A powerful military commander was able to establish dominance over the contending tribal confederations and bring large parts of Iranian territory under his control, only to have his state splinter into factions on his death In large part, the successes of the western empires depended on advanced firearms and cannons. The first Safavid king, Esml I (907-30/1501-24), initiated a process of political and religious change in Persia that profoundly affected the economic structure. retook the area lost to the Ottomans by 1602. The people of the Empire soon embraced the new faith with enthusiasm, celebrating Shi'ite festivals . The three Islamic empires of the early modern period - the Mughal, the Safavid, and the Ottoman - shared a common Turko-Mongolian heritage. The mutual quarrels exhausted the Empire, affected its cohesion, led to its dismemberment, and, in the end, made it an easy prey to foreign conquerors. The Maurya Empire fell because of these causes. Eventually 80,000 people under the rule of the Safavid Dynasty died from starvation and finally marked the ending of the Safavid dynasty. Restoring Persia as a major center of political power and cultural creativity, they also established one of the strongest and most enduring centers of Shi'ism within the Islamic world. The problems that the Safavid Empire faced were succession conflicts, religion and integration. Home Classes > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Personal info Historical Skills . What religion did the Safavids practice?. Mughal rule was weakened by inept rulers. The Safavid Empire was the shortest-lived of the three, forming in 1501 and suffering its final collapse at the hands of the invading . The Huna People, also known as Huns, invaded Gupta territory and caused . Women in Safavid Empire: Recent evidence suggests otherwise: There was a struggle against these restrictions Some women openly refused to wear face covers while in public Women donned bright clothing in defiance @ court women played an important political role (indirectly) and were often deeply involved in political conspiracies The Safavid Empire, based in Persia ( Iran ), ruled over much of southwestern Asia from 1501 to 1736. The Mughal Empire reached its greatest extent in the time of Aurangzeb Alamgir, but it collapsed with dramatic suddenness within a few decades after his death. The first huge issue for the Ottomans was the military. In the treaty, the Ottoman Empire would give up lost a large amount of land and territories. The treaty was known as the Treaty of Sevres, which was signed on August 10, 1920. However, many of the Qazilbash escaped across the Ottoman-Safavid border. Who founded the Safavid Dynasty? The Ottoman Empire upon the death of Suleiman the Magnificent. What does shah mean? The main rivals of the Safavids were the Ottomans to the west and the Mughals to the east, but for about two centuries Safavid armies held both foes at bay. Although Ismil was defeated and his capital was captured, the Safavid empire survived. In the first years of the 16th century, the Safavids founded a dynasty that conquered what is now IRAN. This map shows the Ottoman Empire, Safavid Empire, and Mughal Empire 1500-1700 AD this was map before Salim defeated the safavids. They sustained one of the longest running empires of Iranian history, lasting from 1501 to 1736. After the empire collapsed the area of Iran stayed . Despite these similarities, however, significant differences . The war between the two powers continued under Ismil's son, Shh Tahmsp I (q.v. The first result of this was that the military forces became less effective. At its height, the Islamic empire extended far beyond modern-day Turkey from Egypt and Northern Africa through the Middle East, Greece, the Balkans (Bulgaria, Romania, etc. . Members of the Safavid Dynasty likely were of Kurdish Persian descent and belonged to a unique order of Sufi -infused Shi'a Islam called Safaviyya. The Ottoman Empire began to decline in the late 18th century as the result of a relatively peaceful period of time experienced in the middle of the century. The period of the Safavids, named for the . Moreover, most of these marriages were to protect widow women who lost their husbands in war or after natural deaths. The Safavid Empire, based in Persia ( Iran ), ruled over much of southwestern Asia from 1501 to 1736. An afghan group destroyed the government in 1726. Some were apprehended by Shah Ismail and punished for their excesses, but most of them found a home in the Safavid armies. Ottoman forces also conquered Mesopotamia from the Safavids of Persia (dealing the nascent dynasty a serious blow in the process). The area extending from Persia into Central Asia fell into anarchy after the previous empire there collapsed. After the death of Sleyman, what happened to the sultans? 4.What ethnic group did the Xiongnu become, and what other empires did they help cause to collapse? In this lesson, we looked at the three Gunpowder Empires, the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals, and how each declined in the 18th century. They sustained one of the longest running empires of Iranian history, lasting from 1501 to 1736. In January 1502, Esma'il defeated the army of Alvand Beig of Aq Qoyunlu, ruler of Azerbaijan, and seized Tabriz and made this city his capital. Period: Jan 1, 1736 to Dec 31, 1747. Within roughly two decades, they created a massive Arab Muslim empire spanning three continents. Leaders became corrupt after there was no threat from the ottomans. The Russian Empire entered the war in order to preserve its Great Power status, but it ended the war in a bout of revolution and decolonization. The Ottoman Empire was the one of the largest and longest lasting Empires in history. By the time the dynasty finally collapsed, it was virtually bankrupt. At the height of their reign, the Safavids controlled not . Taxation began becoming too high. At their height, they covered nearly all of the Islamic World. Suleiman was not just a conqueror, however. The lack of warfare experienced after the peace between the Ottomans and the Safavids in 1639 led to the atrophy of the Persian Army's fighting ability. The Abbasid empire is the second empire of note in the spread and development of Islam. The art of the Safavids is simply magnificent. By sea, Iran was a long way from Europe - around Africa and out of the way for ships sailing to and from India and points farther east. The Safavid Empire was held together in the early years by conquering new territory, and then by the need to defend it from the neighbouring Ottoman Empire. A research titled "Archivum Ottomanicum" by Leyla Kayhan Elbirlik, an academician in Boazii University, shows the records that the rate of polygamy between 1755-1840 was only %2.8 in the Ottoman Empire. If you could maintain some conflict between Persia and its neighbours, it is likely that the Safavid Army could remain strong enough to defeat any internal revolt. Get Started. In all three the ruling dynasty was Islamic, the economic system was agrarian, and the military forces were paid in grants of land revenue. It was founded by Safi-ad-din Ardabili. The Safavid Empire was held together in the early years by conquering new territory, and then by the need to defend it from the neighbouring Ottoman Empire. The Mughal Empire owes its decline and ultimate downfall to a combination of factors; firstly Aurangzeb's religious policy is regarded as a cause for the decline of the Mughal Empire as . (This will be the "survived by" portion of your project). ), and the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I, until Shh Abbs (q.v.) ), and right up to the gates of Vienna, Austria. During the seventh century, after subduing rebellions in the Arabian peninsula, Arab Muslim armies began to swiftly conquer territory in the neighboring Byzantine and Sasanian empires and beyond. Across what was left of the empire civil infrastructure, already badly strained by years of war, began to disintegrate. After the conquest a . Mughal rule was weakened by inept rulers. The accident of his name, in this particular version of Rome's fall, provides the perfect . In most political situations, peace is the ultimate goal; for the Ottoman Empire, however, it meant that military advancements became less important. Safavids went on and conquered rest of . The Safavid dynasty had its origin in the Safavid order of Sufism, which was established in the city of Ardabil in the Iranian Azerbaijan region. Members of the Safavid Dynasty likely were of Kurdish Persian descent and belonged to a unique order of Sufi -infused Shi'a Islam called Safaviyya. This military neglect allowed rival . religious differences led to much antagonism between the Safavids and its Sunni neighbours. But in the seventeenth century the Ottoman threat to the Safavids declined. In a pitched battle at Sivas in 1511, the rebels were routed. . However, after a few years, Ismail regained the land. The art of the Safavids is simply magnificent. Also, the names of Sunnis' first three caliphs were cursed by the rulers. This was even long before their rise to power. The curtain came down on the Roman empire, so it is usually claimed, on 4 September 476, when a young man by the name of Romulus Augustulus was formally stripped of the imperial purple by a Gothic chieftain and packed off to retirement near Naples. Brotherhood was founded by Safi al-Din The land they lived on was . Unlike the other two dynasties, the Safavids were associated with the religious Sufi order, Safaviyya. In the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire was not only a dominant military force, but a diverse and multicultural society. This process Bayezid I 1402 at the Battle of Ankara, Turco-Mongol warlord Tamerlane defeated as a result of falling prisoner appeared. Year Date Event 1402: July 20: Battle of Ankara.Ottomans entered the short-term period of stagnation.The battle is also significant in Ottoman history as being the only time a Sultan has been captured in person. The Afghan revolt brought down the Safavid Empire; although partially checked by the rise of the warlord Nader Shah and his empire, eventually modern Afghanistan was founded in 1747 by Ahmad Shah . Safavids went on and conquered rest of . Government was split between two groups. Take out the map that you colored in the Ottoman Empire and then grab one colored pencil. Gupta. Originating from a mystical order at the turn of the 14th century, the Safavids ruled Persia from 1501 to 1722. In January 1502, Esma'il defeated the army of Alvand Beig of Aq Qoyunlu, ruler of Azerbaijan, and seized Tabriz and made this city his capital. The Safavid Empire is best known as the empire that governed over Persia during the 16th and 17th centuries. The empire lacked the factories and mills to keep up with Great Britain, France and even Russia, according to Michael A. Reynolds, an associate professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton.