But if you just have some four vector notation for Maxwell equations, it really is very difficult for me to understand. But e, that's a complex number. You can't get any decent resolution or detail. Ultraslow-motion video of stepped leader propagation: Goulde, R.H. (1977) "The lightning conductor", pp. [155] Overall reactions occur in 1 to 3% with nonionic contrast and 4 to 12% of people with ionic contrast. This is where Carl Weiman made a killing. Tumors can be detected by the swelling and anatomical distortion they cause, or by surrounding edema. So that was the first time you heard about the Kocher/Commins? 12/08/2022 [45], Though longitudinally stable when stationary, a bike may become longitudinally unstable under sufficient acceleration or deceleration, and Euler's second law can be used to analyze the ground reaction forces generated. This was Gerry Feinberg when I took it the first time, and then Gerald Wick the second time, I think. The portion of the contact patch towards the outside of the turn is actually moving rearward, with respect to the wheel's hub, faster than the rest of the contact patch, because of its greater radius from the hub. I could buy one candy bar, or one and a half candy bars, but I couldn't buy 1+i candy bars. [99] Due to the conductive properties of aluminium alloy, the fuselage acts as a Faraday cage. [156][158] The famous Grangier, Roger and Aspect experiment, in which they claim to have done it first. CT scanning can perform a virtual colonoscopy with greater accuracy and less discomfort for the patient than a traditional colonoscopy. And so we [my wife and I and another Caltech classmate at Columbia, Jim Whitney] would frequently go to parties together, commute up and down from New York, and he would come down and visit New York and stay with me, or I would go up to Boston and stay with him. They were both full professors. When they do manage to make contact with a conductive portion of the main leader network, a return stroke-like process occurs and a dart leader travels across all or a portion of the length of the original leader. PCDs have several potential advantages, including improving signal (and contrast) to noise ratios, reducing doses, improving spatial resolution, and through use of several energies, distinguishing multiple contrast agents. 13 (1976), No 15 (1977), No? And the fact that Jaynes got it was not at all accidental, and it really was a valid way of looking at it, even quantum electrodynamically. That's what they looked like. These leaders, also called recoil leaders, usually decay shortly after their formation. And so I just went up to Boston actually it was to Wellesley and stayed in Abner's house with him. Tires generate the lateral forces necessary for steering and balance through a combination of cornering force and camber thrust. But why did you want to spend only a year there? We have no idea how we got from Schrodinger's waves to Born's dots on the screen. [152] Furthermore, certain conditions can require children to be exposed to multiple CT scans. I, in fact, was defending the government in the Vietnam War. [70][71][72] Its usage in airport security pioneered at Shannon Airport in March 2022 has ended the ban on liquids over 100ml there, a move that Heathrow Airport plans for a full roll-out on 1 December 2022 and the TSA spent $781.2 million on an order for over 1,000 scanners, ready to go live in the summer. [154] The most common reactions from these agents are mild, including nausea, vomiting, and an itching rash. Actually Shifang Li wasSo the paper finally came out jointly by Ed Fry, Thomas Walther, and Shifang Li proposing the experiment, and Ed has given that talk any number of times, describing all of molecular physics. When braking, the inertial force ma in the line of travel, not being co-linear with f, tends to rotate m about f. This tendency to rotate, an overturning moment, is resisted by a moment from mg. And the same thing like Bill Phillips. In addition, employers may use time spent in unemployment as a screening tool, i.e., to weed out less desired employees in hiring decisions. Melville, NY 11747 This one goes up with the mass." But in essence. It's surprising to me because Cummins' experiment was precisely on the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. So it was an LBL group. Howard Shugart was now in charge of the group. Lightning can be detected in any explosion but the causation of additional electrification from ice particles in ash can lead to a stronger electrical field and a higher rate of detectable lightning. These discharges normally originate from the tops of very tall structures, such as communications antennas. But in quantum mechanics, you couldn't get rid of the i. The fraction of strokes above 65 degrees north was found to be increasing linearly with the NOAA global temperature anomaly and grew by a factor of 3 as the anomaly increased from 0.65 to 0.95C [161], Paleolightning refers to the remnants of ancient lightning activity studied in fields such as historical geology, geoarchaeology, and fulminology. You now had these two sources of i that were coming in here. And a lot of the things you needed to know, "What's the line width look like, how many modes does it have and the like," they don't know, nor do they care. Results in Physics is an open-access journal offering authors the opportunity to publish in all fundamental, applied and interdisciplinary areas of Physics.Papers of theoretical, computational, and experimental nature are all welcome.Results in Physics accepts high-quality papers that are scientifically and technically sound and provide valuable new knowledge to the physics I wasn't doing anything at all useful or productive. [43][44] Along with the smooth loops, substitution of trapezoidal, triangular or rectangular pulses instead of the harmonic functions allows piecewise-linear hysteresis loops frequently used in discrete automatics to be built in the model. This situation is commonly found on cruiser bicycles, some recumbents, and some motorcycles. The radiated pulses rapidly weaken as their distance from the origin increases. The guy is absolutely amazing. I thought it was interesting physics. Commenting on the 2006 awards, Marc Abrahams, Tire inflation pressures have also been found to be important variables in the behavior of a motorcycle at high speeds. And each one had its own set of floor space, and usually, groups consisted of one or two senior professors, and a few junior faculty, and a handful of post-docs and graduate students, all of which just kind of worked as a community, family a family with sort of common interests. For example, traditional anti-inflationary policy (the use of recession to fight inflation) leads to a permanently higher "natural" rate of unemployment (more scientifically known as the NAIRU). The so-called modern physics curricula went by the wayside. Early estimates of harm from CT are partly based on similar radiation exposures experienced by those present during the atomic bomb explosions in Japan after the Second World War and those of nuclear industry workers. You walk in there and the whole lobby is surrounded by a mural which is his map of the Milky Way Galaxy with CO microwave lines. The voxel with the lowest attenuation is displayed. This left-right interchange corresponds to the view that physicians generally have in reality when positioned in front of patients. That was June of '72. Radio pulses recorded by the spacecraft Venus Express (which began orbiting Venus in April 2006) may originate from lightning on Venus. You can tune the energy discriminators just to look for that gamma ray directly. One idea in one sentence." The water vapor-dense contrails of airplanes may provide a lower resistance pathway through the atmosphere having some influence upon the establishment of an ionic pathway for a lightning flash to follow. That became a primary interest. And Feinberg smiled and said, "The square root of minus one." Moreover, in Bell's case, he uses the fact that there is at least one pair of orientations where there is a perfect correlation. I really hadn't met them until I went to Erice. I'm convinced that their extra sensory perception was all a crock. I'm not surprised I was unable to finish it all because the stuff he had to go through to get that done, it was really complicated. I don't know what else you could mean by it.". Then when you finally get into relativistic quantum mechanics, the equations have complex numbers in them. So I went down to Stanford, and he gave me the grand tour of the GPB [Gravity Probe B (a colossal NASA experiment in a satellite to measure the Lens Thirring effect from general relativity)]experiment they are running there. [106], Although images produced by CT are generally faithful representations of the scanned volume, the technique is susceptible to a number of artifacts, such as the following:[110][111]Chapters 3 and 5, CT scanning has several advantages over traditional two-dimensional medical radiography. However, they are not optimal for every object subject to these kinds of research questions, as there are certain artifacts like the Herculaneum papyri in which the material composition has very little variation along the inside of the object. Split it up in nice, simple, clear, concise sentences. That's the standard logic. He was very knowledgeable. All of them came down to Washington and heard my talk. The Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) is an independent non-statutory committee established by the Australian Government Minister for Health in 1998. Different common names used to describe a particular lightning event may be attributed to the same or to different events. And the stuff that Bohm's group was doing [subsequently], was that of any interest? Data 17, 513886 (1988). Other than that, I don't really remember anything. To see, (a), if you could do the interferometer As soon as I proposed it, everybody else who had really well equipped atomic physics laboratories, I proposed in the conference that Zeilinger and Rauch ran in Vienna back 15 years ago or so. studies on 2.5 million patients[138] and 3.2 million patients[139] have drawn attention to high cumulative doses of more than 100 mSv to patients undergoing recurrent CT scans within a short time span of 1 to 5 years. [134] Others dispute this estimate,[147] as there is no consensus that the low levels of radiation used in CT scans cause damage. That was the first time I had ever heard of that. Because human beings are terrestrial and most of their possessions are on the Earth where lightning can damage or destroy them, cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning is the most studied and best understood of the three types, even though in-cloud (IC) and cloud-to-cloud (CC) are more common types of lightning. He did that much better than I did. That's the difference that I was describing to you earlier when I say I am not an abstract thinker. It becomes interesting at that point. The metaloxidesemiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET, MOS-FET, or MOS FET) is a type of field-effect transistor (FET), most commonly fabricated by the controlled oxidation of silicon.It has an insulated gate, the voltage of which determines the conductivity of the device. You can't look at it that way, that's not true." That was interesting. I went back and checked the derivation, "Oops. Could we do this with really macroscopic particles? Deciding whether and how to treat incidentalomas is complex, radiation exposure is not negligible, and the money for the scans involves opportunity cost. Yes. In relativistic quantum mechanics, it was not obvious where this i was coming from. Hardly. So I took it again, and I got another C. So I took it again. He taught me a lot of quantum mechanics. I don't really remember him very much. In the same year University of Florida and Florida Tech researchers used an array of electric field and X-ray detectors at a lightning research facility in North Florida to confirm that natural lightning makes X-rays in large quantities during the propagation of stepped leaders. The Est Group was the one that came out of this. The attenuation of metallic implants depends on the atomic number of the element used: Titanium usually has an amount of +1000HU, iron steel can completely extinguish the X-ray and is, therefore, responsible for well-known line-artifacts in computed tomograms. And it was very different from the Gas Research Institute, where apparently Gas Research Institute represents all of the gas companies. In addition, there are hysteretic models that capture general features of many systems with hysteresis. * And there is a list of at least half a dozen or more theories of spontaneous localization. Optimal rider controls for stabilization and path-following control are also discussed. [14] Blood flow, blood transit time, and organ blood volume, can all be calculated with reasonable sensitivity and specificity. Now, it turns out in fluids This is actually very interesting, and there are two things you can think about. Freezing, combined with collisions between ice and water, appears to be a critical part of the initial charge development and separation process. Originally, everyone was trying to use a hydrogen 21 centimeter line, but there is just way too much of it. These systems are often characterized by higher values of the input required to switch into a particular state as compared to the input required to stay in the state, allowing for a transition that is not continuously reversible, and thus less susceptible to noise. [10][11] These two detector systems are mounted on a single gantry at 90 in the same plane. At one point you refer to these as cheap experiments. Did you give a damn about radio astronomy at that point? Townes was the guy who actually twisted Commins' arm to put Stu Freedman on the experiment and to steer Atomic Beam Group funds into doing the experiment. It may have some of the long calculations. In footnotes or endnotes please cite AIP interviews like this: Interview of John Clauser by Joan Bromberg on 2002 May 20, Now, shock waves are interesting, and they are sort of one-sided solitons if you like. It took weeks of counting to get any decent statistics. And once he did this, man, he and his students just solved all the outstanding problems. Now imagine this particle moving in time. Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron holes, releasing energy in the form of photons.The color of the light (corresponding to the energy of the photons) is determined by the energy required for electrons to cross the band gap of the semiconductor. And one possible source of i was from relativity. And typically, historically when this sort of thing happens, the way you learn the other school is you hire the other guy's graduate students as post-docs, and he comes and teaches you what it was that they were doing in that lab? IC lightning is the most frequently occurring type.[74]. Another hypothesis involves locally enhanced electric fields being formed near elongated water droplets or ice crystals. But T.D. I guess. The flow of warm ocean currents past drier land masses, such as the Gulf Stream, partially explains the elevated frequency of lightning in the Southeast United States. I don't know that it ever got published. They started doing meson physics, with virtually zero budget. Download File View File. I then got Anton Zeilinger up [to the board], but I said [to Anton], "Okay, you're witnessing this, and you're doing the experiment. 545576 in, Kasemir, H. W. (1950) "Qualitative bersicht ber Potential-, Feld- und Ladungsverhaltnisse Bei einer Blitzentladung in der Gewitterwolke" (Qualitative survey of the potential, field and charge conditions during a lightning discharge in the thunderstorm cloud) in, V. Cooray, Mechanism of the Lightning Flash, in The Lightning Flash, 2nd ed., V. Cooray (Ed. Star Trek is an American science fiction media franchise created by Gene Roddenberry, which began with the eponymous 1960s television series and quickly became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon.The franchise has expanded into various films, television series, video games, novels, and comic books.With an estimated $10.6 billion in revenue, it is one of the most Who the heck are those guys? I don't know who came up with it, but the standard scenario is at first, it's preposterous. Classic examples of how this is done is in an expansion wave through a Delaval nozzle, and/or through a shock wave. It's all over the map, and it depended upon the people involved, and how much initiative each guy had, as to how people do this. Phillip Eberhart. So I thought, "You know, maybe that's the loophole." "[135] On the other hand, a recent paper analyzing the data of patients who received high cumulative doses showed a high degree of appropriate use. No. And naively, I want to say, "Well, this is clearly absurd and impossible. Microprocessor architects report that since around 2010, semiconductor advancement has slowed industry-wide below the pace predicted by Moore's law. And Dad and his brother were trying to figure out what they wanted to do for grad school, and this was very exciting stuff. And you could see how all this worked. And there were two schools of thought. {\displaystyle L} The restoring force is applied in phase with the progress of the irregularity, and the wheel turns to the other side where the process is repeated. In fact, some of it even involved people like Steven Hawking. So I have as a function of x, y, z, and t, which would be what I would get from my ruler. Now consider a two particle case. There was also at the same time, during this early era, that group had also meetings with the group at the Esalen Institute. A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits light when current flows through it. Sven Hartman was doing solid state and laser interactions in matter. These are the dominant type of scanners on the market because they have been manufactured longer and offer a lower cost of production and purchase. IC lightning most commonly occurs between the upper anvil portion and lower reaches of a given thunderstorm. h Yes. "I don't know. Even before I even knew him. And that's the intention. Because of theoretical benefits, such as a tighter turning radius at low speed, attempts have been made to construct motorcycles with two-wheel steering. Whatever. And then so Feynman took over [at Caltech], and Bob Christie gave the first course in quantum mechanics, which I didn't take, but I audited my junior year, or senior year, I guess.
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