A Conceptual Model of International Marketing Strategy in relation to standardisation vs. adaptation has been introduced by Theodosiou and Leonidou (2003). The strategies are: 1. Trap or add sand through beach nourishment the addition of sand to a shoreline to enhance or create a beach area. The links below offer possible adaptation strategies that address the following anticipated climate risks to water management: Browse and search for adaptation strategies based on your interests. Adaptation Strategies Alternative Energy Biological Carbon Sequestration Burning Fossil Fuels Carbon Cycle Carbon in Atmosphere Climate Change Geography Deforestation Demand for Resources Energy Consumption Energy Pathways Water Geography Glaciated Landscapes Climate Change Causes Cold Environments Cryosphere Depositional Landforms Upload unlimited documents and save them online. Communicate the overlap of "short-term" infrastructure lifetimes with longer term climate changes. What are some examples of mitigation strategies? Strategy-making is involved with the identification of the ways that an organization can undertake to achieve the performance targets, weaken the competitors, achieve competitive advantage and ensure the long-term survival of the organization. The climate change adaptation strategy looks to transform components of life so that the impacts of climate change can be reduced and/or prevented. Examples of tactics that could potentially be used to implement an approach, recognizing that specific tactics will be designed by the land manager. Based on image differences, the price of the same product may be fixed at different levels. Many local, state and federal governments have adopted green building programs, or standards, that capture heat island reduction strategies. Hold regular response trainings for new volunteers and refresher trainings for existing volunteers. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. None of the provided alternatives are likely to be appropriate in all circumstances; the appropriateness of each alternative should be considered in the local context for which it is being considered. Implement the waste management-related community communications and outreach plan in line with the broader, overall incident communications plan. Enclosing vulnerable equipment or control devices in a concrete structure will prevent exposure to outside factors that could damage it. Moreover, many states give grants to communities and organizations that promote or maintain urban forests. One way to adapt to this threat is to construct buildings in vulnerable areas on stilts/raised platforms (figure 2). The advantage to buyers of this type of price offer is that they can have the products and possibly sell them before having to make the payment. Offer incentives for engineers or contractors to use green infrastructure designs, rather than relying on pipe-based systems. Reforestation and forest conservation. Conduct a community-specific hazard assessment that looks at realistic worst-case scenarios and hazards, their likelihood, and the potential volumes and masses of wastes generated. Adopt insurance mechanisms and other financial instruments. The report describes the importance of conducting risk assessments and adopting a decision-support framework, followed by an outline of the general steps of the adaptation planning process. Manage realignment and deliberately realign engineering structures affecting rivers, estuaries, and coastlines. - For the spreading and survival of their seeds plants have made some specific adaptations. Use land use build-out models to understand the maximum likely development in a region. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. Putting industrial-strength protective material that surrounds equipment used to ignite and combust excess landfill gas will help prevent contamination from escaping. This may be more cost effective than developing individual plans. Camden, New Jersey Uses Green Infrastructure to Manage Stormwater, DC Utilizes Green Infrastructure to Manage Stormwater, Smart Growth Along the Riverfront Helps Manage Stormwater in Iowa City, Iowa, Blue Plains Wastewater Facility in Washington DC Reinforces Facility Against Floods. Develop formal agreements to create emissions inventories and implement voluntary control measures focused on reducing emissions throughout the region. price discounts, allowances, and promotional pricing; barter, compensation deal (receives some percentage in cash and rest in products), buyback arrangement (accepting partial payments through products manufactured by the buyer), and. They generally have a broad scope and long-term vision. The concept of Brand Adaptation calls for the reuse and a minor change in the visual, typographical or messaging elements of a brand and its overall branding strategies by the firm. Contact your state department of natural resources, Identify waterways available for improved ecological management. Ensure that the plans establish communication priorities during emergencies and are tested and updated annually. Remove hard protection or other barriers to tidal and riverine flow (e.g., riverine and tidal dike removals). Climate change adaptation strategies address many different areas of society and can differ dramatically in terms of approach and effectiveness. The agriculture industry is one of the worst culprits contributing to the climate crisis. Take advantage of existing resources that promote information sharing. Review zoning codes and other land use regulations and eliminate or reduce policies that restrict urban food production. Allow for landowners to sell their development rights to the local government to permanently protect the land through a. Climate changes can make it more difficult for communities to maintain air quality standards that protect human health and the environment. Identify existing vulnerable facilities and systems that might be exposed to extreme conditions (e.g. bike lanes, bike racks, bike shares, and more) can allow for more people to bike instead of drive. Price adaptations are made to pursue a number of goals; Marketers may adapt their prices to influence or change patterns of purchase. However, it is also vulnerable to the threats of climate change. Create a public communications plan and an internal and partner agency communications plan for when traditional communication and internet/data-based networks fail and when radio waves become overwhelmed. Monitor known locations of invasives within your jurisdiction. Rather, a combination of location-specific factors and manager expertise is needed to inform the selection of any strategy or approach. Source document(s) are indicated. The quiz contains 13 multiple choice and TEI questions, including hot spot and drag and drop. Routinely re-evaluate the accuracy of land use maps. A seller may offer its bundle of products at a reduced price than the individual prices added together. Provide individual homeowners and businesses with information about how to correctly maintain green infrastructure design elements. Model and reduce inflow/infiltration in the sewer system. Primary focus of Merton's theory. A local product is available in a single country; a global product meets the wants and needs of a global market. ), Land exchange programs owners exchange property in the floodplain for county-owned land outside of the floodplain, Integrate coastal management into land use planning, Create permitting rules that constrain locations for landfills, hazardous waste dumps, mine tailings, and toxic chemical facilities, Manage realignment and deliberately realign engineering structures affecting rivers, estuaries, and coastlines, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) using an integrated approach to achieve sustainability, Incorporate consideration of climate change impacts into planning for new infrastructure (e.g., homes, businesses), Provide Public Awareness and Coordination. It is a price reduction given for used goods when similar new goods are bought. The Environmental Resilience Institute is developing a list of ways to include equity and justice in climate change planning. through the construction of higher land/infrastructure). Promoting electric vehicle infrastructure. These efforts help improve air quality, water quality, and provide benefits for wildlife in urban areas. On the other hand, the cumulative discount reduces the price based on the number of units purchased within some time period. As people become more aware of climate change and the associated dangers, there has been an increased emphasis on proactively taking action and formulating climate adaptation strategies. Price variations may reflect differences in marketing tasks performed by various types of resellers or differences in the competitive environments in which they operate. Integrated Coastal Zone Management using an integrated approach to achieve sustainability, Land acquisition program purchase coastal land that is damaged or prone to damage and use it for conservation, Retreat from, and abandonment of, coastal barriers. At the 11th Conference of Signatories to the UNFCCC, held in Montreal in . Improving climate resilience involves assessing how climate change will create new, or alter current, climate-related risks, and taking steps to better cope with these risks. These actions are often used to create a climate action plan. With this strategy, you charge different prices to customers. Climate change can make it more difficult for communities to provide drinking water and wastewater services, protect water quality and maintain healthy aquatic environments. Use pilot projects or those with minimal barriers to explore collaboration among agencies. Establish partnerships with organizations and businesses to support your communitys resilience needs. Explore the table by browsing, or by using the embedded search function. Explore the table by browsing, or by using the embedded search function. Develop programs to regularly apply strategies to remove and control non-native plants in conjunction with organizations or state/federal government departments responsible for invasive management. It does not address every possible hazard associated with climate change and is not meant to be comprehensive. The U.S. Seek opportunities to incorporate climate change adaptation measures into existing plans Examples may include comprehensive plans or watershed-scale plans. build new flood defences, or change location or activity) Exploiting new opportunities (e.g. Incorporate wetland protection into infrastructure planning (e.g., transportation planning, sewer utilities). Mitigation - reducing climate change - involves reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, either by reducing sources of these gases (for example, the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat, or transport) or enhancing the "sinks" that accumulate and store these gases (such as the oceans, forests, and soil). These programs often exist at a county level so communicate with the county government to determine what currently exists and identify needed improvements. -involves physical features of an organism that helps it to strive and survive in its environment. Building insulated cover systems made of high-density polyethylene or concrete will protect control devices and sensitive equipment situated aboveground for long periods. The strategy is noteworthy for identifying adaptation tools and projects based on the different types of flooding that occur in each of the city's watersheds. Integrate greenhouse gas reduction and resilience strategies and actions into your comprehensive plan, zoning codes, and any other community planning documents. Retrofit car, truck, and bus fleets and add necessary infrastructure. Manage realignment and deliberately realign engineering structures affecting rivers and estuaries. Producers of main products may charge high prices for the captive products and warning customers not to use ancillary products manufactured by other companies for guaranteed performance. Implement an invasive species education program. Develop adaptive stormwater management practices such as promoting natural buffers and adequate culvert sizing. Present cost statistics in formats that can be shared with colleagues, elected officials, and the public. The two most well-known physiological adaptations are hibernation and estivation [ 2 ]. A company may choose one or more of these strategies depending on the policies it decides to pursue. Consult haulers, owners, and operators of waste management facilities, including reuse and recycling facilities, and other entities. Photo by Tdorant10 via. Pay attention to the diversity, composition, connectivity, and equitable distribution of green spaces across the community. The types of adaptations are categorized by observable or measurable means, but genetic change is at the basis of all adaptations. Develop and implement energy plans that reduce emissions in government facilities and vehicle. Adopt more stringent policies Adopt more stringent policies such as stormwater fees and requirements for developers to manage water onsite to the maximum extent feasible. Trade-ins can also be used by the marketing executive to discount the products list price. Some examples of adaptation practices include: What are (some) environmental selection and adaptation strategies? Publicize a list of "certified or qualified" green infrastructure contractors and engineers. Adaptations are features that improve an organism's chances of survival. Structural features In all work with individuals and community groups, be sensitive to hot button topics that may distract from the purpose of the conversation and the issues that the work intends to address. Click 'Start Quiz' to begin! Select and recommend tree plantings based on native species listed as appropriate for anticipated climatic changes. Implement adaptation and resilience actions and strategies from the resilience and sustainability plans. noncumulative and cumulative. Mine existing data sources to ensure that decisions are based on the best available data. Establishing infrastructure for bicycles (e.g. Choosing renewable energy over fossil fuel and improving energy efficiency. Find ways that the state or county can provide incentives to Incorporate green infrastructure and Low Impact Development into existing plans. The following points highlight the top nine strategies of adaptation in animals. Establish appropriate food prices for all income levels. An energy code is a portion of the building code that relates to energy usage and conservation requirements and standards. Plan for multiple transportation options to function all the time, and especially when extreme weather or other unexpected events or long-term community stressors occur. There will likely never be a tool to predict storm events with precision. Consider how current design standards are formulated a starting point to the discussion Rather than starting a conversation with a discussion of climate change projections, understand the current design standard for stormwater management. Adopt protections of important zones and critical habitats as the locations of these areas change with climate. It is important to place such a strong emphasis on adaptation because it is important that the demands of the population are met and that countries have the opportunity to develop. As summertime temperatures rise, the rate of ground-level ozone formation, or smog, increases. Offering incentives for the purchase and use of EVs, installing charging stations, and purchasing electric vehicles for government operations will reduce air pollution. Relocating electricity and communication lines from overhead to underground positions will prevent power outages during and after extreme weather events. Bloomington, Indiana Naturalized a Creek Bank to Manage Stormwater and Establish Native Plants, American Cyanamid Superfund Site Reduced Climate Exposure, Blue Plains Wastewater Facility in Washington DC Reinforced its Facility Against Floods, New Jersey Superfund site used flood controls to adapt to higher precipitation levels, Michigan City, IN Reduced Energy Use and Generated Cost Savings from Water Treatment Operation Efficiency Updates, Iowa City, Iowa Removed a Vulnerable Wastewater Treatment Facility, U.S. . Common adaptation strategies are those that are widely used by conservation professionals. What is an adaptation strategy in geography? The Environmental Resilience Institute is developing a list of strategies to help plan for anticipated changes to critical infrastructure. By creating more efficient traffic flow, city transit will become more understandable and ideally reliable, especially in the case of extreme events. An assessment can refer to a number of activities to gather and evaluate information on the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of the invasive species. In addressing future precipitation changes in stormwater management, decision makers may need assistance determining which climate change scenarios to evaluate, where to get appropriate climate data, and assessing whether the climate projections coincide with locally driven concerns. Make sure all entities receive a copy of the relevant portions of the plan when it is completed. Build awareness and knowledge via climate change and stormwater management curriculum On-the-job training and continuing education opportunities, which can help to increase the climate literacy of existing staff and ensure timely application of research designed to address decision-maker needs. Design estuaries with dynamic boundaries and buffers. Also, use educational projects in schools or at community centers as opportunities to disseminate climate change information to the public. Adaptation strategies: Article 4.1 (b) in the UNFCCC establishes the following obligation for signatories: 'Formulate, implement, publish and regularly update national (.) A VI-B project awarded to HPEC by the . Make sure that there are either multiple routes using individual stops and/or that the same route picks up frequently enough at individual stops so that people can reasonably plan for transit throughout the day. Harden shorelines with bulkheads anchored, vertical barriers constructed at the shoreline to block erosion. Photos: Next: Adaptation to Different Climate Hazards. Adopt a habitat connectivity plan or specify habitat connectivity goals and initiatives in a related conservation plan. Incorporating additional subsurface parameters and sampling devices in monitoring plans will gauge the potential for re-suspension of contaminated sediment under more extreme weather/climate scenarios. Assess communications needs, and develop and distribute a complete list of local, state, and federal agency contacts that could be needed before, during, and after an extreme weather event. While development may be deterred when individual communities change local standards independently, potentially negative impacts could be avoided if surrounding municipalities agree to adopt similar policies. Suggest funding organizations incorporate requirements for enhanced financial and impact tracking reporting in project selection. during rainy seasons) will allow some reserves to be collected for times when water is scarce. Conduct an assessment with the assistance of your states department of natural resources, a local university, or local invasive species management group. Identify an existing economic development board or establish a task force of residents, business owners, and industry representatives to evaluate how the climate change vulnerabilities specific to its community will impact the local economy. Provide an expedited review process for renewable energy development. This can be attributed to its ability in control and maintaining of model accuracy. A delay strategy can help to deliver a better decision, if the delay time is used to improve . Penetration Pricing 7. Ensure that the voices of all impacted communities are included in the conversation. Facilitate rooftop farming, vertical farming, and other urban farming practices that can create opportunities for food access in the area instead of relying on importing food. Camouflage 5. Photo: Canva, A garden for an arid environment. More fine-grained policy analyses that recognize this diversity of slum types will help people deal with shocks and increase resilience more effectively. For humans, adaptation aims to moderate or avoid harm, and exploit opportunities; for natural systems, humans may intervene to help adjustment. Identify food deserts parts of a community where it is difficult to find and/or afford good-quality vegetables and other food and develop and enact plans to reduce them. Adaptation strategy type Notes; Use of risk-based policy and project appraisal process and techniques: Proactive. It can be very effective at both consumer and middleman levels. Use cost planning scenarios that are based on real projects for the state or region. The product of a company may have different versions or sizes. This type of discount is allowed to buyers who buy in bulk volume. Use underground storage systems to detain runoff in underground receptacles. Temperature is one of the decisive environmental factors that is projected to increase by 1. The adaptation strategies linked below offer possible ways to address anticipated climate risks to energy consumption and production. Climate Resilience Toolkit provides useful adaptation planning strategies for communities. Use hydrologic models to project runoff and future water supply. These are two different types of inactivity where the metabolic rate slows down so much that the animal can survive without eating or drinking anything [ 10 ]. What is the adaptation of a text? These menus provide topical lists of adaptation actions that not only help you move from broad ideas to specific actions, but also express the adaptation intent of your actions. EPA published a factsheet that discusses how green infrastructure can be integrated into stormwater permits and provides examples of communities that have done so. Such discounts are offered to intermediaries. 5. Introducing water-efficient agricultural practices. Ensure the multi-hazard mitigation plan addresses emergency response needs during floods, heatwaves, droughts, low-head dam spills, and other climate-related events. A noncumulative quantity discount applies to the number of units purchased in a single transaction at a single point in time. Essentially, not adapting to stop us from reaching this point is critical to the long-term survival of humanity and the other species found on Earth. A cash discount is a reduction in the list price based on the buyers early payment in cash. Transportation options, apart from the typical single-occupancy gasoline or diesel fuel vehicles, include electric public transportation, carpool programs, gasoline or electric car-share, bike-share, a strong sidewalk network, a strong bike lane, and off-road trail network, and robust infrastructure for electric vehicles. Adaptations are the features and strategies which assist organisms in surviving in a particular environment, including by maintaining their internal environment within tolerance limits. The Guide advocates that . Develop a training plan to address training needs for staff and equipment. This information can be used in future planning decisions. Use a retention pond to manage stormwater. Definition Adaptation strategies involve changing the price, promotion and packaging of a product, or even the product itself, in order to fit the needs and preferences of a particular country. Work with developers to lessen tree removal during new construction. Assemble existing data sets with information such as historic land use, planned development, topography, and location of floodplains. Energy efficiency and conservation. 6. Adaptation actionsfor other regionsare also available through theUSDA Forest Service Climate Change Resource Center. New idea or method: something newly invented or a new way of doing things. Assess whether green infrastructure could be included as a control measure in Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). Identify the technology, such as solar and battery storage, locations where they could be installed, and get price estimates. Building one or more earthen structures (such as vegetated berms, vegetated swales, or stormwater ponds) or installing fabricated drainage structures (such as culverts or French drains) at vulnerable locations will prevent stormwater accumulating at higher elevations from reaching a wastewater treatment system and causing damage. Drain or fill back-water pools and swamps where stagnant water accumulates. Participate in existing relevant municipal leagues. Use resources to show historical and future trend lines. This is both a mitigation and adaptation strategy because, as well as aiming to reduce the implications of climate change, it is adapting current circumstances to cope with the struggles of climate change. carbon capture and storage. Replace all public lighting with LEDs through local laws or incentives. Incorporate cost and benefit information into tools (e.g., visualization tools) that can support project planning and assist in communications with multiple audiences. Saving money planning decisions charged to the threats of climate change continues on current. Expected climate vulnerabilities to water quality and ecological benefits PM ) can be! Make the electric grid more resilient for an arid environment types of adaptation strategies quality of.! 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