These controls may include locks, seals, audit logs, witness signatures, or other security measures. on In addition, placing the donor copy last, gives the donor the instructions for collecting the urine specimen and completing the Federal CCF. regulatory information on with the objective of Rather, this rule is expected to reduce paperwork burdens for those entities that elect to use the new eCCF, as noted in SAMHSA's information collection request for the CCF that was approved by OMB. electronic version on GPOs by the Small Business Administration Custody accountability of the shipping containers during shipment must be maintained by a tracking system provided by the courier, express carrier, or postal service. Collector ensures that the name and address of the HHS-certified Instrumented Initial Test Facility (IITF) or HHS-certified laboratory are on the top of the . This change permits the MRO to record the determination for both the primary specimen and the split specimen (if tested) on the same copy and to use this copy to report results to the employer. When this is the case, the form may be printed without the words LAB ACCESSION NO. appearing on the top of the form. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has revised the Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form (CCF). 101, 102, 301, 322, 5331, 20140, 31306, and 45101 et seq. They were concerned that placement of the seals/labels at the bottom of the form would jam the printers because of the thickness of the form. are not part of the published document itself. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is reminding DOT regulated employers and their service agents (collectors, laboratories, Medical Review Officers) to use the revised Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form (CCF) after June 30, 2018. Step 5(b) is used by a certifying scientist at the second certified laboratory to document the test result for the split specimen, if the split specimen is tested. If your lab account is CRL, they have just begun sending out the new forms. The first major proposed change was to make the revised Federal CCF a six-part form by eliminating the split specimen copy. Bring the new CCFs to Sanford OccMed at the next time of service. These markup elements allow the user to see how the document follows the A Notice by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration on 06/23/2000. Section 553(b)(3)(B) of title 5, U.S. Code, authorizes agencies to dispense with notice and comment procedures for rules when the agency for good cause finds that those procedures are impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest. In this instance, the DOT finds that notice and public comment to this immediately adopted final rule, as well as any delay in the effective date of this rule, is unnecessary, given that the electronic CCF (eCCF) has been approved for use by OMB and the DOT is bound by statute to follow SAMHSA's chain of custody and control procedures, to include use of an OMB-approved CCF. . (5) The unique specimen identification number at the top of the form and on the tamper-evident seal(s)/label(s) may be either a bar code with an associated human readable number or only a human readable number. The EAC is a trusted partner in this important endeavor. The Public Inspection page may also When making entries on a paper CCF, use black or blue ink pen and press firmly Collector marks the . (2) The name and address of the testing laboratory and the unique specimen identification number at the top of the form and on the specimen bottle seal(s)/label(s) may be printed during the original printing and form assembly process or added by overprinting after the form is assembled. Links from these pages/this page to non-Election The certifying scientist is required to provide a signature, print his or her name, and the date. As noted above, the CCF is used to identify a specimen and to document its handling at the collection site. 7301 note. This prototype edition of the On October 28, 1991, Congress passed OTETA, which codified the DOT's controlled substance testing program for its regulated entities and added a requirement to develop an alcohol testing program. It establishes the sequence of who handled the specimen at each step throughout its processing. (14) The size of the two tamper-evident seals/labels may vary, but must be placed within the space provided at the bottom of Copy 1. Tamper-evident is defined as a seal/label that cannot be removed from the specimen bottle after 5 minutes contact with the specimen bottle. This may be useful if, at a later time, the donor claims that the collector did not follow the collection procedure. documents in the last year, by the Fish and Wildlife Service number on the top of the CCF matches the Specimen I.D. Documentation of the chain of custody also provides evidence that all voting procedures were followed. If a single specimen collection procedure is used, the B label is discarded by the collector. (8) The font size and style used for letters may vary to enhance readability. include documents scheduled for later issues, at the request documents in the last year, by the Energy Department The reverse side of each copy (i.e., Copy 1, Copy 2, Copy 3, Copy 4, and Copy 5) must have the Paperwork Reduction Act Notice statement. Chain of Custody Best Practices(Full PDF Version). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. When the split specimen is tested, the primary laboratory would need to make a photocopy of Copy 1 of the Federal CCF and send it along with the split specimen to the second laboratory. Get started. Second, the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (Pub. developer tools pages. (c) As a collector or collection site, you must ensure that each specimen you collect is shipped to a laboratory as quickly as possible, but in any case, within 24 hours or during the next business day. When using the 'old CCF' from September 1, 2020 through August 29, 2021, a MFR is not required. Under provisions of Executive Order 12564 and 5 U.S.C. (a) The Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form (CCF) must be used to document every urine collection required by the DOT drug testing program. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format. documents in the last year, 79 the material on is accurately displayed, consistent with Search the Federal Document Management System (FDMS) Portal (; or. The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable This step has a space for the name and address of the second laboratory, a certification statement, appropriate boxes for the certifying scientist to report the test result for the split specimen, a signature line, a line to print his or her name, and the date. Submit your employer Clearinghouse requirements. Since there is no requirement for delivery service personnel to document chain of custody during transit because they do not have access to the specimen bottle(s) or the Federal CCF, chain of custody annotations resume when the shipping container/package is opened and an individual at the laboratory has access to the specimen bottle(s) and the Federal CCF. As mentioned, each party is provided their own copy of the chain of custody form: Copy 1: Lab testing facility (see the image at the top of this post) Copy 2: MRO Copy 3: Collector Copy 4: Employer/DER Copy 5: Donor The collector obtains a specimen from the donor, following the necessary steps and documenting them on the CCF. Each copy of the new Federal CCF will be on white paper. This final rule does not require entities to use an Start Printed Page 19553eCCF. documents in the last year, 23 Federal Register. SAMHSA and DOT have reevaluated the need to use either different color paper or paper with different color borders and believe that using white paper for each copy is sufficient to ensure that the copies will be distributed as required. The DOT is amending 40.73 to require entities using an eCCF to follow the eCCF procedures approved by SAMHSA through the NLCP inspection process. 04/10/2015 at 8:45 am. Two comments suggested deleting the requirement to record the delivery service since it was mentioned in the certification statement signed by the collector and one commenter suggested allowing preprinting a generic term for the delivery service. 3268 (Dec. 8, 2004) and section 208 of the E-Government Act of 2002, Public Law 107-347, 116 Stat. has no substantive legal effect. While the chain of custody process varies by jurisdiction, here are few key questions to keep in mind when developing your chain of custody materials: The chain of custody of ballots, voting equipment, and associated data is essential to ensure the election system remains trustworthy. This rule does not propose any major policy changes or impose significant new costs or burdens. Open for Comment, Small Business Lending Company Moratorium Rescission and Removal of the Requirement for a Loan Authorization, Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Culturally Significant Objects Being Imported for Exhibition-Determinations, Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps, Dried Prunes Produced in California; Increased Assessment Rate, Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: Beloit College, Logan Museum of Anthropology, Beloit, WI, Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to the Situation in Nicaragua, Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for Americans, Executive Order 12866 and 13563 and DOT's Regulatory Policies and Procedures, PART 40PROCEDURES FOR TRANSPORTATION WORKPLACE DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAMS,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata, part 40 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. Relevant information about this document from provides additional context. corresponding official PDF file on The documents posted on this site are XML renditions of published Federal The new Federal CCF is available on the SAMHSA website ( as an electronic .pdf file that can be opened, saved, and printed. The President of the United States communicates information on holidays, commemorations, special observances, trade, and policy through Proclamations. For complete information about, and access to, our official publications This report outlines items election officials should consider when developing or revising their chain of custody procedures for physical election materials, voting systems, and the use of third-party auditors for conducting audits and electronic discovery. Document Drafting Handbook Most of the changes to the revised CCF were implemented to accommodate the use of oral fluid specimens for federal drug testing programs. This site displays a prototype of a Web 2.0 version of the daily the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for The following Privacy Act Statement must appear on the back of the donor copy (Copy 5): Submission of the information on the attached form is voluntary. Once a chain of custody process is initiated, it must be followed with every step documented. Chain of custody is essential to a transparent and trustworthy election. 2022, The U.S. Election Assistance Commission. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal Federal Drug Testing Sample Custody and Control Form (front preview) (back preview) Chain of Custody format. Based on the experiences of using the current Federal CCF for the past several years, SAMHSA and DOT initiated a joint effort to develop a new Federal CCF that was easier to use and more accurately reflected both the collection process and how results were reported by the drug testing laboratories. on rendition of the daily Federal Register on does not Chain of custody is essential to a transparent and trustworthy election. (5) When using an electronic CCF, you must establish adequate confidentiality and security measures to ensure that confidential employee records are not available to unauthorized persons. 11/07/2022, 808 Once the eCCF is approved for use through the NLCP inspection process, it may be used in the DOT drug testing program, as well as the Federal Workplace Drug Testing Program. documents in the last year, 1463 Step 1 is completed by the collector or employer representative. documents in the last year, 43 Chain of Custody refers to the processes, or paper trail, that documents the transfer of materials from one person (or place) to the next. If you refuse to indicate your SSN, a substitute number or other identifier will be assigned, as required, to process the specimen. OMB approval of the new Federal CCF allows Federal agencies and employers regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) to begin using the new Federal CCF on August 1, 2000, for their workplace drug testing programs. The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. may have combs, boxes, or a single line. Upon completion, the process should be reviewed and updated based on any lessons learned. To avoid discarding these forms, OMB is permitting the use of the old Federal CCF until supplies are exhausted, but not to be used beyond July 31, 2001. Copyright 2022 Sanford Health. Copy 1 has a one inch space at the top of the page reserved for the following items: the title Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form must be printed along the top edge, the OMB Number must appear in the right hand corner, name and street address of the certified laboratory that will test the specimen, a unique preprinted specimen identification number, an accession number after the specimen is received by the laboratory, and any other information (e.g., accounting code) the laboratory or user of the form may want to print on the form. Urine Specimen Collections The 2020 Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form (CCF) was revised and recently approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on August 17, 2020. Three comments were opposed to requiring the collector to indicate the acronym of the Federal agency for which the specimen was being collected because the collector did not always have that information. on I certify that the specimen identiied on this form was examined upon receipt, handled using chain of custody procedures, analyzed, and reported in accordance with applicable Federal requirements. Counts are subject to sampling, reprocessing and revision (up or down) throughout the day. H. Donor initials the specimen bottle label(s) after the label(s) have been placed on the specimen bottle(s). documents in the last year, 271 Every election office should have written chain of custody procedures available for public inspection prior to every election. publication in the future. There were no comments submitted regarding this step. Peel Out! L. 102-143, 105 Stat. This step has boxes to allow the certifying scientist to easily check whether the result is negative, positive for a specific drug, rejected for testing, adulterated, substituted, invalid result, and/or dilute. Copies of the DOT's supplemental PIA, as well as SAMHSA's PIA, have been placed in the docket for this rulemaking. For example, if you have a drug testing Chain of Custody form for laboratory testing, making sure that the numbers are all the same on each form, and that the label will not fall off the tube is very important. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, HHS. A Remarks line is provided when the collector is required to provide a comment. It is currently in use. To order new forms from Sanford OccMed, email us or call (844) 753-6367. Historically, the CCF only has been available for use in paper form. box above STEP 2. When and where is this item being transferred (time, date, location)? To satisfy the congressional mandate, HHS first issued its mandatory guidelines on April 11, 1988, and in doing so, created the uniform CCF. strict procedures governing the chain of custody of specimens collected for controlled substances testing. See Pub. Please do not include any personally identifiable information (PII) such as Social Security numbers, driver's license numbers, dates of birth, and mailing addresses. that agencies use to create their documents. (12) The legend at the bottom of copies 2 through 5 may be printed using different colors or a different color stripe may be printed at the bottom of copies 2 through 5. SAMHSA and DOT believe it is extremely important to document that the collector transferred the shipping container/package to a specific delivery service. This document is intended to provide best practices, checklists, and sample forms for maintaining a proper chain of custody related to the successful operation of an election but is not meant to be comprehensive of every election process. Chain of Custody Drug Test The Federal CCF (also referred to as CoC - Chain of Custody) is accomplished in quintuplicate, with a copy for each of the concerned entities who gain custody of the sample along its trail in the process, as follows: Copy 1 - Test Facility Copy 2 - Medical Review Officer Copy 3 - Collector Copy 4 - Employer Copy 5 - Donor New forms must be used by August 31, 2021. Custody and Control Form for Urine Specimen Collection. To achieve this principle, agencies are required to solicit and consider flexible regulatory proposals and to explain the rationale for their actions to assure that such proposals are given serious consideration. The RFA covers a wide-range of small entities, including small businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions. . It is a best practice for chain of custody procedures to be clearly defined in advance of every election, well documented and followed consistently throughout the entire election lifecycle or process. documents in the last year, by the Energy Department Extension for Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form, Monitoring Marijuana Usage in the Workplace, Protect Yourself from Winters Slips Trips and Falls, The Difference between Health and Wellness, Why Noise Protection is Important in the Workplace. A federal chain of custody form is required when administering a federal drug screen. Only official editions of the First, Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct that each Federal agency shall propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned determination that the benefits of the intended regulation justify its costs. 3501 et seq.) edition of the Federal Register. There are regulations governing the process from the form used, procedures, handling, and reporting. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has revised the Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form (CCF). An electronic Custody and Control Form (eCCF) is the digital version of the traditional, five-part paper Custody and Control Form the document used for drug test ordering, specimen collection processing, and chain of custody documentation for workplace drug testing. (3) Preprinting and/or overprinting the employer name and address, MRO name and address, and collection site information is permitted. on To ensure that the DOT regulations conform to SAMHSA's approved chain of custody and control procedures, the DOT is issuing this final rule to expand the current definition of the CCF in 49 CFR 40.3 to include all versions of the CCF as approved by OMB. All rights reserved. The current form uses the term Test Not Performed to report any result other than a negative or positive result. on NARA's (1) This transmits revised IRM 9.4.9, Investigative Techniques, Search Warrants, Evidence, and Chain of Custody. One label must have the letter A on it to designate its use for sealing and labeling the primary specimen bottle and the other has the letter B on it to designate its use for sealing and labeling the split specimen bottle. If old CCFs are used after Aug. 30, a memorandum must be completed by the collector and submitted to the laboratory before testing can occur. Additionally, eliminating the split specimen copy will help make any handwritten information appear more legible on the later copies. documents in the last year, by the National Park Service 7301 note. Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official Luke Kibby. the current document as it appeared on Public Inspection on legal research should verify their results against an official edition of documents in the last year, 44 The collector records the collection site address and the phone and fax numbers where the collector can be contacted. Step 4 is a revised chain of custody step that is initiated by the collector and completed by the laboratory after the specimen is accessioned by the laboratory. These can be useful 7301, and Section 503 of Public Law 100-71, 5 U.S.C. OccMed now offering Lumira COVID-19 rapid testing and OnSite COVID-19 Vaccines. offers a preview of documents scheduled to appear in the next day's The label is used for tracking any portion that may be transferred away from the form. Use the National Mail Voter Registration Form toregister to vote, update your registration information with a new name or address, or register with a political party. Step 5(a) is completed by a certifying scientist at the laboratory to document the test result for the primary specimen. on The current Federal CCF has a July 31, 2000, expiration date. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to design your chain of custody form drug test template: Select the document you want to sign and click Upload. This information is not part of the official Federal Register document. Major differences in federal and Non-Federal Chain of Custody forms is that Federal CCF forms have 5 copies; Copy 1 is to be furnished for the Laboratory; Copy 2 for the MRO (Medical Review Officer); Copy 3 is for the Collector; Copy 4 is for the Employer and the last one for the Donor or test subject. 11/07/2022, 189 More information and documentation can be found in our and services, go to This portion of the preamble summarizes the DOT's analyses of these impacts with respect to this final rule. Every state and local jurisdiction has its own controls for ensuring the chain of custody of election materials is properly maintained. This information may also be disclosed to a court where necessary to defend against a challenge to an adverse personnel action. 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