Genuine Worship. You will find yourself praying in your heavenly language while driving, or at work, in the shower, or while daily doing . One gains control over the flesh when one prays in the spirit. From the moment of the New Birth, the Holy Spirit comes to you working to restore, build and strengthen the areas of your life which have suffered from the impact of . Many have looked upon meekness, lowliness of spirit, or the willingness to yield, with suspicion and perhaps even loathing. When the Holy Spirit is indwelling, He reproduces the life of Jesus in the life of a believer. The Holy Spirit daily wants to revive and renew us, we need to drink of His river continually! I think the first thing that needs to happen in order to know how to yield to God is to gain an understanding that God is God. The Holy Spirit works in us by peeling away our sinful characteristics and replacing them with godly characteristics. His heart is yearning for the lost to be saved now! Christianity encourages those who believe in Christ to also believe in the Holy- "Ghost" or "Spirit". In as much as God wants you to advance, He will not push you to the other level, your own diligence will. However, in order for God to move powerfully, we must engage and yield to the Holy Spirit. His heart is yearning for the lost to be saved now! Prayer Secret #13 - Pray to God the Father in the Name of Jesus. Meekness, a tolerant, yielding spirit, represents having the right of way but not insisting on it. It is when we are aware of God's presence. If you yield and are quick to obey the Holy Spirit, you will find the Lord helping you to pray often. "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. From $ 24.00. We can Receive a Prophetic Message from God Jennifer LeClaire expounds on the 101 benefits of praying in the Holy Spirit and encourages us in utilizing this miracle. But all of these things have to yield to the desires of the Spirit. BY REV. Do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord. Here are three points of understanding that may help. Effective Prayer or Praying in the Spirit in general terms empowers the prayer and carries it to the Father in the name of Jesus. He convicts the world of their need for Jesus and brings counsel, comfort, and peace to believers through his uplifting and rebuilding presence. He Gives Us Power to Witness Just as Acts 1:8 mentions, the Holy Spirit empowers Christians to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ. That is the purpose for which it is designed and the activity that is proper to it. How to know the Holy Spirit. The Benefits of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit. This doesn't mean the Holy Spirit leaves us; it means at that moment we have taken Christ off the throne, thereby limiting the Holy Spirit's influence in our lives. You will be mission minded, instead of ambition driven. Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators): code: QMCBYZNCAKQ9CYSV Simply put, to be led by the Holy Spirit just means to be obedient to Him. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you" Rom 8 :9). God wants you to yield, or present, your bodies to Him. The Bible says, "Building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost" (Jude 20). The Holy Spirit seeks to bring greater glory to the Lord through every believer. Millions of believers, the world over, are praying for the next great move of God! And He rules over everything, including you. The prayer has a living quality characterized by warmth and freedom and a sense of exchange. CD #1] "Understanding the Anointings". When the Holy Spirit is infilling, He reproduces the ministry of Jesus in a believer. All of us start out as spiritual babies. 3. It is important to be sensitive to His voice and yield. The work of the Holy Spirit is to take the treasures of His wealth and bring them to the surface in your life. So, God's presence is with you always. We are empowered. 6. Yielding to the Enticings of the Holy Spirit By Elder Kenneth Johnson Of the Seventy Stirrings within us originate from a divine source and, when followed, will help to keep us on course, thus protecting us from harmful influences and dangerous detours. We need all three. The third dimension is the manifest presence of God. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and God dwells in you. Your whole life will be serving the Lord. Thank you for your part in this worldwide ministry. Jesus Christ sets the tone of this approach in His discussion with the sons of Zebedee and the other disciples. (Notice how this verse does not say regenerated by the Holy Spirit.) 1 Corinthians 12:1 | NKJV (1) Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant: Jesus said in John 14:12, "Truly, truly I say to you, he who believes in Me will do . Prayer is not a duty, but a opportunity to connect deeply with the one who loves us most. The Holy Spirit does such awesome, yet practical work in the lives of God's children. The Lord's cry for the world is getting louder and louder. Invest your life into the salvation of souls. The purpose of the power of the Holy Spirit is for making us into witnesses (Acts 1:8). Plus, not only do you have to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in the matter of praying in the spirit, you have to be willing to yield and obey the impulses and light the Holy Spirit is bringing to your mind. He is our creator. We are debtors to the gracious God, the gracious Christ and the gracious Spirit. 7. Praying in the Spirit stimulates faith and helps us learn how to trust God more fully. Jesus told His disciples, "The Spirit of truthabides with you and will be in you . As we remain in Christ, trust His finished work, and yield to the Spirit, God releases His might through us to do what we cannot of ourselves! Both the flesh and the Spirit have desires which drive and motivate them. I thought of that moment and others like itthe impressions and insights that come as we contemplate the consequences of our actions. It will lead to the anointing of the Holy Spirit, which will break every yoke in our lives, help us to . Helps eliminates the doubts and the 'ifs' in prayer. You will reap the benefits of whatever you choose to . Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators): code: QMCBYZNCAKQ9CYSV God will reward those who fear Him by giving them wealth, honor, life, security, protection, provision for daily needs, and a long life. Format - Paperback Book. The Holy Spirit serves as a navigator in life because we cannot live life on our terms. "But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison," Yielding your tongue to the Holy Spirit to speak with other tongues is a big step toward being able to fully yield all of your members to God; for if you can yield your tongue . The first . Speaking with other tongues is praying as the Spirit gives utterance. When you have yielded, the Holy Spirit will guide you through a holy life. We become a conduit for God to touch others. Fruitfulness in life comes as a result of yielding to the Spirit. It builds one's faith to speak in tongues. Let us get ready to discover the awesome benefits of God's presence How to Seek God's . This powerful 2 part series is a must for anyone seeking to learn how to move in the Spirit. Yielding continually not only opens us to fresh waves of anointing but also helps us mature in the Lord. The Holy Spirit - Part-3 - 2021-02-21. Filled with the Holy Spirit. Meekness, a tolerant, yielding spirit, represents having the right of way but not insisting on it. Helps you to pray the will of God (the mind of God) 2. Jesus said, "He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." CD #2] "Yielding to the Spirit". He owns everything, including you. Two parts. And it should be the discharge of that debt that motivates us to triumph in the power of the Holy Spirit. Sermon on the Mount. 5. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live the kind of life God has designed . "The power of the Holy Spirit being made manifest in our lives comes from our being willing to yield to the direction of the Holy Spirit." "The Holy Spirit is the Author of Scripture and also the Illuminator of the Scripture in our lives." "The Holy Spirit cannot bring to mind what we do not already know. Watch on. Those who are in the Spirit are not subject to the dictate of the flesh. Jennifer LeClaire expounds on the 101 benefits of praying in the Holy Spirit and encourages us in utilizing this miracle. The Holy Spirit daily wants to revive and renew us, we need to drink of His river continually! Fervency. It means spreading His word to those who are lost or in peril. The Holy Spirit's primary job is to manifest the power of God in all its form and expressions. Getting Real with God Stations of the Cross for Children How to Pray for Physical Healing Prayers to Calm the Soul and Strengthen. Living a spirit-filled life requires taking a cognitive approach to understanding self, others, and one's surrounding environment while yielding to the influence of the "spirit". The Consoler liberates human beings from the spirit of the world by drawing them to himself, providing for . The following are twelve benefits that the Holy Spirit brings to those who are submitted to His control: 1. It is Spirit-directed praying. They believed in the gospel. All we need do therefore is to recognise and work with Him. Everyone has preferences. The journey of faith is not an easy one. Helps you in the prayer of intercession 3. Living by the spirit refers to, the "Spirit of God". In it, he explained the process of becoming "indwelt" by the Holy Spirit: 1. Helps you to pray with power 5. This should be the passion of victory. He is our Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby. Yielding to the Holy Spirit By Pastor Dennis Williams Yielding To The Holy Spirit | Pastor Dennis Williams The Holy Spirit is present throughout the earth. I thought of that moment and others like itthe impressions and insights that come as we contemplate the consequences of our actions. You will learn the keys to being sensitive to His voice and see all the benefits that come from yielding to His direction. . . This war between the Holy Spirit and the flesh is expressed in two ways in verse 17. One of the things that is constant in our lives is where we yield ourselves to the desires of the Holy Spirit. When the preaching or personal study of God's Word accompanies or follows prophetic worship, the two merge together and a continuum of inspiration from the Holy Spirit takes place. The Holy Spirit Part 3. Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Moon, at the full moon, on our solemn feast day. The best place you can learn to yield to the Holy Spirit is in your personal prayer time. When we allow the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts, we can walk with God all the days of our lives. His work in us makes us more and more like Jesus. Before we met the Lord, we yielded our bodies to sin: our mouths for lying, our hands for stealing, our bodies for sexual impurity, etc. Apostle Joshua Selman, the Lord's servant is a compendium of revelation and we are tasked by the grace of God and the unction of the Holy Spirit to highlight. 5. Many have looked upon meekness, lowliness of spirit, or the willingness to yield, with suspicion and perhaps even loathing. The Spirit illuminates your mind, moves your heart, and grants . It helps you to pray correctly 4. But self can steal control at any moment, as it did in my floor-mopping incident. Photo by Brodie Vissers from Burst. The Spirit of God descends in the Son to pour himself out on humanity. We want everything right now. Everyone has desires. During a time of prophetic worship, the Holy Spirit has begun to speak to us and our hearts are opened towards God. It builds our faith to believe in God's Words. $ 5.50. $ 7.00. Speaking in tongues stimulates faith! And it was for this that Christ sent us the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). Cleanse my mind from . We realize that we are in God's presence speaking to God. In a previous article, we discussed the ways the Holy Spirit works in the lives of Believers. Jesus said in John 14:12, "Truly, truly I say to you, he who believes in Me will do . When we hear and believe the gospel, our hearts break open at God's love, mercy, and forgiveness and the Spirit of God Himself comes inside our hearts! These works are all motivated by the Holy Spirit and used by Him to transform our lives and ministries into the image of Christ. Help Increase Your Energy Levels and Physical Strength. The essence of Him being by our side is principally to counsel us, direct us, help us, comfort us. It helps us learn to trust God more fully. Jesus told us the Holy Spirit would guide us into all the truth. As we yield to the Holy Spirit we are sure to do exploits in the Kingdom of God. Praying in the Spirit builds us up spiritually and helps us to live a Spirit-led life. She will slip away with the Lord, praying, Holy Spirit, cleanse my mind so I can think right. Your spirit is located on the inside of your soul. The flesh desires us to act like a god to ourselves; the Spirit points us to serve the true God in love and faithfulness. They listened to the gospel. Everyone has desires. Here are Principles and Benefits of Communion with the Holy Spirit. He will prevent us from walking in the flesh, because the Spirit always pleases the Father. You and I were destined to be a river of blessing to others. Click HERE to read. Praying in Tongues Keeps You in Tune with the Holy Spirit. Her hug said so much in the few seconds we had together, of a life transformed by the loneliness of one new mother and a little boy only 4 months old in his pram, who smiled with his whole body every time anyone picked him up. Psalm 81 is a festival psalm, and verses 1-4 bids us to enjoy God's feasts fully: Sing aloud to God our strength; make a joyful shout to the God of Jacob. "And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability." -Acts 2:4. - Ephesians 5:18-19. Welcome to Kevin Zadai's Official YouTube Channel Kevin Zadai is known as the man who went to heaven and back, so he knows that heaven is for real.In 1992 du. 2. It goes back to the saying, "He is God and we are not"'. It is the role of something. 1. He teaches us and guides us into truthand He even brings the things we learn back to our . Praying in the spirit enables believers to be aware of the Holy Spirit's indwelling presence and this helps to direct the believers in praying the right prayers to God. Currently we are going through the message series, "The Holy Spirit." During this series, we are examining things that are related to the work of the Holy Spirit. The 8 Different Ways the Holy Spirit Will Use to Communicate to Us. Daily Discipline. The Holy Spirit is our paraclate, that is one that sits beside another person. The Holy Spirit is to be your teacher, your guide. Understand His Lordship. You will be more spiritually awakened and able to not only help yourself but those around you. Fearing God will help us possess His promises. The list provided is a great place to start exploring His direction in your life. Apart from the Holy Spirit, as the Apostle Paul pointed out . In this powerful series, you will gain an understanding of how to be led by the Holy Spirit in every area of your life. Everyone has preferences. (The Move of the Spirit) 2 CD's: $18.00. One of the things that is constant in our lives is where we yield ourselves to the desires of the Holy Spirit. In this podcast, Dr. Caleb Cooper will reveal different aspects of leadership concerning the Holy Spirit. The one who is yielded to the Holy Spirit will find himself taking on new interests and priorities in life. You will reap the benefits of whatever you choose to . First week, we talked about "the person of the Holy Spirit." Second week, we talked about "the baptism of the Holy Spirit." The prayer born of the . With Holy Spirit you will focus on your part of the problem, even if it is only 1%, instead of blaming it all on the other person. For example, cultivate the fruit of the spirit as we yield our tongues to praying in the Holy Spirit. To yield is to give something up or to give way to a demand of some sort. When we yield to the Holy Spirit, our ego or self is dethroned. But thank God, we have the Holy Spirit, Who is our Helper. It is a decision to relinquish control of your life to Him as Lord. A person yielded to the Spirit will accede to the Spirit's will and submit to His authority. That's it! Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will come upon us and we will receive power, tongues were not mentioned in Acts 1:8. Shuts the devil out of the way of your prayer 7. Praying the spirit builds up one spiritually and enables one to live a spirit-filled life. That means saving his other children. 5. With 100% anchor and focus . Christian character formation is the result of three kinds of work of the Holy Spirit: Divine Dependence. Since the Holy Spirit is now living up in your soul area - He is going to be that much closer to your physical body. The second one is God's indwelling presence. It goes back to the saying, "He is God and we are not"'. Scripture also mentions being filled with the Spirit being fully . Scripture mentions walking in the Spirit following His lead and living in cooperation with His plan. Your soul had thus been acting as a bit of a barrier between your spirit and body. Prayer Secret #10 - The Intercessory Ministries of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ sets the tone of this approach in His discussion with the sons of Zebedee and the other disciples. As your treasure is in heaven and your eyes focused there on your Master, he will pour his revelation into your spirit: "God has revealed them to us by his Spirit.". Grace is free and salvation is by free grace but in one sense that puts us in debt. Fearing God will give us spiritual comfort and security. "But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, Jude 20. 15. The Bible is exciting. Praying in tongues helps you in yielding to the Holy Spirit who dwells in you and not to the unprofitable inclinations of the flesh. They listened and believed. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. The Greek word in this verse for "Partake" metochos which means to share in benefits of an association with but not necessarily to be born of the Holy Spirit. 2. The Holy Spirit guides the mission of the church, appoints leadership, empowers through gifts, defends the gospel of Jesus Christ and promotes righteousness. Tongues of Fire: 101 Supernatural Benefits of Praying in the Holy Spirit - Kindle edition by LeClaire, Jennifer, Hamon, Dr. Bill. Chapters 5-7 (take time to study these passages of the scriptures for full benefits) His works and role in the world today are clearly outlined in the scriptures namely: 1. . The prophet Mormon expands our view of the source of those impressions in these words: "The Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil." 2. October 16, 2016 Terri Churchill Forgiveness, Grace, Prayer, Spiritual Disciplines, Yielding to God Matthew 6:5-15. 2 Corinthians 13:14 | MSG (14) The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you. We are empowered. There are different spiritual levels. Dramatic Dealings. But all of these things have to yield to the desires of the Spirit. Raise a song and strike the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the lute. By following the guidance of the Spirit, while praying alone you will learn to yield to the Holy Spirit. He will bear witness, when you have the right kind of mind, if what you hear is the truth. Jesus' Baptism is in the "Holy Spirit and in fire", the disciples are sent to baptize "in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". Thank you for your part in this worldwide ministry. 6. The Lord's Prayer - Terri Churchill. For example, cultivate the fruit of the spirit as we yield our tongues to praying in the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is always . A seventh reason why every believer should speak with tongues is found in James 3:8. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. 8. The Bride will dine with the Lord as she lives in His presence. Fills you with confidence that your prayers have been heard by God. Get inspired to pray in your heavenly language with this book! Tongues of Fire: 101 Supernatural Benefits of Praying in the Holy Spirit - Kindle edition by LeClaire, Jennifer, Hamon, Dr. Bill. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Tongues of Fire: 101 Supernatural Benefits of Praying in the Holy Spirit.