereas, the Nepalese culture is Eastern and less diverse. Within the first few weeks everyone at CIMBA learned pretty quick to get their snacks and sandwiches before the 1 oclock siesta. I'm so happy life has turned out so beautifully for you. I dont suggest going out to eat if you have somewhere to be in an hour! Family is valued in both Latino and American cultures. The culture, widespread in the western countries is known as Western Culture. Many tasks continue until they are finished and they may not finish at a consistent time. 1) Coperto is covercharge. I love the culture and way of life. for Italy for the 3rd and final time in July of 1988. Also I cant forget to mention the gelato (Italian ice cream) Amazing! The first time I ordered coffee here was a rude awakening when the Starbucks-type coffee I was expecting was as dark and small as an espresso shot. Since most of you reading this are from the United States, I think we can all agree that its more than common to see children with mismatched clothes who probably insisted on dressing themselves (I was one of them) or people in t-shirts, sweat pants, and sweat shirts (Im also guilty of that), whereas here you probably will never see an Italian in sweat pants and a t-shirt. Around halfway through the semester, I felt like I had fallen into a routine. More Interesting Blogs. Most Italian coffee has very little to no sugar and creamer and being a frequent customer of Dunkin Donuts Vanilla Iced Coffees, I wasnt used to actually tasting the coffee. This goes to show we need not have a high-strung frantic culture in order to have effective communication. "Queue" = "Line," like if there's a long line . Italy scored a low thirty and Singapore scored a bit higher, forty-eight. 5 Ways to Live Like a Local on Study Abroad. We normally think of communication in reference to what we say or the words we utilize. I learned this one the hard way during one of my jogs when an elderly man pointed at me from across the street and said GOOD MORNING, AMERICAN! For a second, I thought the blonde hair gave it away until I realized he was pointing at my shorts. 24 years! It is difficult because punctuality was so important to me before and still is. Thats why I must turn down most of the trips I wanted to do! She is a Spanish language and literature major from Roanoke College, and is currently studying abroad at Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio in Spain. Gwen, I do remember meeting you just before I moved here. Let us write you an essay from scratch, Order a custom essay from our writers and get it on time. In the USA, standing out and making oneself heard is important. There may be numbers of different reasons that communication [], Working in the industry of IT, people communicating across the globe is something that is highly likely, recognising other peoples backgrounds and their culture is important to do. I use public transportation a lot to get around because I travel far to study Italian and also to the schools I teach at. Pets are like family members. There are differences in worth ethic between two cultures but there are also many similarities between Latino and American cultures regarding work ethic. The ways in which people show interest is by maintaining eye contact, raising eyebrows, leaning in, and smiling. The components of Italian American culture in many ways provide a striking contrast to current American beliefs, values, and living habits. After spending 7 weeks here and traveling to 6 different cities, I've noted some major differences in Italian and American culture. Refer a Friend, Get $100 when They Enroll. We can write you a custom essay that will follow your exact instructions and meet the deadlines. Let's fix your grades together! Basketball fans love the Lakers (this would be more Italy/L.A.) She is a graduate student studying international communication from Universit degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo in Italy, and is currently studying abroad at Creighton University in Nebraska. Mother is Irish and Italian, was born in the United States, and raised in Englewood, N.J. Mother's mother is Irish. Dont be surprised if the hairdresser isnt ready for you until 2:45. Gradesfixer, A Comparison of the Similarities and Differences in Interpersonal Communication of Italians and Americans., A Comparison of the Similarities and Differences in Interpersonal Communication of Italians and Americans [Internet]. The differences in Italian culture and American culture are vast and varied, but with a few comparable components to demonstrate similarities. In my Italian class this semester, in typical Italian fashion, we discussed love and romance extensively. It is acceptable to arrive fifteen minutes late to a scheduled event; it is not important when a meeting happens, rather, it is more important that the meeting is enjoyable for all those involved. Having different religious beliefs require some people to leave during the work hours to practice. they have the same vowel sounds. The fact that two languages belong to the same family means that they share many common elements. After visiting Rome and seeing several cars parked horizontally facing the road in a section of parallel parked cars, I realized that road signs and signals are taken even more as a suggestion, versus law, here than they are in the United States. Eye contact is used to depict how honest someone is and at times may be intense, but it is considered rude and may suggest the listener is uninterested in what the speaker has to say if eye contact is broken. Roman pavements, tight and winding streets, 50 km/h (31 mph) speed limit, two-lane highways, and the most common car is a 500 FIAT. Russians are a very communal people. Arabs choose doing activities with a group as it helps them achieve greater tasks. The many aspects of marketing translation: A German-American case study(1) Marketing copy varies from country to country, not only because of linguistic but also because of cultural differences; Two eyes are not enough. It is known as a polychronic culture, which views relationships and quality interaction as more important than a strict schedule. In India, reaching on time is . The similarities both country's parks and playgrounds build for children. The Italian's live in a slow-paced environment. First of all, Italian school has a different schedule than American school. From Campo San Bartolomeo (a campo near the foot of Rialto bridge on the opposite side of the mercato)you'll see a "portico" go under the portico, follow the calle (alleyway) over one bridge and continue on until you are on Salizada S. Lio (a little wider calle). To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: By clicking Send, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. For example, approximately 15.1% of the total U.S. population is Hispanic and 12.5% African-American (American people, 2016). In addition to eye contact, Italians and Americans share similar listening styles. As for the melting pot thing,I would say that even if not in the same way as the U.S. or Britain, Italy has some diversity as well. The third major difference is siesta- and no, thats not a party (although the store owners might consider it one). The French American Academy has built itself on the core belief that bilingual education opens the minds and the hearts of children. Potato chips are "crisps" or "Taytos". One being how we act, founded on the element that we assign imperative meaning to people, things and events. In the context of this paper I will recapitulate this beautiful [], Communication plays a very important role towards the development of any organization. Italy is a very high context culture; they learn more from nonverbal and environmental cues than spoken words. I was leaving my world behind and was headed for the unknown. ISEP student Dantae H. is a part of ISEP Voices Spring 2016. International TEFL Academy graduate Madelyn Harrick draws upon her experience teaching English in Italy and discusses some of the differences between living in Italy and in the U.S. And Alisonwe miss you, too! This essay was donated by a student and is likely to have been used and submitted before, Free samples may contain mistakes and not unique parts. You're paying for your utensils and service, but you don't have to pull out your tip calculator. . The first time riding in a taxi here, it became apparent that the aggressive city driving you see in New York or Chicago is also normal driving style here. 6. Want to Learn More About Teaching English Abroad & Online? Americans (like myselfor maybe its just because Im from Chicago) consider shorts weather 55 degrees and above. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. I felt uninspired, and easily annoyed by little things. It makes them become international citizen. In Ireland we tip through choice and in America it is mandatory and expected to give a tip. It is what helps us build enduring relationships, establish open lines of communication, and resolve conflicts with our family and friends. All of the regions are so diverse. But it was my new world and my new lifestyle, and it turned out to be the best choice Ive ever made. Available from: 3) Dinner doesn't start until at least 7 pm. Anyway, here are my observations about the differences between Italian school and school in the US. Unbelievable!! An Iraqi man could be a liar, a thief, cheats at work, and accepts bribes; that is ok. The British queue up. In Italy, the noodle is a wonderful symbol of the entire Italian culture and more specific regional traditions. Hello ladiesthank you for your comments. Common traditional Italian cuisines include but are not limited to Bruschetta, Hot Berry Tarts, Chicken dish, and Ravioli. I love your additions, too! The degree to which community life takes place in a large, mostly vehicle-free civic square is mar. I admit over the years I too have gotten in the habit of eating eggs--una buona frittata di verdura--either for lunch or dinner. As for the term "honor", it has completely different value base in Iraq (or the Middle East in general) than in America. Household Budgets Are Similar but Different The cost of living in Italy versus that in the USA appears very similar at the highest level; however, there are many differences in categories like fuel and housing. Throughout these class discussions, I began to notice the disparities between the amount of people in long-term relationships in Italy versus those in America. I'm from a really small Italian town with its typical Roman features. 108 PBB Suite C300 This is a [], This paper discovers what kind of problem came due to a lack of communication. I just came back from my spring break, and that means that more than half of this semester abroad is already over. This can be inconvenient, but I appreciate that people take the time to make food and sit down at the table for lunch. Hello Bonnie Marie,When to eat bacon and eggs is certainly an item to add! I will begin by examining how the theory is [], It is likely that communication difficulties will be encountered occasionally within the school environment. Hi Joan. Tags: Rome, America, italy, Paderno del Grappa, study abroad, venice, Italian culture, Italian VS US culture, The University of Iowa I've thought about you and told your story many times. The challenge to the psychiatric nurse lies in maximizing the strengths of this culture to enhance the individual's ability to be what he or she can and chooses to be within the Italian culture and within the broader context of contemporary American society. Plane tickets from Milan are very inexpensive; for example, I bought tickets to London for 30 Euros ($32 USD), and tickets to Budapest, Hungary for 15 Euros ($16 USD). The biggest difference for me was driving. 450+ experts on 30 subjects ready to help you just now, Interpersonal relationships come in many different forms. Here are some strategies I used to lift myself of this funk. The earlier example of the Neapolitan development of a macaroni culture reveals an important aspect of Italian culture. Fill out the form to receive your TEFL starter kit & get in touch with an expert advisor who's taught/lived overseas. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. For example, when I walk on the streets at home, I always smile and greet other people. 31017 Paderno del Grappa TV. `Italian Culture vs. American Culture` Kimberly Nyholm Anthropology 101 Ms. Winn September 2, 2009 Cultures 2 Abstract `Being born in a multicultural . It is considered uncivil to set a lunch or dinner table without a table cloth, Most Italians take a long vacation in August, Beer with pizza and sandwiches; Wine with everything else; Milk is never served with meals, The majority of couples decide to only have one child, Soccer is the number one sport and has an 11 month season, Consumers often seem to have fewer rights than the service providers, You bag your own groceries and pay for the bags, Everyone drives as if theyre in a Ferrari, People dont really care what you do for a living, It is acceptable to leave work in the morning to pick up your familys daily supply of fresh baked bread, In larger cities people walk more than they drive, Public schools are considered better than private, Meetings are scheduled to schedule meetings, Women love shoes and handbags made in Italy, Basketball fans love the Lakers (this would be more Italy/L.A.). I believe that many individuals underestimate the significance of nonverbal communication. However in Italy, it's a different story. Most shops close for two hours in the middle of the day for a lunch break. Also, Italian schools have school on Saturdays (at . So far, so good. Thank you LindyLouI will do the same and post your blog on my list, too. In the U.S., roads are wide, straight and endless, the speed limit gets up to 70 mph, highways . But then they have dinner at 5 p.m., or 6 p.m. maximum. AND Giovanni, something tells me your mother made quite a bit of minestrone when you were a child :)! When going out to eat, there are three courses, dessert, and then coffee. French Culture Vs. American Culture History. In Australia, what is seen as attention-seeking behavior is quickly shot down. Out on the streets, it is not uncommon for people to push and shove through crowds or witness men and men or women and women linking arms while walking together. The gelateria is on your left, and isn't hard to findbecause often there's a line! Another difference that I noticed involves mealtimes and schedules in general. Italian culture and American culture present many differences, which is why I would like to travel there to gain more knowledge about the world. Traditionally Italians embraced the concept of extended families more than Americans. Imigration impacts the individual behavior based on the effect of culture in our . Even when archaeological sources of pre-Colombian times are available, such as in the case of the Puebloan people of North America, they are temporally coeval to the Italian early Middle Ages, hence much later than, say, the Roman Republic or the Punic Wars. Do you have a hair appointment at 2pm? There are a communication theories called politeness theory, which is commonly used between human. ISEP student Barbara D. is a part of ISEP Voices Spring 2016. GradesFixer. Wedding Drinks. Written By: Madelyn Harrick I have always thought that European countries tended to be pretty homogeneous unless, like Britain, they had a lot of colonies and allowed pretty free access to their country for people of those colonies. But when you have the time to stop and think about them, youll notice how your routine looks different now. Ive done it by foot and by bicycle too, but not in the United States! Sign up to learn more! Many are U.S. citizens, enjoying and maintaining a rich Persian-American culture. Love your playful list of similarities, Marie. This long history permeates the culture in French people. Italians love the U.S./Americans love Italy! Italy vs. America: Embracing the Differences, Our website uses cookies to understand what content is most relevant to your research on teaching English abroad. Most stores are also family owned and therefore prices are usually more, so if you come to Italy, youre probably not going to find your all-in-one store like Wal-Mart. 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