The relaxed tax structure during this pandemic and Government investment policies will enhance the PPP model for handling the infectious wastes during the health outbreaks and also develop a better infrastructure for infection free treatment of HCW. Morsing, M. &. <> Rothan H.A., Byrareddy S.N. Separate regulatory framework for HCWM during COVID-19 outbreak (POL 1). Zika virus outbreak on Yap Island, Federated States OF Micronesia. So the results obtained from this model are not useful or complete. Analyzed the barriers of implementing HCWM practices using ISM and fuzzy-MICMAC analysis. . Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection,,,, ODFfMTU0MjIxNQ.html, %PDF-1.5 Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd or IKEA is a Swedish furniture multinational global company. Use of socially responsible materials in manufacturing apparel (challenge). (2020) revealed that community movements and disturbances could spread the infection from one place to another. Thereafter, the study has applied a TISM methodology to model the factors under PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak ( Zorpas, 2020 . The major findings of the study are as below: The present study does have some limitations, which open further research directions: Being the single author, the whole manuscript has been prepared and compiled by the corresponding author only. Reverse logistics network design for effective management of medical waste in epidemic outbreaks: insights from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Wuhan (China). The present study has investigated the impactful PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak to develop the TISM based hierarchy. Also, the WASH practitioners should be adequately trained to use personal protective equipment (PPE). It comprises political, economic, sociological, technological, legal, and environmental factors. For employees, the income tax rate ranges from14% to 42%. 599! iii) The safe water management and sanitation services will not only help in fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak, but, will also control the other infectious diseases. (2015), the world has now to shift the focus on greening their healthcare services, including HCWM, while targeting the economic sustainability in the healthcare system during this COVID-19 outbreak. Due to their natural origins, they stand out as an environmentally friendly tool, since they quickly decompose and minimize pollution problems produced by synthetic pesticides. v) poor maintenance of HCWs records, hiding the actual data, unauthorized hospitals are some of the key administrative issues in managing the HCW. In this blog, we will look at what a PESTEL analysis is used for as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using it in a business setting. Relaxed tax structure during disease outbreaks (ECO 2). Firstly, the study highlights the various dimensions targeting six main areas (political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal) for implementing the sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak, but the detailed action plan on every dimension for strategic planning has not been highlighted. Song J., Sun Y., Jin L. PESTEL analysis of the development of the waste-to-energy incineration industry in China. Hence, to fight against the epidemic, the Government should intervene with the investment policies in the development of a sustainable HCWM system like: PPP (public-private partnership) model, BOT (build-operate-transfer) projects, O&M (operate-maintenance) projects, SEZs (special economic zone) (Song etal., 2017). The PESTEL analysis model supports strategic management by identifying the external factors that present opportunities or threats, based on the remote or macro-environment of the fast-food business, pertaining to the political, economic, sociocultural, technological, legal, and ecological . Regular sanitization of the workplace will stop the spread of the infection to the local community. The implications for the hospitals managers and waste treatment facilities have been suggested to develop the HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak (highlighted in 5.1). The healthcare workers, infected patients, housekeeping staff, waste handlers etc. PESTLE analysis helps foresee future challenges and opportunities that the external environment puts forward. Sun Y., Lei L., Zhou W., Chen C., He Y., Sun J. Gupta S., Boojh R., Mishra A., Chandra H. Rules and management of biomedical waste at Vivekananda Polyclinic: a case study. (Saeidi-Mobarakeh etal., 2020; Yu etal., 2020; Budak and Ustundag, 2017; Shi etal., 2009) but, focussing on developing the sustainable HCWM during COVID-19 outbreak is the unique contribution of the present study. One study conducted in India, Vietnam, Canbodia and Philippines, have shown that contaminants like: polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, and polychlorinated biphenyls were detected in the land nearby the ash and other left-outs dumping sites (Ferronato and Torretta, 2019; Minh etal., 2003). Findings: The study of SWOT analysis identified several important limitations in the SWOT analysis; principal amongst them being lack of temporal perspective, lack of lower sub-system application in organisation, absence of factor identification and lack of action orientation. Here, the reachability sets and antecedent sets for all the PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM are defined as discussed in by Jena etal. Dotted lines in the digraph show the significant transitive links and all other plane lines represent the direct links between PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM (as shown in Fig. The HCWM in developing nations like India is continuously facing challenges since its inception: i) recycling of plastic medical wastes like syringes, bottles etc., by the rag-pickers without using proper protection and sterilization (Thakur and Ramesh, 2017). The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the As per the study conducted on the assessment of groundwater quality in Tamilnadu, India, chromium level of up to 275mg/L was found, which is 1000 times higher than WHOs recommendations for safe drinking water (Rao etal., 2011). To explore the interrelationships among the various factors under PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM by using total interpretive structural modeling (TISM). The analysis gives an idea of macro-environmental factors that impacts the functioning of a particular business. These independent dimensions feed as the inputs for developing the sustainable HCWM system during the COVID-19 outbreak. Political factors indicate that businesses are highly motivated to be opened in the Herefordshire area because the country, in such a way, encourages economic stability and financial . Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The impacts of external factors are mitigated through preemptive strategy and new opportunities are exploited in the wake of new competitive positions that may be created in the process. The fuzzy set theory says that if fuzzy matrices are multiplied, then the resultant matrix will also be the fuzzy matrix only (Zhao etal., 2020). no longer supports Internet Explorer. This community displacement may be due to the reason that people are losing their jobs because of shutting down and they are shifting to their villages. (Replaced Lexis Nexis Academic) PESTEL factor information is provided for countries. Step 2. The annual revenue increased by 15.38% and net income decreased by 163.48%. The study applied a PESTEL analysis to identify the 17 dimensions of sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak under six main dimensions: political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal. Mishra S., Singh S.P., Johansen J., Cheng Y., Farooq S. Evaluating indicators for international manufacturing network under circular economy. By applying Eqn. Accessibility The final reachability matrix, including all the transitive positions, has been shown in Table4 World Health Organization . The remainder of the study has been organized in the following sections: Section 2 highlights the current status of HCWM and also the supportive literature for the various PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM. Such expansion strategy transformed them into multinational business firms having a number of subsidiaries or branches and through their huge structure, market share, and capability, and hence they became a prominent player in their industry/industry sector. A PESTEL analysis is used to identify threats and weaknesses which are used in a SWOT analysis. However, both hotels need to consider some issues whist developing a strategic plan such as technological changes, competitors, new entrance, bargaining power of the customers, economic situation, environmental issues and legal policies and laws. Here, PESTEL analysis will explore the various political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal dimensions which will affect the implementation of sustainable HCWM system within the hospitals and at the waste treatment facilities (Song etal., 2017; Mkude and Wimmer, 2015). Compared to industry analysis, company analysis gives focused and deeper insight into a company and its business in terms of challenges and opportunities. Hasan Z., Dhir S., Dhir S. Modified total interpretive structural modelling (TISM) of asymmetric motives and its drivers in Indian bilateral CBJV. Meeting the environmental obligations while fighting against the COVID-19 outbreak will ensure the sustainable HCWM system. Here, all the direct relationships among the PESTEL dimensions are represented in the form of a directed digraph. Step 3. De Jong M.D., Simmons C.P., Thanh T.T., Hien V.M., Smith G.J., Chau T.N.B., Qui P.T. He introduced the framework back in 1964 in his book "Scanning the Business Environment". This extra amount of HCW is evident in every part of the world, due to the enhanced usage of protection items like: personal protective kits, masks, face shielding, gloves and other disposable items (ECDC, 2020). ISBN 978-1-62620-998-5 8. Thereafter, the binary interpretive matrix for 17 PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM, has been prepared by converting all the direct relationships as well as the significant transitive links into 1 (Zhao etal., 2020). Applications of PESTEL and TISM-MICMAC methodologies. However, 45% tax is applicable if someone's income goes above 270,501. Hence, separate legal policies need to be defined in order to handle and treat the infectious wastes more effectively (Wang etal., 2020; Yu etal., 2020). It identiSes the changes and the effects of the external macro environment on a Srm's competitive position. Throughout the world, steep growth has been noticed in the generation rates of the HCW, while treating the COVID-19 patients. Technological factors affect marketing in (1) new ways of producing goods and services; (2) new ways of distributing goods and services; (3) new ways of communicating with target markets. The most significant disadvantage of the model is that PESTLE analysis is only based on an assessment of the external environment. The PEST analysis is a useful tool for understanding market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business. In the first part of the study, to understand the HCWM industrys macro-environment, the PESTEL framework has been used (Mkude and Wimmer, 2015; Yksel, 2012). A PEST analysis of the business school education environment is provided in Table I. The PES-TLE analysis is used to sort the state of every of the panels and find which one has the most impact. Managerial Implications: The proposed tools will force organisations to take two important steps in their strategic planning. Developing legal policy for COVID-19 hospitals (LEG 1). The same reachability matrix is observed for any transitivity conditions. Country Reports, on the right side tool bar, links to extensive current reports providing information on the PESTEL factors in a country. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Waste Management for COVID-19: Technical Brief, 03 March 2020 (No. PESTEL issues can affect a company on many levels. For pictorial representation, all the 17 PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak have been placed in the form of a directed graph, highlighting the direct relationships as per the final reachability matrix. Moreover, the tracking based supply chain of HCW (TEC 2) should be designed to track the movement of each bag of HCW down to the supply chain from hospitals to the waste treatment facilities. Nestle S.A. is a Swiss food & beverage multinational company. 2 The continuous pollution emissions from the waste treatment facilities, should be compensated with some CSR activities for the local community. Further, the application of fuzzy-MICMAC analysis determined the role of the individual dimension for the development of a sustainable HCWM system and identified the following strong drivers of sustainable HCWM: regular sanitization of contact points, social awareness, governments investment policies, legal framework, environmental policy for fighting against COVID-19 outbreak. But, still, to fight against the current pandemic and to analyze the various hurdles for implementing sustainable HCWM during this COVID-19 outbreak, the present study seeks to answer the following research questions like: what are the various political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors in the macro-environment, which can affect the decision-making and strategy formulation, for developing a sustainable HCWM system? At the landing page, select Publication and enter "United States" and date > 07/01/2016, for example, in the search box. Technologically innovative products (challenge). Also, search for articles in periodicals and journals on individual PESTEL factors in the country, articles on a company and the industry it operates in. As now, some of the wastes like food wastes and other stationery items, which were not earlier considered as infectious medical wastes, but, soon after coming in contact with COVID-19 patients need to be handled like infectious wastes (World Health Organization, 2020). PEST is an acronym for four sources of change: political, economic, social, and technological. It is worth mentioning that the first 9,744 earned each year is tax free (PwC, 2021). Nonetheless, the company must focus on maximizing business performance. An external environmental analysis has been conducted to examine the environment in which the company operates. A framework to assess political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors Written by Kyle Peterdy Updated October 27, 2022 What is a PESTEL Analysis? You can almost consider PESTLE to be an extension of the SWOT report. Select News instead of Publication to search for articles on companies, industries, and individual PESTEL factors. The findings have revealed that Hyatt is a popular brand and well-known hotel in the world. endobj Government investment policies during the COVID-19 outbreak (ECO 1) are another strong driver identified in the HCWM system, which will help in promoting the HCWM sector with the latest technologies, financial subsidies and liberalized tax policies for HCW handlers. It evaluates various threats and opportunities posed by an external environmentand devises mechanisms to deal with those threats. The COVID-19 pandemic has put the world economy at an unprecedented position and protecting society from the infection is at the core of all measures. FOIA To compute the final reachability matrix, the transitivity conditions are removed from the whole pair-wise comparison matrix by replacing the cell entry by 1 and also the explanation is given for all the significant transitive positions in the interpretive logic-knowledge base. Hence, to avoid this limitation of TISM and include more sensitivity analysis in the relationships among various dimensions, fuzzy-MICMAC has been used for the present study (Thakur and Ramesh, 2016). Mazaira, A., Gonzlez, E., & Avendano, R. (2003). Published: September 17 2015. The findings of this paper have argued that both hotels have some strength that can be used for business growths, some weaknesses that need to be improved, some opportunities that can be achieved, and some threats that need to be protected. Zhao G., Liu S., Lopez C., Chen H., Lu H., Mangla S.K., Elgueta S. Risk analysis of the agri-food supply chain: a multi-method approach. These techniques have been combined for the following reasons: firstly, PESTEL analysis being a multifaceted approach, helps in capturing the strategic forces present in the macro-environment and supports the decision-making in the organization (Pan etal., 2019; Song etal., 2017). The identification of future macroeconomic variables that might be of interest and the construction of different scenarios allow the manager to better anticipate the strategic decisions needed to ensure the proper development and sustainability of the business.
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